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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. I think it has to do with being able to rapidly identify symmetric animals and fruits. There are critters like the Fiddler Crab that break the mold to an extent though. "Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful"
  2. They are likely to have failings of their own. Can always learn things incorrectly or miss something. Honestly, I am more concerned that we're likely to oversell their capabilities than anything else. Your senses provide your brain with an awareness of the larger world. I don't feel there is a difference between that and the information we provide them access to. I think we will need to teach them like we do our own. You wouldn't expect a baby to have much sense of responsibility or sensitivity either.
  3. Link is broken, but that is referring to genetic circuits. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_biological_circuit https://soundcloud.com/quitteriel/connor-dickiesynbiota-synbio-experiments-for-all Ancestry only provides partial information. You may want to look into whole genome sequencing though even with the decreasing cost expect to pay $1K.
  4. TY There are interesting webs of cause and effect at times, makes studying history fun.
  5. Not really a thing here. Still possible the information was shared with consent, otherwise he could lose his license and/or face a lawsuit. We'll have to wait and see if anything comes of it. In years past, it was standard practice for Presidential Candidates to share reports on their health. I'm honestly not sure why Trump wouldn't release his during the race if it were as low key as this.
  6. NYT article: https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/02/01/us/politics/trump-prostate-drug-hair-harold-bornstein.html
  7. Causial relationship for some too. Lincoln brand came from Lincoln Motors which was named after the first President the founder voted for.
  8. Take all sea stories with a grain of salt. http://www.oldsaltblog.com/2012/07/the-unsinkable-hugh-williams-truth-behind-the-legend/
  9. Why do you think something being written means it occurred?
  10. Old thread. You can probably find what you are looking for online though.
  11. They likely lifted that bit from Odin. Sacrificing himself to himself. Anyways, we've already shown that the Y chromosome isn't strictly required. Worst case Mary certainly could have been a Chimera, in which case it would have ultimately come from her father. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimera_(genetics)#Humans
  12. You don't need belief in a higher power to avoid giving into irrational panic.
  13. Earth actually has a Mistress, but she's pretty harsh.
  14. There have been successful conventional kelp projects. Submerged floating rafts could also work though. I know they have been looked at for mobile fish farms. Idea is sound. Steer them clear of hurricanes and straits and kelp should be fine.
  15. I think he was referring to the relative commoness of diamond anvil cells today. Reading the Harvard Gazette article, they mention requiring specially prepared synthetic diamonds to achieve metallic hydrogen, without the Anvil itself breaking. http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2017/01/a-breakthrough-in-high-pressure-physics/
  16. Not really. Even the improbable becomes a certainty given enough chances.
  17. I think cheek swabs are normally used. It can be used to identify relations. Generally used to provide more general info though. Most family trees are based on presumed parentage. How are you hoping to use it exactly?
  18. Thank you. I remember being impressed that the same water used for fighting fires could be utilized to combat flooding. Pumping water with water.
  19. Sounds like it would be an interesting experiment. I've seen videos of people using magnets on graphite powder, not sure how it would do in a liquid. Might actually make it easier as would compensate for friction to a degree.
  20. Easier if you picture the flashes as expanding circles. One can see them as simultaneous(Point A) but the other based on their motion(or lack thereof) doesn't see the other flash reach them(occur) until Point B.
  21. Agreed, they could definitely keep you from having to pay your rapist for years.
  22. I think this is the same thing, though referred to as an eductor here. http://www.foxvalve.com/lt_liquid_eductors.aspx
  23. Organ printing might be more of a thing by then.
  24. For some species virgin births are the norm. They have never been observed in humans though. Either way don't need to involve a deity.
  25. With evolution you don't require deities to be involved at any point in the process. There's plenty of fossil and genetic evidence at this point. Honestly, I feel the whole highly similar asexual mitochondria should be enough to sway anyone. If your own cells provide evidence against your belief, good time to rethink your position.
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