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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. North pole could actually work. There's also earthshine, not sure how intense it is though. Probably going to need to store heat during the days too.
  2. In certain cases this is possible without glasses. https://phys.org/news/2014-12-human-eye-invisible-infrared.html http://www.itworld.com/article/2732596/consumer-tech-science/real-world-superpowers--eye-surgery-lets-some-see-well-into-the-ultraviolet.html
  3. Hi there! Welcome to the forums. The 10,000 pF capacitor is also in parallel.
  4. I know people are 'aging' liquor more rapidly using pressure and temperature(not sure on specifics). Should be possible in perfume production to do something similar. Maybe perfume companies have developed something already that you can adapt.
  5. September, October, November, December. 7, 8, 9, 10.
  6. It peaked in 1999. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Household_income_in_the_United_States At least during my own little lifetime it has been better under the Dem's. Either Clinton's skyrocket or Obama's picking up the pieces leading into this present recovery.
  7. I think you would need to test the effectiveness of this. I've seen videos where chunks of dry ice seem to have little effect on a surrounding fire. There's also a risk of suffocation if people are trapped in an area. There's also a possibility the fire will start back up upon the addition of new oxygen, if not enough heat has been removed. They do use halon, another inert gas, to smother fires in some enclosed spaces. Typically done to prevent damage that other agents can cause.
  8. I'm hoping this serves to derail more of his agenda. Did make for some strange bedfellows. Democrats, staunch Conservatives against it any form and Republicans concerned with preserving the new status quo.
  9. Wikipedia is probably the clearest source here(and has a nice math-free example): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_expansion_of_space#Measuring_distances_in_expanding_space Not as good as the Wiki's but here's an example I came up with of a photon making constant progress while the starting point grows increasingly distant as time passes. Earth--------Photon-Start Earth------Photon----------------Start Earth----Photon--------------------------------Start Earth--Photon----------------------------------------------------------------Start
  10. Probably looking at Expansion. The present distance can now be greater than that which the light had to cross.
  11. There would likely be enough time as power-operated doors for ships are designed to be able to close automatically in less than a minute. Would definitely depend on the hole size though. An alternative option would be to only have doors open while you are passing through. Piping connecting the compartments would be easier to isolate.
  12. Diabetes related maybe. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1589896/ Check with your doctor.
  13. Possibly describing an analog computer. They have other problems, but accuracy was their major issue.
  14. From what I'm reading our bodies produce less lactase as we grow up. Pills look surprisingly cheap. Microbiome/diet changes may work as well to help limit gas production. Personally I've gotten hooked on the Vanilla Soy Milk. Tastier and don't have any "Trouble" later
  15. How do you make the database's order itself random?
  16. I do it regularly. Mostly convention security work graveyard shift is when it is truly allowed. Need people to stay awake and the reading, playing games, checking forums, watching movies and whatever else; all helps with that. You have to know how to balance it though. Have to be distracted enough from being alone in a static environment late at night and still catch the odd sound or movement that might indicate a problem. @OP: I would suggest checking local security companies and see what they would be okay with. No harm in asking and may find what you are looking for.
  17. This works. End is colored black. (c) (c[color=#000000]) [/color]
  18. Endy0816


    (c) Can you C Me?
  19. Sometimes can while working nights.
  20. Which is why I stated it as my opinion. Don't want to give the impression of offering medical advice and not getting paid to be a shill(sadly). I don't know if this will help but can provide an overview: https://examine.com/supplements/ginkgo-biloba/#summary4-17 I do think definitive research tends to be lacking for herbals and the like. You see one study saying one thing and another saying the opposite. I research as best I can and then give it a go if it still looks like it'll do what I'm looking for. Ginkgo is pretty low key as far as nootropics go either way. Has anyone else here used it before(or is using it presently) and feel like sharing their opinion?
  21. Yeah, to an extent. Ginkgo Biloba doesn't act as stimulant though which can be one of its selling points. This was casual use. Primarily interested in what effect it would have on dreaming. Digestion takes just long enough Every so often effects would linger or I would try it during an off day. More interesting than anything else.
  22. Covering up something. Most of my experiences with nootropics have been positive or neutral. I haven't tried teas though.
  23. IMO it helps with mood, energy and focus. Could provide something of a masking effect that way.
  24. Will probably see something akin to this used on Mars though. The polar dry ice sublimating produces winds in the summer. We will also likely be harvesting dry ice along with ice and separating the two.
  25. Expansion valve can lower the fluid's temperature below ambient. A liquid to gas phase change can also be used to absorb heat. Insulation and good design account for minimizing losses from the rest of the system.
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