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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Does make one ponder free will. Like what you say about it being a voluntary placebo. Good way to put it.
  2. I've been using hypnotherapy apps for a bit as a sleep aid and occasionally for self improvement. I can't speak for efficiency but do find myself recalling and often using suggestions from the recordings the following days. See some bits on top down and bottom up processing in psychology, not sure whether that says anything on hypnosis though.
  3. You do need some knowledge in order to know what to watch out for. Was a memorable post on Reddit where several posters were giving police a ration of crap for arresting a man storing, among other bomb making supplies and materials, his own piss... which can be turned into an explosive(Urea Nitrate).
  4. Well dark matter is detectable via gravity. Hydrogen attracted to it even causes webs to show up. You get division by zero at c. Mathematically any distance shrinks to nothing too.
  5. Its similar to absolute zero in Farenheit and Celcius. They end up with essentially arbitrary values for their lower limits due to how the scales were set up in the first place. You see length contracting towards zero as you approach c. Again a zero and a corresponding limit.
  6. We kind of do: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_hair_color#Gray_and_white_hair Largely a result of genetics, so normal to occur. May be to signal maturity or just part of regular aging.
  7. The moon and others only have remnants of one. Geodynamo is what gives us ours. We only have the magnetic poles to worry about.
  8. I honestly feel he's hyping things. We don't know what we don't know about the radiation and we don't have a good solution for dealing with it yet. Of secondary concern is making sure equipment will work as expected. Beyond accidental oversights we also see phenomenon out there that we don't see on Earth. Levitating moon dust for instance. Might be okay. Might clog or disable something important. The various levels of gravity encountered will likewise pose immediate and longterm problrms. Maybe a well followed regimen and various machines could help but nobody really knows.
  9. Think this is actually where I've heard of this from before, in the context of tapping fiberoptic cables.
  10. You have to think in terms of selecting for what you want and the process takes many generations. You would not see anything noticeable in your own lifetime. You may want to look at genetic engineering instead. Honestly soon we'll be seeing exoskeletons regularly. Shortcut to being stronger. We actually have as many hair follicles as they do. Our hair is much finer though.
  11. Yeah, Colombia '.co' is a popular one due to how close it is to Commercial '.com'. Big sites tend to scoop up their .co versions to head off any problems. ie. www.google.co
  12. There is SIV found amongst our simian relatives. Mutated over a great deal of time. Somewhat unsurprisingly striking less developed countries harder.
  13. May just check IPs. Might be an idea to ban a dummy account to test.
  14. Yeah, they're still trying to determine the health impact of microchimerism. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fetal-cells-microchimerism/ Some good, some bad. Does mess with our ideas of what makes us ourselves.
  15. This talks a bit about Proxima Centauri. https://www.skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-news/proxima-centauri-sun-like-cycle-1110201623/
  16. The second law applies to Isolated systems, not open ones like the Earth and every lifeform ever. I honestly don't think life is that improbable, but we are living in a ridiculously vast Universe. I would never say an improbability has to happen, but lot more to actually occur likely given a stupid number of chances.
  17. lol, there is actually. Reality Hacker for the Android. Can apply various filters in real time. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.visor.visionhacker&hl=en_US It was still pretty faint but could identify a wet area via Inverted Sorbel Edge. There's different options including color filters though.
  18. FEMA or state may do something to help with the lost food. Glad that you and yours made it through safely
  19. I do not know what picture you are referring to, but you can not see a surface. There is an accretion disc and polar jets but all that is outside of the Event Horizon.
  20. Second Web Still being developed but web pages can function as Apps too.
  21. Long digesting. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-alerts/america-to-buzz-as-phones-get-presidential-alert-test-wednesday-idUSKCN1MC2R0
  22. His days are really long and he was really sure of his Angel's flaming sword skill?
  23. I'd say snake was telling the truth about being 'like' God. Maybe they were just prevented from dying beforehand but were not actually immortal(Tree of Life). Perhaps God was just saying they'd die someday down the road if kicked out. Personally think it makes a better allegory than anything else. Development of cultural norms and awareness of our own mortality coming with increasing intelligence. Just my own idle thoughts though.
  24. That bit about the light isn't true. Isn't really limiting though as the Blueprint is already there. All your cells(with DNA) share basically the same DNA. Main challenge is in resetting the cell so it can essentially function like a freshly fertilized egg would. Adult stem cells probably are the best route to go being closer to what is needed.
  25. There's quite a few actually. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_birds_of_Austria#Falcons
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