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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Yeah, .ai is one of the fakes. If you take a look at the page, you can also see that the links are schizo. Some going to .ai and others going to the correct .tech. Have to admit, .ai does sound like a cool one to register under.
  2. It is a real company(sourced.tech), but people have also used their name as part of a scam. Should be fine as long as you exercise caution and check any addresses and phone numbers against external sources. React looks fairly popular at the moment. Probably wouldn't hurt to learn.
  3. Probably just meant to use a different word. Does seem like OP found the answer his own question though.
  4. Artificial sugar only fools the taste buds. There is liquid breathing, but still involves disolved O2.
  5. Sweat has water. Different hygiene products are scented as well.
  6. The energy gained will be less than or equal to the amount you expend.
  7. They have protested during Obama's speeches as well.
  8. They like at least one New Yorker telling them what to do.
  9. That's what the protestors are doing. They see ongoing injustice in their communities and are "speaking up".
  10. While him being elected President is nigh certain, he is just another citizen at the moment.
  11. To be fair, he isn't in a formal position yet.
  12. Two
  13. You've got things confused a bit. The early Universe was opaque to light, cosmic microwave background radiation is from when that stopped being the case.
  14. There's Araucana and hybrids. Just from pics seemed like pigmentation and coloration were independent of each other.
  15. Endy0816


    Can you measure how long the football lasts?
  16. Some breeds of chickens lay blue-green eggs as well.
  17. Strait can be walked across in the winter. Main problem with supposing the landbridge played a role. Isolated possibly though.
  18. There's Ternary and above. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-valued_logic There's Gödel's incompleteness theorems to consider, so I'm not sure this gets us anywhere new.
  19. What are people's thoughts if it is medical related? Interestingly, with artificial insemination the situation can easily be reversed and the male victim end up financially responsible for millions of children.
  20. What do you find illusionary about it?
  21. Yeah, I have never seen anything where the sibling is sacrificed, rather stem cells are utilized.
  22. You can have one but it should be balanced in tone. Obama's deportation of more illegal immigrants than Bush, alongside making progress on the rights of homosexuals. That kind of thing would promote levelheaded discussion.
  23. I've read about some techniques, but pretty limited in terms of frequencies. Active camouflage is more realistic IMO.
  24. That is not the case. Most abortions occur by themselves.
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