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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. We're an invasive species that doesn't like other species doing the same and harming us, species we are familiar with or species we derive bennefit from. Can stymie both natural and unnatural changes in populations. Not sure what a better stance would be to take. Do we uninvolve ourselves from the wider ecosystem or do we let invasive's take over the planet? ...and for many species we are not that good at control in the first place. Nature laughs at our efforts at times.
  2. Finally got voice control working for my lights. Feel stupidly happy about the whole thing.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raider5678


      I might look into it. Yeah, one handy thing about having worked in two different trades(carpenter and electrician) is that I'm pretty comfortable with fixing anything around my house that needs fixed, or simply updating it. Rebuilt my entire rotten porch over the summer.

    3. Endy0816


      Nice!  Wish I had your skillset. I can do small projects but would love to have the confidence to tackle something bigger.

    4. Raider5678


      Yeah, it's quite nice. Honestly, it's the little pieces of knowledge that help the most. Everything else you can look up.

  3. Not sure what would happen to the adsorbent when you go and apply heat to release the propane. Personally I am more familiar with the use of adsorbents in air purification. You'd probably want to look at cost and lifespan to see how they might stack up.
  4. Ugh just tricky citing multiple links on mobile. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/23441611/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/18815148/ http://www.nobleresearch.org/Doi/10.14312/2052-4994.2013-29 Main thing is you're taking something out rather than trying to introduce anything new. Basically capitalizes on the fact that the cancerous cell is already 'malfunctioning'.
  5. I have read some studies where it has been used, with apparently decent results, in conjunction with standard treatment. Would really hope to see more of those before coming to any firm conclusions though.
  6. Trying to turn this wine crate into a bookshelf. I am having trouble figuring out what type/size hinge is needed. Ideally want the crate lid to be appear as it would have originally when closed. Any help or suggestions is appreciated.
  7. Strictly speaking though sufficient negative mass would solve both problems. Should note only described as a mercury-like substance. Gallium is mercury-like and far safer.
  8. LPG's low boiling point is the main problem. Requires that pressure to keep it a liquid. If it boils and if your tank doesn't/can't deal with the pressure increase, the tank ruptures. Then LPG can have it's fun filled playdate with Oxygen.
  9. Thanks guys. With these bulbs I can cycle colors/saturation or switch them to a dim-able white. Not sure how all that would factor into color temperature. Besides reds and blues, do the others offer any benefits? Like the idea of mixing in the cyberpunk aesthetic but for interiors you only ever see blue lighting (used liberally of course). lol, must have been an interesting balancing act.
  10. Been working on smartening up my place and trying to get ideas on lighting. I feel using blue light for mornings has been helpful, not sure about other times though. Trying to be as scientific about it as possible.
  11. How normal have your guy's winters been in the UK? I can see some stuff online but don't have a good feel as to historical patterns there.
  12. I'm thinking it'll go further along the farmer as a remote manager route. I've seen VR(fields/equipment) used by schools not sure how useful it'd be on the job. It'll really depend on the nature of the work as to how useful VR is in general. Networking, collaboration and training seem to be the best use cases for it at present.
  13. You guys are kind of ecomomically crazy to use VAT the first place. Besides suggesting to go back to sales tax can't help you there. Businesses can still be required to keep records. On the customer side you can make it optional though or move to digital receipts. If all everyone is doing is scanning and emailing them anyways it just makes sense to save a couple steps. If you don't use cash then you have that transaction record too.
  14. Yeah, we have this and ability to opt out here at many places. Sometimes you'll want to have some kind of record for yourself. You don't really need or necessarily want this to be a paper copy though. Would be nice if the process could be streamlined.
  15. That's a global average I'm afraid. We've been smashing record highs each year locally but barely budging the average.
  16. Sensor accuracy could be a confounding factor. I wouldn't sweat it if they're within 1 degree or psi or so of what you want.
  17. There's valid reasons one might do so though. Aesthetics or to better appreciate nature.
  18. You are still restricting them in some fashion though. Same concept as a tank(paludarium really). One with different bioluminescent and fluorescent species would be particularly fascinating. ...and the picture above is of a natural species of frog. No ethical issues on that front.
  19. Yeah this is just the frog they found that does so. We can still debate the broader issues. As for the frog itself, we're good.
  20. This little guy was actually found to naturally fluoresce since this thread started. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polka-dot_tree_frog And would not naturally show up like this. I think even most of our GM critters wouldn't. Black light requirement, be easy enough to provide for a pet enclosure though.
  21. It is interesting how the cost is coming down, as for a fluorescent frog though evolution actually beat us to the punch. https://www.nature.com/news/first-fluorescent-frog-found-1.21616 Ironically ran across one Dendro Dave over on dendroboard.com/forum while trying to figure out how importing them might work. The Thought Emporium does a number of 'home' experiments along these lines. It is still almost painful watching the steps needed(and additional expenses necessary) just to have a chance at success.
  22. Well the zero comes from b ANDed with NOT b. Not seeing how they cancel out the bb in abbc. Would think one should be left.
  23. Depends on the immune response.
  24. Ugh sizing smart bulbs is tough. Have to send back everything and try again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Endy0816


      What's 0.35 mm between friends?

      Was half seriously debating about rigging something up. Wouldn't have been pretty but whole lot less aggravation.

      Figured out autostarting the computer, so at least accomplished something of the overall project. Still felt like a fool trying to fit a too small sized bulb though.

    3. StringJunky


      It's the difference between a bit fitting and not.

    4. Endy0816


      No, I know. A world of Precision Engineering these days.

  25. @OP: You could reverse this logic and apply it to yourself instead to good effect.
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