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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. One issue I can see with an indoor compressor is that it is going to create a need for additional cooling in the summer. Heat Exchangers would work to cool the compressor and warm up air going in/out, but adds to cost/complexity.
  2. The heat is being extracted from the outside air. Warming up inside by cooling down the outside. Flipping around a window AC unit is probably easier to picture.
  3. There are race conditions and the like that can place a system in a non programed state. Most of what we want from a machine is opposite of evolution and creative thought.
  4. There are various papers online suggesting the vibrations/music have a generally positive effect on growth. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20040152083.pdf http://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0026261715020125 Interesting and might be useful or something to prevent depending on the circumstances.
  5. Fracking is slang for hydraulic fracturing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydraulic_fracturing Basically using liquid to fracture rocks to release gas we can use. It works well with our existing natural gas infrastructure and allows us to reuse old sites, though methane released/produced and tremors can be seen as negatives. For Nuclear we have a relatively clean operation and no greenhouse gas emissions. There is a modest level of waste heat that needs to be removed and at the end of its life radioactive materials that need to be stored. Incidents involving Nuclear power plants tend to be high profile, though practical health risks tend to be lower than what is produced long term via other methods. Wind tends to be good as far as efficiency.
  6. Endy0816


    Yeah, does look like it was simply misworded: https://socratic.org/questions/if-atmospheric-pressure-is-1-01-10-is-to-power-5-pa-then-how-much-force-does-the I think the question reads better using psi(pounds-force per square inch). Just my own musings though. At home too. Thankfully the difference tends to be small and the equalization fast.
  7. I've been playing against the computer and learning from it. Having one piece backed up by another and end game maneuvers being the main takeaways. Whenever I think I am good enough not to get creamed outright, I'll find a human opponent. Right now think the computer could play randomly and still have a fair shot at defeating me. I'll take a look at the videos and puzzles(was wondering what those were about actually).
  8. Still not sure what I think of the game. After an eon managed to win on very very basic mode, so at least I know it is possible Trying to figure out whether it is best to rely on memorization, strategy or some combination of both. Interesting puzzle.
  9. Do you mean complex models or something simplified like what our brains provide us with?
  10. Here's a link to the paper, doesn't sound like it violates the second law though. http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/467/2130/1770
  11. Naked Mole Rats are 'hairless' too. There can be different reasons for similar adaptations. We are awesome at persistence hunting. Be difficult with a fur coat on though.
  12. Mad Scientist with expensive tastes. He could have been looking at making electricity freely available wirelessly. Besides transmission losses, health risks and interference; poses a problem with getting someone to actually pay for it.
  13. Chytrid's have spores with flagella. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chytridiomycota
  14. There's cirrate octopuses with an internal cartilage shell. Might be what he's thinking of. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cirrina Removed shell:
  15. Ah, thank you.
  16. Saw a glasses frame purchased in Japan, that consisted of nothing more than a continuous titanium wire(no easily broken hinges). Trying to find out the name and if they can be shipped.
  17. Should note that this site is being paid for and maintained using volunteer resources. I had something very similar recently that none of the AV/Malware programs could catch(which is all the technicians typically use). I was only able to get rid of it by uninstalling/reinstalling the browser. I recently did a site scan and SFN came back clean. This argues against the site itself being infected, though it isn't impossible. If you have evidence that others are experiencing this problem then please share, otherwise assume nothing. The other possibility is a malicious 3rd Party ad. Best bet against those is to try and lock down your browser. Some stuff the site admin can do but fairly limited. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malvertising
  18. http://www.exptec.com/DNA%20ladders%20and%20DNA%20markers.htm
  19. Ran across that first paper as well. Not sure whether anything stays up there indefinitely though. Just through random chance you could expect to eventually reach the bottom again. Well known though even larger animals like spiders can travel extreme distances before landing. I'm curious how things will evolve as blimp satellites and similar become the norm.
  20. Maybe something along the lines of treatment and prevention options? Do good to talk with addicts and recovering adicts, if time permits.
  21. Endy0816


    Normally the question would have you looking for Force... 1N/1m^2 = 1Pa
  22. Reports help provide insight into the quality of the data gathered. As important as the data itself. There are mapping projects out there. You might want to look at them. @Acme: I'm sure he's just a bit depressed. Considering state of the Oceans, can't be fun to write reports about it rather than taking more immediate action(if not as far reaching).
  23. Computers starting up 'by themselves' isn't totally unheard of, the weather relation is though. I'm thinking something more mundane like wind or rain effecting a cable is to blame. If you have spares, easiest way to tell would be to disconnect it from everything besides the power supply.
  24. It could be receiving a signal to turn itself on from another device. Can you disable Wake-On-LAN, if it is on?
  25. Manged to get parts of an old lightbar working. Now to find a use :)

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