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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. You have to undergo testing for a proper diagnosis. I had it before and didn't realize anything more serious was going on until I went to reach for reserves of strength and came up empty. Sneaks up on you when you are likely to be already stressed physically and/or mentally.
  2. Have to admit it is tempting. On the one hand, have had limited success tracing relatives(based on name) across the ocean. On the other hand genetic record is likely to diverge from the official record.
  3. Nobody is ignoring them, but it is reasonable not to attack an entire group based on what some misguided individuals choose to do. At the very least there is the practical matter of having Muslim allies who are best positioned to combat these scourges. Sermons, reaching out to troubled youth, informing on terrorist recruiting efforts, etc.
  4. The Koran preaches tolerance towards other People of the Book. What is irrational about that?
  5. Some vehicles already recognize who their driver is(to a degree).
  6. Volume increase of the ball. Same amount of air inside the whole time.
  7. I suspect the work needed to create and maintain a vacuum is going to be higher as well.
  8. Non-boolean logic exists. Can you concisely explain your idea?
  9. Good point, just saw hydrogenotrophs. Typically only ever hear about them in terms of methanogens, though there are apparently other routes.
  10. Looks like she's talking about utilizing waste as the inputs(for now), but as long as we're actually utilizing all the byproducts does sound good. I always get a bit leery when I see methane production brought up in terms of being green. Are practical ways to turn methane into useful products now though, so the times are a changin'
  11. Welcome. I fully understand the feeling, it took me awhile to wrap my head around the sheer amount of money spent at these things. Name recognition and expertise are the main factors IMO. From what I've seen organizers genuinely want their folks to attend, whether it is because they want their money, to provide training, or both. You can find upfront conference prices starting at over $1K per person with yet more money spent by companies wanting to promote their own products at the event. Met Laura Bush(briefly always briefly) while working security for an HR show(SHRM). https://annual.shrm.org/sites/default/files/SHRM17_Reg.pdf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_for_Human_Resource_Management ~15,000 attendees * ~$1,500 = ~$2,250,000 I don't know what Mrs. Bush asked for, if anything, but $200,000 would have been easily affordable.
  12. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/washingtons-highest-lowest-speaking-fees/story?id=24551590#1 Not at all unusual to see former Presidents and their wives doing paid speeches. Some Conferences have oodles and oodles of money and they'll spread it around liberally. If books and speeches help ensure people have incentive to leave the office I am all for them.
  13. Yeah, I understand the sentiment behind it, but the logic leaves much to be desired. I was honestly expecting more formalized coalitions of like-minded EU countries instead. Now US is mostly puzzled, but also kind of miffed about losing our inside man. China is concerned their Silk Road project is going to flounder in the UK. Parts of the EU are now eyeing up London's financial business. Fallout boggles the mind.
  14. yeah, I just wondering it it wouldn't be a nonissue post-Brexit. Your answer makes sense in terms of trade though.
  15. I remember growing up with these same sort of allegations that went nowhere. :| I knew a guy who tossed classified material and the penalties were not especially severe. Intent is the main thing. You sell secrets or leak Intel, then they'll pound you.
  16. What is happening with Reach in terms of BREXIT?
  17. I'm guessing they are referring to the Cosmic Distance Ladder in the last bit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_distance_ladder an easier to digest article on it: http://www.farnham-as.co.uk/2010/07/measuring-distances-%E2%80%93-the-%E2%80%9Cdistance-ladder%E2%80%9D-by-peter-campbell-burns/
  18. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/20121112_In_59_Philadelphia_voting_wards__Mitt_Romney_got_zero_votes.html Not uncommon. Demographics and a pretty sucky candidate.
  19. You see things sped up as you move to intersect the Earth.
  20. I don't think any agency wants to risk playing kingmaker. Saw where that led with the Praetorian Guard. I suspect anyone running for President essentially has a free pass until after elections are held.
  21. I'm still hopeful this was all part of the best false flag campaign in history.
  22. I would say eventually, but still many years out for humans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Male_egg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_sperm This article talks about relatively recent advances as well: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/new-research-suggests-female-sperm-and-male-eggs-possible-8780153.html
  23. Measurements are the same when you are parallel(4d). Based on the ship's velocity vector and applied acceleration you'll impact whether you end up parallel, separating or coming together. Late here, not 100% sure this is clear. I'm sure any of our experts in residence can explain it better though
  24. You are forgetting the need to turn around.
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