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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. I wonder if you could swap out chloroplasts, like we're doing with our mitochondria in some treatments.
  2. Described as a false color image composite. https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap130612.html Most vivid colors look to be from the IR and UV ranges. Probably first couple of images posted would be closer to true.
  3. Could you clarify?
  4. Been talked about before here, but an Odometer(mileometer) readout would disagree with what the homebody twin considers the distance to be. If something can serve as a record for how long in terms of time or distance the trip was, that record will remain after coming back. There may be a natural equivalent to an odometer, not sure on that one.
  5. You could pump it full of heavier than air gas and then use standard AC. Like John was saying earlier though, cost will be an issue. There might be some endothermic reaction you could use. Not sure on that one though.
  6. We're also utilizing a phase change to remove heat with water and to some extent with CO2(dry ice).
  7. Late Breaking News!

    Protesters come out. Pass out fliers, remain on public property, receive bottles of water and leave without any arrests.

  8. Doesn't explain the more active REM state though. Probably at least a couple of things going on.
  9. Was actually thinking to post how that is a more realistic threat. Not deliberate but the Goiânia_accident stands out as an example of what could occur in a populated area. Alrighty then, firing up Fallout to start prepping. Seriously thought I read something about highway monitoring systems. Trucks don't absolutely have to go along them though so maybe not. Still wagering not really practical for a Terrorist group to pull off. They tend to go for fairly cheap actions and half the time are a bit stupid(a good thing in this case).
  10. Alone not really; but detectors combined with intelligence gathering, cost of a nuclear weapon, logistics of transporting one and their finite shelf life? Reasonably confident in our safety.
  11. There are radiation detectors out there. Think major cities and ports. Here's the EPA's RadNet: https://www.epa.gov/radnet/near-real-time-and-laboratory-data-state I'm sure there is more out there that isn't being disclosed. Kind of defeats the purpose if bad guys know where to avoid. Kind of wondering how well shielding would work. Lead or water. Even spreading radioactive material alone requires an expensive cleanup.
  12. Can you offer some proof that you got these advanced warnings?
  13. Family finally got power. Get my place to myself again. I love them, but... Let's just say I am really happy their power is restored :]


  14. I don't even get it. Weird arse winters and people still stick their heads in the sand. We do need regular tropical depressions and even low category hurricanes to some degree or we end up like California. Here's an article about all the wildfires from earlier in the year: http://wildfiretoday.com/2017/05/09/all-eyes-on-florida-as-wildfires-burn-throughout-state/
  15. Based off a connotation for the word oblique as something "not seen" and seeing roughly this same idea before in science fiction and popular science articles. Stephen Hawking has something out now, but not original to him. https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/04/18/black-holes-may-offer-way-out/ayFIhHEzAZyLjIZN7xWz4K/story.html I'm guessing OP partly used an automatic translator. For whatever reason, they tend to go with connotations when they can't figure out a better match. Can sometimes figure out what was meant based off that.
  16. Has been thought of before. Main issues are the addition of new mass and the eventual loss of mass. Possible this wouldn't be seen as such in the sub-Universe though.
  17. Obliques? Did you mean black holes?
  18. Is it restricted in location any?
  19. Everything about Mass suggests something without a Yin to its Yang. I think mass having a negative value will eventially go the way of an infinite speed of light. Yeah, I think that is what they did here. Cool and all but unless it is taking off due to negative gravity, popsci needs to tone down the hype.
  20. Made it through okay. Crazy night. Power's still out, hoping back sometime tomorrow.

  21. Ask The Machine Google. She knows all.
  22. Endy0816

    pc games

    Played Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, never got into his other games though. Lately been alternating between a Minecraft world I've been working on and the very beta My Colony game.
  23. Yeah, lot of craziness surrounding this. Might be cystine crystals. People really need to get proper testing done though. Plenty of labs now. That would be much stronger evidence than pictures or shoving them in your doctor's face.
  24. Anyone can edit Wikipedia... The fibers at least have been found to have a human origin. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5072536/ Our normal cell function altered by a disease.
  25. Aren't there new less surrounding scanners coming out? Thought I read something. Robot skin would help solve the vice grip issue. You can also have semi-automation setups. A human on call who remotely assumes control.
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