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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Adding chest straps and a hip belt might work for modifying an existing pack. Have to say a Sling pack does look like it'd be easier for daily use. Got me wondering if you could create a self balancing pack or maybe one that can assume a rigid shape.
  2. Sort of behavior is not especially uncommon in various species. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad%C3%A9lie_penguin#Reproduction Penguin was probably fine socially, if requiring therapy sessions for many breeding seasons to come. Physical trauma is the more immediate problem it poses.
  3. Endy0816


    There are "Waiter's Revenge" stories out there. By and large nobody is going to do anything illegal or to jeopardize their jobs, but you really don't want to be a repeat customer somewhere you haven't been tipping at(or leaving exceptionally low tips).
  4. There can be liquid water droplets in the steam. http://www.tlv.com/global/US/steam-theory/wet-steam-dry-steam.html Link above provides a good overview along with the equations. There's other issues, but the impact of water hitting/being hit by the turbine blades is the main one that I recall.
  5. Probably grasping at straws, but some of it makes me think some exotic form of negation could have occurred. Why and how I do not know though. Possibly showing him some of the links here might help him have a more open mindset as to the possibilities. Otherwise may be better to choose household harmony over trying to convince someone of something for years and years. We can't say definitively yea or nay.
  6. What did he say about the arguments presented previously?
  7. TY, I was wondering how that was supposed to work.
  8. Have been studies on Caloric restriction with decent results. Not sure fasting itself is strictly necessary though.
  9. It is like a 4D loaf of bread that we are observing 3D slices of. The additional dimension of time is going to be involved if something appears dynamic. Do tesseracts help any? You should be able to see how a 3D slice of a 4D object produces our more familiar Universe. Kind of macabre, but the visible human project is a good example how successive slices can give something the appearance of motion.
  10. Have tried to explain a few times now... In a loaf of bread is any single unique slice at two different places within the loaf? If not then how can your loaf of bread possibly exist?
  11. I said it was pointless to hate it, not pointless to care about fixing it once it does occur. Probably not all types based on the Wiki(logical, considering the leukocytes), but I think it can be said that for a majority of cancers this should prove very useful. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RhoC#Types_of_Cancer_RhoC_has_been_studied_in
  12. Thought majority of metastasis was misuse of a repair mechanism... Suppose could be a matter of degree though. Cancer isn't really like other diseases. Bound to happen eventually. No reason to hate your cells for going awry. There's also arguably worse diseases out there. Most of the negatives associated with cancer stem from the treatments rather than the cancer itself.
  13. Did you mean exsomes(which they are looking into for this purpose)? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22776312 Nanoparticles are between 1-100 nm. Mitochondria fall outside that range.
  14. Blows me away that ball bearings have become so popular a toy
  15. I thought I saw AU something a bit ago... http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/106213-aucl3/ Here's the old non-working link. Was it moved or something?
  16. Only natural source I've ever read about is lightning. Maybe its there and just not getting to us? I really don't know though and Google is only turning up results having to do with indirectly using it to track solar activity.
  17. I miss him. :'(
  18. Guy is horrible. Gave away the presence of two of our submarines near Korea. I guess he never read the "loose lips sink ships" memo.
  19. Yeah, double checked you're right.
  20. Not reading anything about the sun being a source. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Very_low_frequency We can indirectly detect solar activity via our own VLF transmissions though. I don't know if the military is going to keep using them to the same extent, but maybe a civilization would look to them for other reasons(radiation shield being a fav).
  21. You can solve them via a truth table. Only one of the variables is determining the result.
  22. The VLF maybe. I thought we were phasing that out though.
  23. We really can't provide you direct answers like you seem to be asking for. Typically a quick glance through the material will be enough to find the answers to these sorts of questions.
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