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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. You mean to see what it makes?
  2. Trying to find out how much mold/algae might grow on ones kept outside long term, under intermittent wetting conditions.
  3. Endy0816

    Foam Shelf

    Noticed the foam the computer arrived in was just the right size Not really a sensible material for a bookshelf, but it was fun.
  4. Could make a still relatively easily.
  5. Rigorous testing may be required to validate results
  6. Dare I ask what that is about?
  7. Welcome. Can you try right clicking the quote button and opening the link in a new tab? Got that much to work here.
  8. Okay, was able to reproduce(and then some) in IE 11. I've tried changing different browser settings but haven't gotten anywhere so far.
  9. @StringJunky: Happens all the time Only reason I thought of odometers was that I had to work on one before. Wouldn't have had made the connection otherwise. Definitely unintuitive. Metronome, good example.
  10. Can cancel out because x/x=1. You can see quickly begin to see the problems allowing division by zero introduces.
  11. Calmly voice your opinions? "Can you believe Karen is dating a black man?" "Really? That's great. I've always thought children of mixed parentage look lovely." If it is a nonfactual claim, you can calmly counter it. "No, I don't actually think a giant wall is feasible. Just imagine the additional taxes, besides Canadians are excellent swimmers."
  12. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/02/science/your-body-is-younger-than-you-think.html?_r=0
  13. 0/0 = 1^2-1^2/1-1 = (1+1)(1-1)/1-1 = (1+1) * (1-1)/(1-1) = 2(0/0) = ?
  14. I think you are thinking that cells are all damaged at the same rate, which is not the case. Basically random.
  15. Okay... If it doesn't see anything else outside a quote box, then it will quote the quote box. Lines in the outermost quote(s) can be split at line ends(GUI). Not sure what is going on with the unbalanced tags issue. What it reminds me of is the browser adding tags to fix bad HTML. Are the quote buttons non-responsive, or something else?
  16. Endy0816


  17. When you think they are safe, they end up killing :/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/08/10/woman-fatally-shot-in-accident-during-fla-citizen-police-academy-lethal-force-simulation/ http://www.firstpeople.us/FP-Html-Legends/TheLittleBoyAndTheRattlesnake-Cherokee.html Personally though I find the ending of, The Tiger, the Brahmin and the Jackal to be more hopeful. "After the tiger demonstrates what happened by jumping back into cage, the Jackal shuts him in. The Jackal then turns to the Brahmin and says, 'Might I humbly suggest, this time, we leave the Tiger in the cage?'" Sane man. I too go after constrictors when I'm looking to milk venom.
  18. What did you try inorder to fix it the first time? Suspect it is the editable html :/ Wouldn't be the first time it caused problems, have to dig into it though.
  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_repair Related to telomeres and sperm: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/crux/2012/08/02/older-dads-give-good-telomeres-but-longevity-not-so-much/#.V66TtDUrvIU Highlights the fact that there isn't a set length and that the repair ability remains limited. Basically trying to repair a blueprint with itself. I find it interesting in general, the connection between the evolution of the double helix, lagging strand, shortening telomeres and eventually colonies of cells with different levels of repair capability. As a colony of primarily cells lacking that ability, I think we should see about changing things up a bit. Evidence that killing senescent cells improves lifespans. http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/02/suicide-aging-cells-prolongs-life-span-mice Coupled with introducing new cells with as few defects as possible, we may be able to increase this even more. Brain is probably the biggest issue. Introduced cells can and do(all-naturally) take up residence there though.
  20. House of Leaves up next: S.
  21. Sex?
  22. Sugar wise not much difference between an apple and doughnut. Only about double the calories. Printed foods don't have to use bad ingredients though. Load it with Splenda if you like. Will be more about using custom and/or downloaded designs in combination with conventional cooking. A number of microbes we eat are fed plant sugars. Main concern at present.
  23. I don't get why people are so set on fixed values in the first place :/
  24. Probably picking up faint indications. Dogs that have the knack are rewarded when they respond appropriately.
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