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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Entangled particles are like two faces of a coin. Nothing you can block.
  2. Downtown areas already have the densities, where reducing/eliminating parking garages would definitely be worthwhile. We'd still need them for low demand periods(assuming constant driving is cost prohibitive) but they could be located outside of the city center.
  3. Picture is of the seed bank. Might be able to ID the font if you isolate it to individual letters.
  4. Was responding to OP's concern about gases. Some would be reduced by activated charcoal(pretty much standard anyways) but not sure to what degree.
  5. Microtubules are not unique to brain cells. No good reason to think QM is involved with consciousness. They are working on chips. It isn't easy to get a reading and not cause injury. Practically speaking no different than controlling a limb and receiving sensation back. I think we will get there given enough time.
  6. How are you envisioning this atom interacting with other atoms? They are looking at using wave phenomenon for computing. Probably along the lines of what you are imagining in terms of what it will be capable of.
  7. What I'm remembering are limited replications and typical precautions taken by the patient/associates against contact with bodily fluids. Not sure on accuracy there though.
  8. Please stop with the crazy. Theft would be taking over your computer or device to turn it into a mining rig without your knowledge or consent. Though if you are cool with making me money at your expense, feel free to send a PM. To put 21 million into perspective, consider that there are Trillions of dollars in circulation. Part of the obvious problem is that there simply are not enough for widespread adoption. You either have to go down the decimal rabbit hole(which I think has its own limit) or get with the other stakeholders to change the limit. Of course that starts down the road to a governing body controlling the monetary supply... We're only 5 million bitcoins away from the limit. I'm honestly curious what happens when mining no longer gives a payout. Possibly transaction fees can make up the difference, but I really don't know.
  9. The idea seems to be that you could physically tell with the P-Trap. I think it is more about the safety aspect than odor. I don't know, regulations are pretty random across the country and world.
  10. Methane can come up if the trap fails. Not restricted everywhere though.
  11. You can make kefir easily enough. Anything fermented runs into the purity problem StringJunky mentioned though.
  12. Shorting is different than theft... Shorting boils down to a bet against something. You haven't stolen anything. What I'm talking about is how we naturally tend to misplace money. With bitcoin lost access(for whatever reason), is the equivalent to losing change down a storm drain. The problem is there isn't a government that can simply print more to replace it. Additional bitcoins can be mined(up to the approaching limit), but there will never be a replacement for the ones lost. Over time there'll simply be less and less in effective existence. http://readwrite.com/2014/01/13/what-happens-to-lost-bitcoins/ It is processing power rather than memory that is the issue. See ever increasing demand as the blockchain(think giant ledger) grows. The underlying tech is becoming more mainstream though. Ripple is gaining ground among banks. Thought I had even read about ECB looking into coming out with their own version. Should be an interesting future.
  13. Shingles is definitely a bad one :/ Pain causing inability sleep on top of preexisting stress. Gained some perspective on suffering and why people react so illogically in response, but that was the only positive of the whole experience. Still had occasional pain in the area where it occurred for years.
  14. Both China and Russia are working on building additional carriers. They are less useful though if your focus is more regional. Russia also lost its main shipyard facilities during the breakup ofthe USSR. x-posted
  15. Many couples find ways to overcome anatomical issues I think the real ethical questions will come when robots have more generalized ai's. Right now we're still at AI as a single purpose tool stage. People have married inanimate objects and animals before, so a definite precedent exists that marriage is not restricted to two human beings.
  16. It is possible to go the medical tourism route for some things. I've met a few folks coming here from the UK that way. Competition can bring benefits. Obviously not in all cases though and can't be of an artificial nature.
  17. Really posted for the laughs, people have married all kinds of odd things. More than enough reproduction occurring, not going to hurt anything for people to have some fun or just be their crazy human selves. As for me, I believe I have found my soulmate
  18. Don't be afraid to commit https://www.cnet.com/google-amp/news/till-death-do-us-part-aaron-chervenak-marries-his-phone-in-las-vegas/ The interesting thing is that he really can trade in his wife for a new model.
  19. Gurus are unreliable sources. Some of those are real concepts though. DMN, task positive. DMN is even listed along with a number of others on the large scale brain networks link above.
  20. Few different plug types out there.
  21. Mostly propaganda to support a religious narrative. Loud noise on the ear or if you have a condition, is about it. https://books.google.com/books?id=dhcGDAAAQBAJ&pg=PT174&lpg=PT174&dq=dr.+vollf+adler&source=bl&ots=EJW0fbT_qr&sig=wbXO8l215-qBN3rZgd-zASIXqoU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiwvIjFsrLRAhWC5iYKHdRjA3EQ6AEIFDAD#v=onepage&q=dr.%20vollf%20adler&f=false
  22. Seen this over on Instructables, very cool.
  23. Maybe look at hydrophobic coatings? Pretty innovative but reasonabley affordable to experiment with.
  24. This is probably it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twice_exceptional
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