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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. When I can rub a few more brain cells together I'll take a look at the above. Discrete mathematics could possibly cover this. You see 'jumps' between numbers rather than what we're used to. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_mathematics
  2. Remember a time when robots were bound by three laws? Skynet remembers.
  3. I've made it, but not sure how you would 'prove' that in an academic setting. Can kind of just assume based on the small amount of cellulose material in compared with the large amount out. Looking at papers on the subject might help. Could possibly differentiate it using a microscope. Sorry couldn't be more help but good luck with your project!
  4. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_(computer_architecture) Guessing based on the article linked below, the words are the 150 base long sequences https://spectrum.ieee.org/the-human-os/biomedical/devices/dna-data-storage-gets-random-access Not sure about reading it back. Sounds like that is still being worked on.
  5. We don't provide straight answers. Look at Truth tables and consider what AND, OR, etc mean. I have a light that requires switch A AND switch B to be flipped on, before it turns on. so its only on when A AND B are On but Off all other times.
  6. I think a a dike or Levee bursting might do it.
  7. Length contraction actually works. Time is inverse so division by zero results. I do try and preface any statements. You can say mathematically or tends towards.
  8. The climate doesn't normally do that at the end there... We're already seeing the effects. Islands are disappearing. Short/Late winters, regular droughts, more northern hurricanes and brutal summers. What kind of sign are you waiting for?
  9. Looks like Green Lacewing eggs. http://www.thesurvivalgardener.com/beneficials-in-action/
  10. What about a pet barrier instead?
  11. I switched to using glass for longer term storage. Still has a plastic lid but is the pull off type.
  12. There's CO2 electrolysis too now(CO and O2). We are going to need that sweet sweet iron too though. That's the one good thing surfaces of these bodies are undepleted. Would surface area make a difference for this? Was mention of moon dust smelling once in our moister air. Wondered if could be made useful.
  13. I'm thinking O2 production and storage will be the norm(from various sources). But yeah, thinking more on it unsure if we'd ever not be better off just using electrolysis to do double duty. Water will be an issue on most planets/moons but maybe down the line once immediate concerns are taken care of. Just a ton of basalt sitting out there and more options are always better.
  14. Okay, interesting. Did notice they were slimmed down in terms of some of their code.
  15. Rickettsia is the main one and nearest relative of the mitochondria. Still making itself at home within cells to this day. May want to look at Paulinella Chromatophora too. Relatively recently took in a cyanobacteria.
  16. Ah, okay thanks! Was thinking might be useful during space colonization efforts using basalt readily available on the surface.
  17. How would this stack up against electrolysis?
  18. We've spotted Hydrogen attracted to it, like water droplets on a web. Real enough just have to be clever in how we observe it.
  19. Can you elaborate a bit on what you mean by environmental conditions? Most probably exist(ed) as intracellular parasites before taking up permanent residence.
  20. Yeah we didn't really use our MSDS binder as often as we probably could have. It was on the bulky side but... Generally relied on manuals and procedures instead.
  21. Huh. Would see this cleaning up monoethanolamine around the CO2 Scrubers. Always wondered why it ended up brown. +1
  22. @Dimreepr: Ah didn't see all your earlier post. Yeah, still a concern today in different industries(and vessels). Have to keep it from building up and I think there's fine filters available. Not really stealthy and still need something to cause a deliberate spark. Mostly mean metal when talking about pressure vessels. Fun fact: Flour explosion appears in Monstrous Regiment by Terry Prachett.
  23. Are you talking about flour and dust?
  24. Thefts or unusual purchases of sensors, potential explosives and pressure vessels. Stuff like R12, able to be turned into toxic phosgene gas, which you might find in older appliances and cooling systems.
  25. I would actually say numerous professions and hobbyists have the basic knowledge necessary. We're surrounded by potential IED components. Only good solution, IMO, is if everyone knows what to watch out for. ...and we can't really go around deleting files. Practical, legal snd moral issues involved there.
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