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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Technical issues, somewhat obvious one with an ever-growing blockchain. Less obvious one with the possibility to irreversibly lose money. Chargebacks also have their place in my opinion. The algorithm itself is decent, with most attacks in the very hypothetical range. Human factors, defacto backing via the sometimes shifty Exchanges. Prominent maybe hacking maybe inside job scandals. Sometimes operating as an ill advised escrow service. Severe declines in value though to be fair equally meteoric rises. In some cases people are stealing processing power to do mining. The equivalent of an illegal gold mine and using your resources to boot. I suspect we will end up seeing a variety of digital currencies to satisfy individuals, groups and governments; looking for different options.
  2. Fame and fortune are always valid reasons to do something. Entirely possible to write a book and put it up for free as well for that matter. I would probably look at finding a local contact and if not that then perhaps corresponding with someone at a University. Contact information tends to be fairly easy to find for faculty.
  3. On the plus side it probably smelled nicer. Out of curiosity what prompted the question in the first place?
  4. Fun on Styrofoam though
  5. Smells better, less harsh. I know acetone can also be used to purify some drugs. Not sure how well EA would work for the same purpose. Not exactly planning on testing this one, 'for science' only goes so far.
  6. The UK equivalent of Scienceforums.net is Scienceforums.net. :}
  7. So how do you account for people living, thinking and feeling without a biological heart?
  8. Endy0816


    I had already reported this thread for being a repost of your last locked thread, but honestly I had hoped I might present some of my reasoning before the moderators came along. I've honestly, got cooler coding to get back to, so do whatever man, I just recommend getting a blog rather than spamming various forums.
  9. Endy0816


    That was an example question involving base conversion. https://www.tools4noobs.com/online_tools/base_convert/ Your [incomprehensible supposed insight] is the same sort of thing we've heard many many times before. You asked if you would be welcome here and you were told that you would be if you followed the rules. This is the place to talk about science, reality and ask people questions about the same.
  10. Endy0816


    "Is the number 113 or 4 in base 10, palindromic for all possible bases?" is the general type of question we are looking for. This isn't the place for preaching or numerology.
  11. This may help: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/automaticstabilizer.asp?
  12. I was either testing the ability to mix and match elements or I was fooling around while working on converting a photo to an outline. Either way though I liked how this turned out.
  13. There's the whole, "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." and "Who decides what is 'extremist'?" points to be made, but pretty clear our society needs to do something to combat the situation. We wouldn't tolerate a drone flying around spray painting hate messages in real life. Society needs some means to condemn. While there are countries that have instituted massively pervasive censorship, not all countries have, which goes against your argument that governments are certain to do this if given the chance. I've worked checking images via Amazon's Mechanical Turk here in the US. Pay is low, but you are not required to be mobile and can work at any time. There are some AI Filters already out there. Probably going to need a regular stream of training data though. I don't feel they'll be able to handle evolving context on their own anytime soon. You can also simply slightly alter content before uploading. I've even seen people coming out with original uploads after having a neural net process the original material.
  14. Yes. The one has nothing to do with the other.
  15. Endy0816

    What is HRT?

  16. Some refrain because of personal and religious reasons, but I have never heard of it being based on having a mustache.
  17. Da, you are correct. Reabsorbed by the body typically. At any rate not going to be hurting anything(provided you don't overdo it). Reabsorbed, spilled onto the proverbial ground, no deity is likely to mind. @OP: You can call it any word you feel like.
  18. Sperm are flushed anyways if you do nothing.
  19. How common are sinkholes in the area?
  20. Kisses all around!
  21. There are older technology systems on hand in case that something happens to the satellites or terrestrial components.
  22. I couldn't keep up suspension of disbelief after running into the glasses mistake. Either there should have been no fire or one fewer allegorical deaths.
  23. Thought 1984 would be a fun read because it was the same year as my birth. :|
  24. What does God need with a manila envelope?
  25. If the official twitter account is saying it then go by that instead. Does have all the marks of a fake though. Copy most of the page, change as few links as possible and then register under another's name. Actually getting flagged by my browser whenever I navigate to it.
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