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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. I would expect to at least see mention of embrittlement as an issue. I don't know anyone here who'd be interested in spending money replicating this, but you should feel free to do so yourself if you think they have something.
  2. Centrosome and Mitochondria are both inherited in humans. Somewhat logically though you'll need preexisting elements of some sort to continue the chain. Still generally nuclear DNA contains the bulk of what we might consider meaningful code. If anything it contains much more information than strictly required for a functioning organism.
  3. That's what it is doing basically yes. If you want to be more precise look at the metric expansion of spacetime. Have to visualize the space or distance between stationary points as growing. That's what is happening between all the superclusters. Can definitely be hard to conceptualize. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expansion_of_the_universe
  4. Yeah, it is just an unnecessary addition. Would definitely be increasingly difficult to remove as the number of cells grows.
  5. 5/3 is infinite yet you'll never find another 1 within it no matter how far along you go. In some sense though everyone may well be said to be preserved in the past.
  6. Do you mean 'off tthe plastic surface'? Does the amount of tape pulled increase as the mass is added? If that was the case, I would say treatment causes adhesion to decrease.
  7. One area can become lower entropy, while entropy overall still increases. Entirely in accordance with the 2nd law. You only need separation of some sort. A cell membrane for example. Genome can use a number of tricks to be informationally dense. Our bodies for instance are space saving modified fractal patterns. Others like how the core code is interpreted can vary based on phenotype, telomere length, etc.
  8. Germline cells and select others have access to telomerase. Allows them to re-lengthen their telomeres and continue replicating indefinitely. The vast majority being 'mortal' via going into senescence is thought to help prevent cancer.
  9. Harv, messaged me over on Discord about this thread: Very relieved to get an answer.
  10. I would say yes, if a heroic sacrifice is unavoidable, they would ask for volunteers. Soldiers and contractors are humans too. Many are single but others have wives and children. Ideally you never reach that point. There are though precautions you can take during debris cleanup. Proper safety equipment and monitoring; rotating people out as needed. In that case it would be a more traditional assignment or job. Were these precautions always taken... not so much... but the principal remains true.
  11. Yeah I was thinking it was in English but haven't found anything that makes sense either, in respect to the existing code.
  12. Can still have the desire to continue your lineage. Historically, based on literary sources, I think men and women merely resigned themselves for the purposes of procreation. Primitive means of introducing sperm could have worked about as well too though. Who you love is a separate matter than the physical act. Eventually I expect it will all be much more high tech without the need for surrogates, donors and outside genetic material.
  13. Has generally been a mix of contractors, military and volunteers from other agencies. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SL-1#Accident_and_response Need an array of skills and a quick response time.
  14. So this hex code was found as an Easter egg in an old game. The original investigator was able to decode part, then the translation messed up as there was an error in the egg itself. I got it further along by adding an 'e' increasing the length and letting the rest of the code translate correctly. I also added another 'e' at the end as I'm assuming the second part for the period was left off as well. Both letters are bolded to make my additions clear. This is what a hex translator gives so far: "Congratulations to the ext��umtif you have gone to the extent of decoding this hex dumpNephaline." Was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to what the error was and what the messed up word or words were supposed to be.
  15. It is a succulent. Oozes a yellow-green sap when broken and has a translucent jelly like core. It does not look at all appetizing, so I too, have not tried it. There are ginormous 'aloe' leaves in stores here now, but I have never seen Aloe Vera grow anywhere near that big locally. Not sure if large form is a hybrid, another aloe type or what. ...and yes, people paying for something they could easily grow locally is further insanity. A weird fad.
  16. Yeah I'll agree with that. I'm sure the memory is also a wee bit tainted by getting out of yet another lecture about running around barefoot. The drink especially with the Sorbitol probably works fine as a low key laxative. If having issues though more a sign of needing a better diet or to take proper laxatives in the meantime.
  17. Definitely topical lol. Really does work well in that respect. Cut my foot badly on glass as a kid and was able to heal the injury using Aloe Vera alone.
  18. I'd throw it out and reconsider drinking topical agents in the future.
  19. Something like eye color is not as cut and dry as you may have been taught in school. Multiple genes actually come into play. This was asking about a blue eyed child of Brown and Green eyed parents but applies to your case as well. https://genetics.thetech.org/ask/ask203 Entirely possible he is your biological father.
  20. It's at the moderators' discretion. You are not realizing how much you don't know. You come off as ignorant on a number of subjects and how Science actually works. Learn to ask questions instead.
  21. CERN does nuclear research. Everyone in the world has random ideas. They're not worth squat by themselves. Whoever puts in the hard work gets the credit. Note: Plagiarism would be to steal your words. Copyright, which you probably meant, does not apply to ideas however.
  22. You have novel tech options too. IVF for more rapid population growth using a colony of only/mainly females to start. Control over oxygen percentage. Can deal with both fires and a some criminal activity that way. Either simply decreasing activity levels or incapacitating people.
  23. In many cases can have people who work remotely from Earth. Only a lag of 4-24 minutes. Then there's always wearing multiple hats. Our ancestors were much less specialized than we are today. Lot more resources available than there might appear. Biggest challenge will be in refining. Early on we'll probably use little more than easy to automate pit mines. Some things like coal would require Earth-like conditions(life, water, tectonics) to occur.
  24. If it doesn't have enough velocity to continue on past, matter ends up in orbit. Eventually via losing/gaining energy via collisions it either passes the event horizon or is ejected. Black holes are basically normal outside of their event horizon. You can treat them like any other star gravitationally. Still a monstrous amount of mass in a relatively small volume though. You're velocity causes you to orbit around the sun. If you could slow down, via a force in the opposite direction, you would fall into it.
  25. I only saw a paper stating there was an issue in a study of chlorine washed Spinach specifically. https://mbio.asm.org/content/9/2/e00540-18.full Another paper mentioned that washing methods for vegetables are generally less effective though. For plants, at least we know people must have been sloppy about cross contamination. More an obvious point of failure there. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016579 Looking into the background on the first paper, apparently using a chlorine wash on veggies still done in the UK and much of the EU. Is there a reason why production from factory farms is not simply banned outright? Can't help but feel like EU is beating around the bushes here using a defacto ban rather than an actual one. Technically there need be no issue with exporting. *Note to self: Avoid produce that won't be further prepared, ready to eat foods and anything at all from a deli.
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