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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Kind of. You can't reach it, but as you(or something else) approaches the speed of light(c), the time dilation/length contraction effect will become increasingly apparent.
  2. Looks cool. Curiously I can't find anything similar online anywhere.
  3. Bus and online work are options. mturk.com you can make a little something, surveys ditto.
  4. This is what the equation looks like for minimum density. (c^2) / 2G = M/r In your link they do mention the Schwarzchild radius.
  5. Lung is good at gas exchange now, it wasn't originally. If we imagine there are hard divisions between systems, then we might say as it evolved it later fell under the circulatory system.
  6. Its that cheaply part A pressurized cylinder would work for storing liquid CO2 and you can get dry ice from the cooling provided by the expansion of the liquid(basically have a CO2 fire extinguisher). May want to price out other options depending on how often you need it. Dry ice machine or buying straight liquid nitrogen(if you don't need it too often).
  7. Did not care for the salted recipe cold. I'm guessing it was probably drunk warm, if not hot, so I'm going to try that next. Thinking something either carried along or made while resting.
  8. You pay 0.0002, probably a bit more if there are any fees. It can go down to 8 decimal places at the moment.
  9. Sorry, but gain-of-function research never fell under the ban in the first place. The only change is that NIH funds can be used again. https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/who-we-are/nih-director/statements/nih-lifts-funding-pause-gain-function-research
  10. NIH funding of research. It has only been 3 years. There were understandable safety concerns that, as long as you are going for funding from the NIH, you'll have to address now. You may not feel the knowledge of potential diseases is worth the risk of misuse, but you probably at least want some oversight if they are going for government funds.
  11. I think he's talking about how you are not looking at the gastrointestinal tract too. At work now, but saw a reference earlier mention the lungs started as an offshoot of that.
  12. It hasn't been repealed...
  13. There's more safeguards and formalized review, so studies are able to be funded again. https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/who-we-are/nih-director/statements/nih-lifts-funding-pause-gain-function-research
  14. Would have to modify almost everything. Only built to work within a temperature range. Likewise can't swap out refrigerants like that. Even similar ones require almost a total overhaul. @OP: Now are you actually wanting to store CO2 or to acheive -110 degree temperatures?
  15. I'm reading either ~$10-15 per square cm or inch. On the plus side you could have windows more expensive than many homes.
  16. We normally fuse hydrogen isotopes for our neutrons. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_generator Neutrons can be captured by atoms, stabilizing them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_capture I was thinking that too. I wonder what they would make of picosecond half-lives.
  17. There's production too. We basically have an unlimited number.
  18. Aluminium oxynitride is probably closest. http://www.surmet.com/technology/alon-optical-ceramics/ Very mysterious origins, something about a Professor Scott and an exchange for plexiglass.
  19. Maybe look on Alibaba? Should be able to find wholesale and large lot prices there.
  20. Looks like it may have been a case of increasing specialization of the pre-lung/swimbladder. Rather than one directly evolving into the other. https://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/fishtree_09
  21. Might be able to do something based on depth/pressure. Newer subs may even have that now. Only issue would be if there is anything above(Greenville). There is Emergency Air. I would say normally it'd take alot to incapacitate everyone near the Chicken Switch. San Fran did almost have that occur though having suffered multiple crew injuries(seamount collision). Could've been worse. You could have been a football player touring. Was the most ridiculous thing ever. They were pretty ecstatic, but definitely had to crouch and walk down the passageway sideways at times. Captain right, Jeff Hartings and John Abrams left. Serious have seen guys deck themselves on those pipes. Hopefully you had fun though. They are cool. I do hope they find out what happened. Normally they always do but may take awhile.
  22. Depends on whether only some of your cells are changed or all of your cells. Some can migrate to your mother, so that's one option.
  23. Even if the speed of light varied, the numerical value of c wouldn't actually change in the metric system. But, yeah, for the time being the Kilogram's definition is still tied to a chunk of metal.
  24. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Measurement_of_a_Circle He didn't give it a name though.
  25. Sad, hopefully they'll find something. Subs are used more for intelligence gathering, operating as a part of a carrier group or remaining on standby with the Nukes now. Do still rig for Ultra Quiet on occasion. About the same procedure used for night. Turn off the lights in Control, dim others nearby. Only big difference if you are not on shift(6 hours) you should be in your rack. Sleep, read, play on your devices; fond memories. It's mostly smaller guys actually. Physical fitness standards + narrow passage ways and overhead pipes. We generally try and train not to panic though. Rapid response is more useful. Most emergencies are time critical. Yeah, probably was beyond crush depth for that sub. If I recall correctly, subs used to do that on occasion if it was shallow enough. Think some ended up stuck or damaged as a result, so they moved away from it. They do seem to be looking at the batteries as a primary cause now. Know that it wouldn't have helped matters if something else happened too though. Hydrodynamic lift and pumping water are both tied to having power. Pressurized air backups for both but if one of them wasn't working as well could end up going down.
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