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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Domination laws(in case required to specify). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_equivalence
  2. More resistant, but companies have looked into this and developed treatments based on it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CCR5#HIV I think I read HIV is more manageable now than in the past. Still could use a true cure though.
  3. Probably for posting personal theories in the mainstream sections. Has been a number of years, so I can't tell you what the actual rule said. There is a separate Speculation Section for this express purpose and if he had confined his activities there, along with backing up his speculations with evidence, he would have been fine. I count several suspensions leading up to his ban. Certainly shouldn't have come as a surprise. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/29763-bannedsuspended-users/#entry391714 Edit: After searching with Google, members even mention as much to him in posts.
  4. Yeah, US has them too.
  5. Got myself a blender. Smoothies on demand! :)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. andrewcellini


      well then... I DEMAND A SMOOTHIE!

    3. Endy0816


      Alright, but you've gotta come and get it ;)

    4. DrP


      So what is Mylk anyway? Is it self made milk? (My Milk = Mylk?)

  6. Got myself a blender. Slushies on demand! :)

  7. You are using sock puppets(ensea2004). This isn't allowed in most places online so I'm not sure why it comes as a surprise that you are banned for doing so here. http://www.scienceforums.net/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  8. May be seeing ghosting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghosting_(television)#Pre-echo
  9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_satisfiability_problem Should note, SAT is also the acronym for one of the more major tests in the US determining college admissions and scholarships.
  10. They believe this deformity was caused by hydrocephalus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starchild_skull https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrocephalus https://www.google.com/search?q=Hydrocephalus&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiG2NT7_O3TAhUBPCYKHbCfBekQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=604
  11. Endy0816


    Huh. Okay, thanks. Do wonder sometimes, how people handle similar situations elsewhere. May be unintentionally signalling; empty glass, plate, basket, etc. You really should have been tipping the housekeepers before that... I think people not realizing is why hotels started putting out the envelopes. I can receive tips when I transport guests and don't find it demeaning in the slightest. I get a nice enough paycheck as well, but definitely appreciate when a guest rewards me personally for providing a service they value. Does let workers partly get around the restriction on working that minimum wage places, so I'm pretty neutral as to whether it being factored into minimum wage is really all that bad. Promoting a living wage would be a ton better honestly.
  12. Endy0816


    I think service suffers for people from stereotypically nontipping regions. One of those things that cuts both ways. Have been wondering, what do people do outside the US if they receive service that is mediocre(if not outright lousy)? .
  13. By reset I mean getting your pistons' positions and cell pressures back to as they were initially. It won't work repeatedly otherwise. This is definitely sounding like it supposed to run on pure freaking magic though.
  14. Looking at your variable box, I'm not seeing an analysis of the work(energy) needed to decrease the pressure again. You are essentially talking about using the same principle the escape hatches work on(water coming in from the bottom, pressurizing the air above to do work), but don't appear to have fully considered how you are going to reset the system. Most sites have restrictions in place to help combat spamming or what you were doing(knowingly or not) which was attempting to drive traffic to another location.
  15. Yeah, everything I've read on it suggests a need to place it above the likes of homeopathy, crystals or drinking precious metals. We're still probably the last place to come looking for an acupuncture business plan or apprenticeship.
  16. There are different phases. Dry Ice is the solid state of CO2 for example, but there's no dry ice in wood. You can see that there must be something happening between the oxygen in the air and the carbon in the wood to produce carbon dioxide.
  17. I will take a look at it, but am very skeptical. You do need to stop asking members to go off site. We did kick around using the hydrogen produced by submarines. Ultimately concluded that it was impractical(besides being unsafe).
  18. You might find a community over on Reddit that can advise you.
  19. Yep, annual. Get to it everyone http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es505329q
  20. Endy0816

    about Monsanto

    This article is from a farmer going over a Monsanto contract and why he signed: http://thefarmerslife.com/whats-in-a-monsanto-contract/
  21. K-band would be most impacting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K_band_(IEEE) I know our own transmissions were done outside of it in the Ka and X-bands though.
  22. There's something a natural gap near the poles. If you look at standard magnetic field lines you can sort of see this as well. ESA has a good article about it: http://sci.esa.int/cluster/33272-plasma-regions/?fbodylongid=1170
  23. Yeah, I was thinking about specifying that it was our economic interests that we were mostly concerned about, but ended up leaving it out. They did have alternative options though. Prior to Pearl Harbor we tried negotiations for the longest time and nonviolent means of persuasion. I've always thought Japan has a number of unique strengths that would have ensured something similar to modern Japan coming about, no matter what. It was good that they kept up their neutrality with the USSR. Russia(after not insignificant spying) was able to pull troops to help thwart Hitler's ambitions.
  24. Yeah, I know a few and they are okay on the whole. I was talking with an acquaintance who is a member and he mentioned this. Receiving substantial local help when he needed it while traveling abroad with his family.
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