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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Light can enter at an angle. A pinhole camera is an easy way to see this.
  2. Endy0816


    I would say no. Muscle mass is based on need. Something better would be the changing size of the brain or perhaps the evolution that occured in response to increased population size and density.
  3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intrinsically_photosensitive_retinal_ganglion_cells Yeah, both my phone and computer have a filter these days. Is odd seeing it shift though.
  4. I wish I felt drills were effective, but many of the major incidents are a result of one-off events. Honestly, underway is very relaxed. Lot of downtime. Did miss seeing the Sun and being able to readily communicate. Not sure on sound profiles. Feel bad for the sailors either way. Hopefully investigation can give families closure.
  5. They're normally safe from most threats. When things do go wrong you can easily lose the whole crew though. Probably was like Swansont said, another event coming right after. There's seperate compartments, tanks and several peices of equipment that don't care for seawater. I was thinking seawater density variations, sea floor and sea mounts might be a possibility as well.
  6. Can you show the math for why you think this?
  7. Do crystals growing, breaking apart and regrowing; also require a deity? Honestly, even having basically an infinite number of chances could have been enough by itself. Have the feeling odds are not really all that low though.
  8. Which font is it? What happens in a new file if you try and use that font?
  9. Isn't all in English. Kind of thinking Tagalog language of the Philippines. Not sure. Probably better to ask what acids could be used.
  10. You can't get out once you pass the event horizon. There's only inward from any direction you enter. Other side is simply around it though. Most are massive but not big at all compared to something like a Galaxy.
  11. We do laws on the books now as a result. Mostly involves tracking large purchases though. DHS is working on additional regulations as well. https://www.dhs.gov/ammonium-nitrate-security-program-notice-proposed-rulemaking
  12. Endy0816


    Thanks guys. Yeah, not the easiest thing to put into words. Sometimes just need to see what the light itself is doing.
  13. Endy0816


    This might help: Like Swansont is suggesting need to consider the convex lens and cornea of the eye. If you have a magnifying glass or a farsighted friend, you can see the image flip for yourself.
  14. They talk about the coincidence and the fact that the value is not equal to Pi, on the Kepler Triangle page. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler_triangle
  15. Will it isn't, so... We changed the meter's length and got c to be an exact value in the bargain. Not too shabby.
  16. You'll want something designed for mountaineering. This link talks about several and potential issues: https://www.alanarnette.com/blog/2013/08/19/oxygen-on-everest-reviewing-the-options/amp/#ampshare=http://www.alanarnette.com/blog/2013/08/19/oxygen-on-everest-reviewing-the-options/ Various types out there. Some are small recreational tanks others are bulky shoulder tanks. Really depends on the type of trek.
  17. Nuclear power is the same thing stretched over a hopefully longer period of time.
  18. c takes on an exact value in metric only because of how the meter is defined in terms of it. 1 m = 299,792,458 m/s * 1s/299,792,458 In other systems it only has an approximate value.
  19. Cold pack might be something else. All I can think of.
  20. Might be a diode in the circuit.
  21. Problem is we know the synaptic connections play a role. Was a cool movie though.
  22. His ideas were just nonsensical. Ignored Engineering knowledge as much as anything else. Water can do work for you, but no evidence of the aquaducts, springs or pumping systems needed. Fact that it is on a plateau not helping matters. Was himming and hawing over posting the news link myself, knowing likely result.
  23. Little do people realize we are all merely inside the greatest of the relieving chambers... Building chambers up in a pyramid was new for them. There was a fair bit of wasted labor in other areas. More wouldn't surprise me.
  24. Binocular Fusion. http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095506642 You have two seperate cameras you are using with some overlap. Something like a Venn Diagram. More apparent if you cross your eyes. The accepted theory is that the brain learns what is unchanging(nose) and filters that out for you. Not sure I totally agree, but brain definitely filters using some methodology. I'd recommend thinking in terms of photons instead. There's a metric crap ton, going every which way, but they are not all reaching your retinas.
  25. Probably more relieving chambers. Several of the other chambers were sealed off once too. We've found some construction info, tools and evidence of design changes, but no Indiana Jones treasure troves. Egypt did have their own crisis which only quieted down a couple years ago. Understandable that work took a bit to resume.
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