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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. That is a large part of the problem though. You have a concentrated source of energy and one whose drawbacks can be easily externalized. They are looking at utilizing brine for CO2 capture though. Byproduct of desalinization and somewhat ironically drilling operations. Not a complete solution, but would help mitigate the damage while being agreeable to market forces.
  2. They are talking about the galaxy count in the Observable Universe.
  3. I'm thinking a body similar to Europa. Still chemosynthesis but push back the 'start' time.
  4. Topology is sometimes referred to as 'rubber sheet geometry'. Might have been picked up from there.
  5. Glad you made it through okay, though. I have to admit I actually feel positive about hurricanes as they always meant I got the day off from school. Our version of a Snow Day. Now as an adult having to batten down the hatches and clean up afterwards...
  6. Wind, rain, fallen trees and some blown transformers. At least one truck overturned. Most everyone stayed off the roads though.
  7. Well lookup tables are also used but Adders are how the computer does math without one.
  8. Yeah, this one was pretty intense. Stay safe.
  9. My guess is that nobody is sure on the secular criteria. People look at the thread, don't have an answer and move on. Normally I would say Red Cross. Probably going to be a slew of different campaigns though.
  10. Still dealing with it here. Check the news for which agencies are doing disaster relief. Where money will do the most good. Islands were hit pretty badly.
  11. Getting some rain...

  12. Yeah, I'm not sure metaphor vs allegory vs reality, but makes conceptualizing it easier. You can see mile markers. Less obvious that the flipping of an hourglass can be considered equivalent You can use an odometer as a clock, but don't have to use an odometer as a clock. Though hoisting up a car and keeping the speed at 60mph would make for a pretty awesome clock. Do you happen to have any links you can provide for better understanding the workings of atomic clocks? Wiki doesn't go very in-depth on some of it.
  13. If you go down the road and count mile markers you can figure out how far you've gone. How we tell time is like that. What it measures is the time between markers, what appears on the clock face is the count. Imagine a little imp flipping over an hourglass and moving the hands of the clock. We used to have people whose job this was, now we've advanced to having Swansont monitor the imps. Science! You don't like the 24 hour format, make up your own. We use different systems depending on the situation. They went at first, but after he refused to serve drinks to the AI's, they retroactively decided not to.
  14. May come as a shock, but not the first time we've heard that claim. Please cite some evidence.
  15. We are mostly concerned about the dogs fighting and one or both ending up injured/infected. Any size dog needs their owners to teach it how to behave. We're presently going after the owners via eviction, so at least not risking calling animal control. Would love a better option right now though.
  16. Still bite and worse everyone babies them. Presently having trouble with neighbors letting their chihuahua wander and getting into fights with our larger dog. Poor dog is neither being disciplined nor restrained :/
  17. Plot twist: He is God and doesn't want the job anymore.
  18. Can someone provide an explanation of light cones? Seems to be the issue.
  19. Yes. Many deities have unusual forms. What if you do believe in His Noodliness?
  20. Pandora, they are also known for their music and jewelry selections.
  21. No, it isn't an uncommon question. Has to do with the level of illumination and the typical camera settings used. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Examination_of_Apollo_Moon_photographs#Absence_of_stars
  22. Just to check, does the same thing happen if you are searching from outside the office?
  23. If you don't need to closely monitor the results you can let the computer run while you are otherwise occupied. In theory, you could automate to the point that your every need is taken care of though.
  24. I don't think we are using the same meaning exactly. You engage in engineering, "the application of mathematics, empirical evidence and scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge in order to invent, innovate, design, build, maintain, research, and improve structures, machines, tools, systems, components, materials, processes and organizations" and you can reasonably consider yourself an engineer. See using it as part of a title more as a description of capability, rather than an attempt to put on airs. You want someone who produces quality work. May 'only' require following the manual or it may require factoring all the risks, costs, formulas; to accomplish something the manual doesn't cover. Did operate a big ol' diesel engine that secretly wanted to be on a train, so consider myself covered in any event. @OP: Probably best bet would be to determine his interests, available time and potential costs involved. Narrow the focus down some.
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