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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. It isn't needed(in this case). Just need to know from wherever Point 'a' is at to the nearest edge.
  2. No, the notes are correct for horizontal shear stress.
  3. Trump threatened to reveal what his Uncle really found in Tesla's papers.
  4. I think what you are seeing is due to a difference in polarity. Water is polar, Oil is non-polar. The physics are otherwise the same for both, atmospheric pressure counteracting gravity. Liquid wants to fall, air wants to get in. Water is like a group that hangs out together, while oil is more about going out and meeting those nice air molecules across the way. One idea would be to look at utilizing a number of smaller tubes at the end. Possibly higher viscosity(cooler in this case) oil could work as well. May also want to look at roughening up the tube's interior(or using tubes made of a different material).
  5. Mental Note: Wear suncreen while kayaking and 'enticing' the local wildlife.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. koti


      I can see youre from Orlando...I've been to the everglades once years ago. The mosquitoes were a nightmare <-- This is I will keep telling myself while walking from work this afternoon in the dark, wet cold ;)

    3. imatfaal


      I put a heavy dose of factor 50 on during high summer (one of the few hot days)for an all day bike ride. Came back looking diseased with flys and midges encrusted onto me and glued on by the sunscreen - It was not pretty

    4. Sirona


      No harm in a little extra protein, imatfaal ;)

  6. I was thinking Vanity Press Journals. You pay them money and they'll publish your work. About as close to traditional self publishing as it gets for paper submissions.
  7. You need to look at self publishing.
  8. Yeah, blanket statements are the worst.
  9. They might be able to come up with options we haven't, but we already have basically uncrackable encryption so long as the key remains secure.
  10. Do you mean negatives? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_(photography) http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_canvas_getimagedata2
  11. Yeah, I keep thinking it'd be fun to buy a fire piston, but still requires a fair amount of force(and good conditions).
  12. lol, seriously I don't think Trump himself is that much of a danger, more concerned what will happen if elections continue to be as divisive as this one has been.
  13. Yeah, may be just wishful thinking. Feel he's set back the near term chances for a Latino President, along with normalization(and a local economic boost). Maybe we'll see something come election day proper.
  14. I would hate for us to be enemas.
  15. Yeah, I'm wondering how things will go here in Florida. Have a number of Latino friends, Democrat and Republican, who are planning on voting Hillary. Rubio may lose as well. Lost a ton of respect for his hardliner stance on normalizing relations with Cuba and flopping fish support for Trump.
  16. Compression ignition, though compression itself takes energy.
  17. How did the elephant cross the streams? It didn't. Only humans are crazy enough to cross the streams!
  18. Je vous remercie Thank you, my program still needs some more work in the whites and the degree of randomness, but yeah, I'm liking the results.
  19. Playing around with trying to get some pointillism code working. Think this picture came out pretty nicely
  20. How did you and the other mass come to be separated in the first place?
  21. Know what you mean. Coolest thing to watch their ecosystem evolve in ways you can't fully predict. At one point rigged some of mine up to be interactive. Seeing lifeforms reacting to my mouse was very odd. Then they evolved to eat the mouse... The boundary we imagine blurred for awhile though. Keep thinking to go back to it. Freshen up the concept with modern neural nets(to develop at least the initial lifeform programming language) and an AI director to step up the environmental challenges. Had decent success doing some manually, but feel we are missing the secret sauce needed to keep it from getting stuck. We provide them numerical values for their senses. Programming code for collision detection(sight, touch, feeding) was pretty complicated though. I don't know if they "feel" anything in doing their comparisons, but they certainly are happy to attack if they see something is near them. Should note that they are not what we see. What they are is an array of data and ultimately the electrons on the chips. May want to look at mental models and the use of simulations in our own brains. Whether they think or don't think, I'm not about to start discriminating between our respective simulations. The map may not be the territory, but it can be near enough to be interesting.
  22. Sure. In Darwinbots, there was vision, touch, collision, hunger, etc. Saw some neat stuff. The evolution of family recognition was probably most interesting. At first general avoidance, then eventually evolving avoidance based on an identifying trait possessed only by close relatives. Was basically a pond simulation with program fed 'plants' and evolving critters that fed on them(and one another). Primary focus was on the evolution of behaviors. Number of simulators out there though with different foci. Evolution of the body, Core War style pure program competition, etc. Somewhat dubious on whether those could develop intelligence, but interesting at any rate. World is getting weirder with the increasing usage of neural nets. Realistically where we are likely to see something develop as companies have a logical incentive to throw ever more resources their way and enable them able to write their own programs.
  23. There are alife simulators, but there are a number of problems with development into something more robust. Any one program on a computer can impact every other program on the computer. You cannot have the same level of impact in our wider Universe. Most of our code will break, if altered to any degree, rather than result in something with a novel function. Alife simulators have made some progress in this area, but still lag behind coding methods developed via evolution(to be fair it had a large head start). Probably the most glaring problem is hardware. Like asking us to simulate reality on an abacus. Can only dumb things down so much before it stops showing the complex behavior we desire. I'm convinced it is possible, but will take time to overcome the issues. Some of the trading algo's have shown weak signs, so maybe down the line we'll have something.
  24. We have some here in busier stores and no minimum wage change.
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