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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Could do something like the cost of living allowance military has.
  2. Small motor could work. Look something like an old fashioned loom updated to allow spacing to change at a push of a button. Increase the dimensions and light will pass through easily. I'd really look into the photochromic dyes though. Change color in the sun like you are asking. Are a bit pricey but probably the simplest option.
  3. There's photochromic pigments that might work. Ex. Blue Kind of cool, I have some project ideas for them myself Best shot without something mechanical going on; changing thread spacing or releasing a gas between two layers.
  4. I think Tesla's prolonged hotel stays and business troubles made him go broke. Some of his ideas he was trying to make money off of, weren't especially practical on the whole. People have claimed various world leaders to be the antichrist many many times now. The Earth is still here. It'll get a bit chillly after awhile but we have a long time yet. The other galaxies are at about the same stage as us. People including the Emperor of Rome, assembled the Bible to their liking. Keep that in mind.
  5. You can dynamically change cell color based on its value(which will depend on the free tables for the day selected). https://www.ablebits.com/office-addins-blog/2013/10/18/change-background-color-excel-based-on-cell-value/#change-background-dynamically So when the user clicks on March 3rd, Excel checks who is off that day, then using another table with seat assignments, changes the correct desks' cell value and thus their color.
  6. Should confess I deal with Cabbies and UberLyft daily at work and I am profoundly ill disposed to the setup the cabs have. They pay $50 per vehicle to park on property, but take up valuable space we could definitely use for guests loading and unloading. I'm friendly with a number but find many cabbies to be arrogant. Like Joe Blow, can't act professional, keep their car clean and follow GPS instructions. Not that taxing. They have their own taxicab attendant to prevent graft(who is given the passenger) from occuring, but obviously an impartial app could do the same without yet another cost imposed. In contrast UberLyft is a little ray of sunshine. They come in, earnestly trying to show me their drivers license, pickup or drop off folks and are as polite as you could ask for the whole time. Much more inclined to be positivly disposed to them and the companies. I normally see the same Uber driver handle 4-5 groups in the same time as a Cab might handle 1. Those numbers suggest they'll just be outcompetted one way or another. Imposing on friends and family because fares are insane is not an alternative I want to go back to. I'm sure cabs will continue to have some kind of niche though.
  7. The taxicab companies have something of a hiring monopoly and take advantage of their workers. www.forbes.com/sites/marcwebertobias/2011/11/18/how-taxi-companies-rip-off-their-drivers/ Its basically the same situation for the drivers, UberLyft or Cabbie, but the cab companies are profiting on both ends. With UberLyft you already own the vehicle(vs renting or being lucky enough to buy a taxi) and can do many repairs yourself, saving on those labor costs. Some cab drivers are considered private contractors as well. With Uber you can more easily earn or rely on benefits from elsewhere. Retiree, college student, someone working Uber for extra income, etc. Take home earnings look to be about even roughly. Factor in taxi upkeep or rental costs, gas, any individual insurance costs and the company's more generous cut. Monopolies deserve to be broken, that's my philosophy anyways. They do it to themselves. Not like UberLyft came into existance in a vacuum.
  8. I read temperature can effect the taste of water. That might be part of it.
  9. Well you can actually make a full time job out of it, many(some former cabbies) driving for 2 at once and killing iit with volume. More peolple overall can afford a cheaper fare than would be able to afford a pricey fare. So the pot grows, and most faces stay the same, even if the cab companies themselves see reduced profits. Its only temporary anyways. We're past driving being a purely human affair, but not yet at it being entirely automated. We will be better off once we automate all we can and get everyone into good fulfilling work. The broad fields of Entertainment/Art, the Sciences and Human Interaction.
  10. You are saying people with the extra capacity should be restricted from working, in favor of incumbents. Mostly that just isn't logical and notably increases cost. Yeah, that's what I like about Amazon, they serm to be trying to improve things.
  11. It goes back to one of your earlier points but both Atmospheric and seawater pressure could change.
  12. The stationary observer and the ships will not agree on those distances. Distance is contracted in the direction of motion, while our stationary observer is not going anywhere. Be at the maximum for one and a lesser value for the other two.
  13. Seeing it all over outside the EU too :| Remonds me of the California Carcinogen warning(for better or worse). Effects every single state though only required by one.
  14. May have been a chondite. Different composition and actually more common. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chondrite
  15. Not seeing much in the way of scientific/medical knowledge at this time to answer your question. https://www.curlcentric.com/rice-water-for-hair/
  16. Space in the Universe could loop back on itself. There would be a finite volume but no center to it.
  17. Infinity doesn't really come up all that often on a practical level. Note things become granular when studied sufficiently close up in reality.
  18. One of the log rules will let you get x alone on one side. LogB(BA) = A #6 here https://www.chilimath.com/lessons/advanced-algebra/logarithm-rules/ I remember always having trouble with these sorts of problems of myself. You are not alone.
  19. Might be possible to diy. Aluminum, plastic and lacquer, maybe substituting resin for the last two.
  20. Its the credit card companies and banks selling it mostly, though even brick and mortars sell what info they can. Many offer loyalty cards to help with the cash transaction issue.
  21. The 'reality' is that all seperation, distances and times, can only be said to be greater than zero, not one specific value. There's no conflict if one person measures it as X and the other as Y. That's reality asserting itself, not the other way around.
  22. Most places sell purchase history. Amazon has something of an advantage but not a huge one there. They try to sell me things and not an agenda, so not real concerned myself. I think things will probably end up split between Alibaba and Amazon. Hard to say yet but we do tend towards twos. I do see 3d print shops taking off though. Individualized products on demand. Already seeing more custom print, wraps, etc. shops.
  23. Accelerating expansion of the Universe. If the distance between galaxies* only ever doubled per second then you have a nice, constant rate. But if it starts off being multiplied by 2, then 4, then 16, you have an accelerating rate. Basically galaxies* = stationary distance between them all = increasingly increasing *Note superclusters is more accurate. See Andromeda.
  24. Thanks means alot from you.
  25. In relation to NYC then.
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