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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. A strong foundation in robotics. We have artificial limbs and faces now. Can't recall if I've ever seen someone put them all together before though.
  2. I suspect he would have had a tough time winning over conservative leaning moderates. Its past anyways. The question now is who leads the charge down the line or if Trump will be impeached before hand.
  3. I don't drink often but I drink like a sailor when I do Mostly find the idea of a once popular drink lost to history fascinating. Was also thinking to gain some of the health benefits of acetic acid consumption. There's the fermented milk and tea drinks that have it but come with some risk if making them at home. With Posca you don't have that problem. Haven't gotten up the nerve to try the salt recipes yet, but have had the sweet recipe a few times now. Tastes better hot. Almost like a cider but oddly citrusy.
  4. Interestingly the method they used relies on muons as well. In a sense ties in relativity with the exploration of the pyramids. I do wish we could do some drilling and poke about. Really need something non-destructive though.
  5. It wouldn't have been so bad, had the planners been better. Market only wants supply and demand to meet. It really doesn't care how that is made to happen. Didn't help that they were pursuing autarky at the same time. If you aren't doing what you are best at you'll lose ground.
  6. As long as you didn't go back again it would be fine. It is when things are looped that the issues you mentioned would need some form of resolution. Multiverse, predestination or a Universe chill with paradoxes.
  7. Would traveling infinite distance be the equivalent? Keep thinking frequency should change regardless. Not sure on math though.
  8. Someone else is ordering banana liqueur and Coke in New Orleans what is up with that?

    1. Endy0816


      So soused right now :>)

  9. This source talks about it being caused by cavitation: http://www.livescience.com/24469-bottle-exploding-secret-revealed.html Cavitation is interesting. Small volumes result in some novel oddities like this.
  10. I was thinking something akin to one of those would have a good shot. Even the simple pufferfish though can create forms in the sand, despite a lack of hands and tentacles. I'd be hesitant to rule any species out entirely. I liked Niven's primarily aquatic species in Destiny's Road. More on the realistic side. Primitive but still crafting tools and shaping their environment.
  11. Trying my hand at making Posca a drink primarily consisting of vinegar and water, reportedly favored by Roman soldiers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posca For the first run I went with a "Sweet Recipe", 2 cups simmering water with 4 spoonfuls of honey and 3 spoonfuls of vinegar. Surprisingly good. Was hesitant after getting a whiff of the vinegar, but it has a good taste to it. Other loose recipes variously suggest additions of salt, melon and/or ground coriander. Going to try whatever ones I reasonably can and see how it goes.
  12. Glad to be of assistance ☺
  13. Heron's fountain? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heron's_fountain
  14. Joking reference to the Princess Bride where this method is used. Seriously though don't recommend testing. In real life you are more likely to just end up dead.
  15. If you start with Iocane powder the rest are easy.
  16. Rarely utilized them whenever I was reading posts and I don't think I ever used them when I posted. Back of house, I'm sure they're just looking at which posts are claiming thread #123 as their parent and then organizing via timestamp.
  17. Please provide evidence or a source. Right now you are defaming a guy. That ain't cool.
  18. What is this in reference to?
  19. Main issue is that there is no way to be sure of how everything started. We know of various forms of self assembly that can occur naturally, but we will never be able to say for sure what happened in what order. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-assembly Like Phi mentioned Evolution doesn't actually cover the start of life, abiogenesis. Evolution itself is rock solid. I think more focus is going into decoding existing genetic material and synthetic biology at this point. If the specifics of abiogenesis haven't been nailed down yet, then at least we have a good outline.
  20. There's been some progress made. Beeswax based products for dry goods and agar(seaweed based) to store liquids. I think they are going to take time to catch on. Very different looking than what we're used to.
  21. Density = Mass / Volume Hypothetically in the center you have a finite Mass with Zero volume. The term "mathematical singularity" sums it up better now, as we don't know if this what actually occurs. Someday someone will figure out a more descriptive Theory, until then we can wonder. Black holes can be massive, but ultimately still limited in how much gravitational force they can produce. Does make for a very impressive and much more active accretion disk though. Otherwise yes, we would all be heading down the proverbial drain
  22. Thanks. Was curious and the topic hasn't been covered any here. Pretty sure lose about half each time.
  23. ~12.5% for first cousins. 0.5^3 That's assuming all the sets of parents are not themselves related though. Yeah, it is the blind repetition that causes the problems. Has there been any hard numbers released as to what extent this is actually an issue in the UK?
  24. No, not a huge concern, repeated inbreeding is the main source of problems.
  25. So... what do you wish to discuss?
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