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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Thing is computers could and to an extent already do, make works of art and literature too. If goods have any cost, we will still need jobs of some sort or general system of payments from the gov. I think sheer physical law prevents true post scarcity, though most everything may be much less scarce.
  2. Older religious sources provide much more believable spans, about a week plus or minus. Provided we're only talking about the localised flooding of various river valley civilizations this is fairly reasonable.
  3. That's the idea behind lightning rods. Very common where I'm at in Florida. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning_rod Note it is based on charge density. Earth has a charge itself wanting to meet up. You can transfer electricity wirelessly but the more you try and transfer the larger the costs. Round is ideal for storing. Can see this in a Van de Graff generator. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_de_Graaff_generator
  4. Not sure if Mars has enough atmosphere for that. Nitrogen is in short supply there as well.
  5. I know sometimes I want to continue the debate too, but it was turning into yet another, "I have made this great invention/discovery but don't want to discuss details" threads. :/ In contrast there's a similar PMM thread that is still going. That poster at least provided enough material on the design for extended discussion.
  6. People bring it into other parts of the forum otherwise. More of a safety valve. Occasionally do have good discussions there of the historicity of various religious figures and events. That's something Science can definitely weigh in on. Religion in general is about 'having faith'. Central tenets are slow if ever to change. In contrast you don't simply accept things in Science and even the most cherished model of how things work would be thrown out in a heartbeat if new evidence arises. You may want to consider the 10-15% rate of spontaneous abortions. You can still be morally against it, but pays to know all the facts. Likewise good to consider extreme cases when you might deem it acceptable and if denying other's that option is more or less moral.
  7. VR makes use of your existing hardware. They do have bionic vision working now(has been a few years) but does require surgery, either on the brain or the eye. I can't see any case where it'll be as simple as slipping on a helmet. Some sort of simulated experience seems doable though if enough data could be safely fed in externally. Probably use an omnidirectional treadmill or harness rather than paralyzing people. Muscles and ironically nerves would be a pain to do without much gain. Safer too obviously.
  8. You can't perfectly insulate or reflect like that. Just to note, heat from the Earth's core does slough off into the oceans.
  9. Top is unfillled for monovalent. Easy route for electrons. You need gaps forming and then multiple electrons changing positions in the valent band for holes.
  10. There's longer lasting ones that occur naturally. They've made progress with ball lightning fairl recently. https://www.livescience.com/61946-ball-lightning-quantum-particle.html
  11. Plasma based is the most realistic way(for energy weapon). I think handheld weapons are doable if power storage improves. Hot, Ionized, Gas. What's not to love? Since they are a gas, can even follow people for a ways. Magnets don't really push electricity out. Relative motion between a magnet and conductor can generate power though.
  12. They can reach incorrect conclusions based on inputs provided. I don't see that as being the real issue with achieving GAI. Brain is massively more interconnected than chips at present.
  13. Most of the study of black holes has been like that. The mass they take in contributes to the size of their horizon, so you'd still need to account for it in some sense. Incidentally hawking radiation / present temperature of the Universe, also limits us in terms of using smaller black holes for power generation. Not sure that wasn't an artist rendering. They're trying though. https://www.sciencealert.com/black-hole-event-horizon-accretion-disc-jean-pierre-luminet-event-horizon-telescope
  14. Strictly speaking it is gone, but will effectively come back in the form of Hawking radiation as the Universe further cools/becomes less dense. Conceivably with expansion though one could get away with not simulating everything all at once. There is that.
  15. Yes, they do mention further down how the physics might be entirely different than what we see at our level. It is impossible to disprove, though you can set some limits on what might be possible based on various assumptions. In this case they're assuming that the next level up doesn't have an arbitrarily large number of atoms with physical laws to support that.
  16. Simulations are in some fashion physically present in the 'larger' Universe. The underlying physics of our reality would ultimately be the same as theirs.
  17. It was nonbinding though. Seems reasonable to guage people's opinions once more in light of everything that has come out since then. I wish you guys luck.
  18. Endy0816

    Shamima Begum

    Have a trial and if judged necessary, swap their citizenship to that of a willing remote host nation. They're neither left Stateless nor your citizen anymore. In one sense worse than the death penalty, so would need substantial checks against abuse. I'm not sure she'd even do much time. UK has a wanted list. Clearly people can fall off the radar.
  19. Endy0816

    Shamima Begum

    Have to set precedent at some point. Think I'd rather a mini-trial setup though. Should toxic individuals be allowed back in? Should people be allowed to fight against their civilization and then come running back to it when things get tough? Even prison might be considered too good.
  20. Endy0816

    Shamima Begum

    She was less than 1 yr out. I think fair to say people leaving to aid stateless actors is complex enough legally to require the law to flex in response.
  21. Endy0816

    Shamima Begum

    They traveled there willingly, stealing from family to finance it. I think that's the main issue in terms of trying to have sympathy. They placed themselves in this situation.
  22. Anything with mass can only reach a fraction of c.
  23. Not really. Brain is the problem. Complex network of a number of cells. Can clone people easily enough. But only your genes that are continuing.
  24. Because we all like living and it is fairly preventable and treatable now. A number of animal reservoirs exist.
  25. That is their provider's info. You can try sending an email to abuse@idola.net.id though. https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapid=28321420
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