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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Meant for Hitler it wasn't all that wise. We didn't really want to go off and fight in the trenches of Europe. With our new focus on the Pacific, he may of even had time to solidify his position. In contrast with theft, frozen assets can be unfrozen. Japan had already invaded several countries at that point. If you were there, what would you have recommended we do instead to encourage Japan to back off on the aggression and withdraw to their home islands?
  2. Neither had to, no(see Delta's Post). I think it was part strategy like Velocity_boy mentioned("I declare war on the US, hopefully Japan declares war on the USSR") and partly based on his personal admiration for the Japanese people that led him to do what he did. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honorary_Aryan#To_the_Japanese Fog of war probably played a large role as well. The Attack on Pearl Harbor appeared much worse than it was in terms of recovery. It definitely wasn't the smartest move. I agree we probably would have ended up involved anyways. A ship sinking could be blamed on German U-boats and suddenly we're all, "Remember the ________!"
  3. He was allied with Japan and we were providing support for his enemies, despite technical neutrality.
  4. That's an impressive collection there. Very nice. I'd definitely like to see more. Bit juvenile but having a chunk of coprolite continues to provide me with amusement How do you actually go about finding fossils? Are there dig sites, or do you simply go searchng?
  5. Today I learned... and that we should really switch to the metric system already.
  6. I think so. Man in the middle attacks are possible, but would mostly be restricted to Whatsapp or Governments.
  7. Yeah, I'm at a larger hotel and we still have issues. Physical security of network infrastructure is the one I've been most involved with. Having some success with better access control and monitoring. Going to be a long and painful process though. VPN is definitely a good idea if you are concerned or are working on something that merits a higher level of secrecy.
  8. Yeah, I would have a blast. In theory the free market should still assign you a value though. We have artificial diamonds these days yet people still value the "real" thing, despite artificial diamonds being superior quality. Some positions are not going to be easy to automate, so those will keep going for some time. For others, I think specifically human performed/produced artwork and services will be a big thing in the future.
  9. If you do it young enough you are still within the window before long-term memories are forming. I understand some choose to wait until the child is older though. It isn't that long of a window unfortunately :/ There are also purely cosmetic procedures performed on children that strangely don't attract the same level of outcry. It did obviously get its start in religion, but that shouldn't have any bearing on our own reasoning process. Doesn't matter that washing got its start in ritual purification. We can rationally evaluate the evidence and decide whether it is a good idea based on its own merits.
  10. Its a ton cheaper and they won't remember it? I'm not sure "blame" would be the word, but if I elected to have it done later I'm sure I'd be thinking an unkind thought or two.
  11. Poles take the brunt of things :/ http://sci.esa.int/cluster/37763-from-macro-to-micro-turbulence-seen-by-cluster/ On the flip-side Auroras are pretty cool looking.
  12. This made for an interesting read: https://medium.com/war-is-boring/everyone-relax-the-armys-native-american-helicopter-names-are-not-racist-d21beb55d782 Dream Catchers are a good case where the objectors have more valid criticisms. Child's mobile, altered and now commonly mass produced out of materials that have never even seen nature. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreamcatcher
  13. Scripts are like mini-programs. Sometime scripts can go into an infinite loop or just take an eon or two to complete. Modern browsers try to detect this so you have an option to stop the script from running. You could try selectively disabling extensions and add-ons, though something like NoScript may provide a simpler route.
  14. I'm just going to eat my English-style Fish and Chips. Ketchup goes great with Pacific Cod and French Fries
  15. Yeah, I'm thinking a variation on marbling would work. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_marbling Paper is traditional, but it works just as well with other surfaces.
  16. My only gripe is that non-Jews can pick up the habit as well(Jewish friend). It is broadly accurate though.
  17. Similarly: http://www.isruinfo.com/docs/microwave_sintering_of_lunar_soil.pdf
  18. http://rarehistoricalphotos.com/albert-einsteins-matriculation-certificate-1896/ Not sure how he did comparatively, but his teachers likely recognized he had a talent in the area.
  19. You should be able to modify a graviton ride for simulating gravity. Mainly nobody knows how big an issue low G is going to be. If it is survivable without huge amount of atrophy before changing G's may not be worth expending resources on. With propellants you have to mine and process. Hydrogen used as fuel would also lead to rapid depletion. There are other options that might work though. Silicates are plentiful. RL they did look at adding a rotating sleeping module for the ISS at one point. Something like that could work well for a Mars trip or further out. Nautilus X if anyone is interested.
  20. They've been focusing on senescent cells lately. I don't think it will produce immortality but significant life extension seems possible. It is possible for some of our cells to extend their own telomeres. We'd need to figure out repair/replacement though before we can safely apply it to all of our cells.
  21. Yeah, I think we'll need to look at simulating gravity on the surface or find medical solutions. Not talking anything too unrealistic in managing muscle mass and bone loss. We do need more research on gestation in space though.
  22. Easiest way would be to change the game program to provide it for you. Otherwise would have to look into screen scraping software.
  23. You won't see someone else marking off a day in what you consider a day if you are in a different frame.
  24. There are natural "Peaks of Eternal Light" that are along those lines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_of_eternal_light#Lunar_north_pole Eventually would need to look into different strategies as the colony expands or seeks to take advantage of more distant resources though.
  25. ... Anyways... We don't have much that could not be found or made easily enough elsewhere in the solar system. Aliens may wish to remove us as a threat though, so they don't have to worry about us lobbing something their way.
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