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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. It was decent here. Could have been less cloudy but were enough clear areas we could still watch it. I had hoped to have the day off, but it was real quiet at work. Some folks had eclipse glasses they were nice enough to share. Everyone taking part was nice to see. Weather was a bit odd. Seemed like the wildlife was reacting as well. Thought that was oddly interesting to see along with eith the celestial event taking place.
  2. We don't really need as much these days honestly. Some the of 'the dream' was nothing but materialism. I do hate to see people in so much student debt. Hearing about parents still helping out with the debt of their grown, professional children. Uterly wrong.
  3. Storage vessels would make sense.
  4. Talking about antifreeze. I'm not sure how workable it will be for us, though there's a dessiccation based method that might work instead. Strictly only need hibernation rather than freezing. Sometimes we pull this off in accidents, but needs to be reliable rather than random.
  5. This link has a bit more info. https://kimmikong.wordpress.com/2011/12/01/the-making-of-alfred-hitchcocks-the-birds/ Sounds like cast and crew were living the movie they were making.
  6. Really depends. Check the type(s) you have. Thermoplastics are pretty safe up to a point. Others you should be careful with.
  7. Yeah, have a feeling it is like Maxwell's demon.
  8. I think I remember reading we mine far more than industry uses. Necessarily there is also a cost to store it, so rationally you would expect the value to fall. Mostly propped up and rises due to belief, until eventually falling. http://www.macrotrends.net/1333/historical-gold-prices-100-year-chart
  9. People value random things. Shrug. Gold did see use as a soft metal though. Practically speaking governments simply decreased the gold-currency exchange rate(or the percentage of gold in coins) when they needed to issue new currency without having the gold to back it. It was more than a little pointless.
  10. Mentioned before here, but the Lincoln automobile does ultimately owe its name to Abe Lincoln(via Lincoln Motors). The founder of the company named his company after the first president he voted for. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_Motor_Company#1917.E2.80.931940:_Lincoln_Motor_Company There's probably more, but would have to go back and back to find the connections.
  11. Evolution. Some bacteria will posses genes that provide resistance to the antibiotic involved. None of the bacteria are truly friendly. Some can crowd out worse ones, but any will take advantage if your immune system slips. What actions your body can take against infection is more limited there. Spit provides a real basic defense but obviously isn't perfect, especially as pathogens can arrive in bulk via food/drink. Before antibiotics things were horrifyingly bad. We just need to more intelligently employ them. Limit the amount, improve variety and ensure a complete coarse of treatment is followed. Should note, antibiotics are found in nature and lifeforms have employed them long before we got started. Leaf cutter ants in particular deserve a shout out here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leafcutter_ant#Waste_management
  12. The issues associated with aging, are primarily past the point where people have had and raised offspring. Evolution doesn't have any way to select against those traits. Generally lifespan is tied to how/where something lives. Should note carrying it on your skin doesn't mean you are perfectly immune. Should it make its way in or your own health change it can be just as lethal. https://www.staph-infection-resources.com/info/carrier/
  13. Today Iearned if you take the first initial from the months July through November, they spell out the name Jason.
  14. Can't believe my car didn't stall out getting through flooded intersections on the way home :blink:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Endy0816


      More luck than caution. Car was making an unusual noise afterwards  but seems to be running fine now.

    3. jimmydasaint


      Do you live in a tropical area?

    4. Endy0816


      Orlando, we had a tropical storm pass through 

  15. Why can't I keep going the direction my mass is already going? :'( The rotation actually decreases the effective force you feel slightly. Imagine being on a spinning ride with everything restraining you vanishing. Whee
  16. I thought I read there's a feedback loop involved, limiting how often you can go.
  17. More active some years than others. Kind of macabre but the fatalities chart demonstrates this fairly well(if not a strict 1:1 correlation) ...and why the frig would "transmitting a signal" to a website do anything? It'd be like trying to shoot a word document. Makes no sense.
  18. Yeah, it was the cool thing back in the day. Haven't used it in forever though.
  19. Are they coming in via Twitter or FB?
  20. Google has different search pages you can check. google.co.uk google.com.au
  21. Endy0816


  22. Is it still possible to limit link posting for new members?
  23. That's a good point. Spanish is like that locally, though also a language I'd encourage any children of mine to learn which is what really helps a language spread. A number of countries have a poor track record over there. Some of our(US) "allies" sadly being among the worst. Very grateful I never ended up deployed to that region.
  24. Do you mean Alpha Keratin or are you looking for something more specific?
  25. Likewise, there have been Ternary(base-3) computers(0, 1, 2). Fortunately, OP, you have plenty of time to flesh out your reasoning and thought processes. Classes and independent study would definitely be worthwhile to pursue.
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