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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. My Mitochondria take offense at these claims. All of them. They did a bit of quorum sensing, took a vote and that's what they decided.
  2. I like going by the ratios, we'll all agree on those. Makes the math easier too.
  3. Evolution didn't try to do all that at once so... At least a couple of cases of symbiosis. Probably more as you can lose certain components and still function to an extent.
  4. Both play a role. Telomeres help to keep DNA damage from being more of a problem for the organism as a whole. But the organism also needs replacement cells to keep on living.
  5. I'm seeing some material searching for "WISC-IV" that may be of use.
  6. If only Jupiter were a second Sun... http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/sunearth.html?iso=20160809T0424 Sleeping and daily activities can create gaps in the coverage depending on how moderators are spread out. I've seen recruiting moderators from a variety of time zones work as well(Pacific, Indian Ocean regions). May be worth exploring here.
  7. What you will want to do for these kinds of problems is to first locate the formulas you need. ie. Now we see Mass is there, but we have a new problem. We don't know volume, so we go searching again: From there you can plug your knowns(Mass, radius) in to find your unknowns(Density).
  8. Mean are the bots logging in more with FB, Twitter accounts or setting up accounts here directly. If we can find where/if the human authentication has broken down, we can look at possible remedies.
  9. Are they registering via one route more than another?
  10. No. Genes determine all that.
  11. You are still using Internet 1.0? Everyone else upgraded years ago.
  12. Has me wondering if it ever happens for other cells after injuries.
  13. Free market helping some. Costs increase as a country develops. There are many less developed countries and countries undeveloping though.
  14. Bismuth crystals, FSM adding greebles

  15. Yeah, not sure satire comes across well online. Possibly though I just like veal.
  16. Do you eat anything different when you have them over?
  17. You mostly see the most shocking tales the media can find. Typically you can have a nice normal interaction and call it day. Now add darkness, stress, confusion and firearms to the mix and things can go bad in a hurry. Race can and frequently does play a role as well. Not necessarily a matter of different races, stereotyping tends to rule the day in reality. I believe he's in Japan. You know me. I'm wearing a shirt with a couple of AR-15's, the flag and the Constitution on it; doesn't mean I feel like sleeping with a viper though. Dear lord, start typing 'accidental shooting of' or 'man accidentally' see what Google spits out as suggestions.
  18. Sorry, didn't catch that earlier. Saw something similar when seeing how plants fared under plastic spheres. When there were only a few together they would look clear, but a larger group would appear white-ish. Put it down to scattering, but didn't investigate further.
  19. What is even more bizarre is that the movie was filmed in Germany.
  20. Endy0816


    Testing how comment merging works when there is partial bbcode involved. Lorem Ipsum is frequently used in the process of writing programs as well.
  21. Endy0816


    lorem ipsum lorem ipsumlorem ipsum lorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum [
  22. At least when you are sleeping you have a chance of forgetting. Nobody will be able to provide an objective answer as to how you will feel though. If you feel comfortable, can you tell us a little bit about what has been going on in your life to cause such emotions?
  23. Infinite number of frames...
  24. I think people confuse how many times the clock has ticked with the tick itself. See similar confusion trying to explain its role in circuits.
  25. Relatives carry copies of your genes as well. Don't have to reproduce to ensure your genes continue. We are approaching the point where male eggs and female sperm are possible. Soon gender(of partners) won't be a limitation to their reproduction.
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