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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Dem popular vote Should someone who opted out have a say on what they opted out of? My own opinion is no, although this does limit my own options. I have not seen evidence of actual cheating in Nevada vs adherence to existing rules. If you have any though please post.
  2. Just to protest. Everyone has got to go sometime.
  3. I'm finding the most prominent restroom I can and going inside in drag if anything that asnine passes locally.
  4. Was hoping there would be a mixture out already. You would think "little temporary crystals" would be easy.
  5. Then you've just shown that it could be down to simple air movement.
  6. You may want to look at the approximate maps of human migration out there. None are certain but may give you additional insight. Most are a mess of arrows.
  7. There was intermixing. Caucasus region is just North of Turkey.
  8. Trying to find out if there are any mixtures with safer ingredients that produce temporary crystals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_glass Have one at home and it is pretty neat to watch.
  9. Divine repopulation assistance aside, the Greek version is fairly plausible with only a couple on the boat itself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrrha
  10. And for 40 Days and 40 Nights, did the unclean creatures wait on the floating bodies of the Nephlim for the waters to receed.
  11. They might be varying the spacing. ▆▇██▆▇██▆▆▇▇████▆▆▇▇████▆▆▆▆▆▆▇▇▇▇▇▇██████▆▆▆▆▆▆▇▇▇▇▇▇██████
  12. Probably just need to download the files. A quick search for either will turn up guides that can walk you through it.
  13. Depends on rain and snowfall.
  14. You have about the same odds of being infected via a swab as you do of having a jet engine crash into your bedroom. I'm not sure there is any information we can give you will put you totally at ease. Many things are hypothetically possible, but incredibly improbable. What you are describing falls into that category. I can't say what I would do, but I advise working on the OCD instead if you wish to find a measure of peace.
  15. We have looked. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1110569013000137 The repair/reproduction mechanisms are all somewhat faulty. Telomere length limits replication. No replication and attrition will diminish the number of cells over time. If you want to look at Hayflick Limit, that will get you going.
  16. Competition between sperm helps to weed out defects. The repair mechanisms can themselves be damaged. Main problem that evolution had to find a way around. Telomere shortening plays a role in aging as well. Necessarily any reproductive cells(along with a few others) are reset in that sense.
  17. I would individually theme my rooms. Beach, forest, ocean depths There are some options available today, dye sublimation fabric printing and projectors. Could mix the two to create a realistic scene.
  18. I did plumbing on the sub, but the toilets we had were a simple two valve affair. I can't remember if they used the siphon effect or not at this point. Looks like it may just be based on the supply line pressure differences between commercial and residential. http://home.howstuffworks.com/tankless-toilet2.htm If you can, try and catch the manufacturer. Most are good at providing info about their products.
  19. With the amount of time involved(packaging, shipping, use) it is unrealistic to think that any could have survived. It is something of a weakling as far as viruses are concerned. Focus on getting the basics right and you'll be fine.
  20. New car. Vroom Vroom. :)

    1. StringJunky


      Boy racer alert!

    2. Sirona


      What kind?


    3. Endy0816


      Nissan Altima very nice :)

  21. Not seeing anything specific...
  22. Gotta start them young.
  23. We do a bit, so not entirely impossible. As for how long it would take to evolve, I would say it depends on the why it was needed in the first place.
  24. Lieber http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2015/06/injectable-electronics-promise-sharper-view-of-brain/ We're not good at getting information back to the brain yet. Replicating all the senses accurately would probably pose the biggest issue.
  25. Interfere with emergency calls, standard phone time you paid for, navigation, etc. The problem with jammers, is that unlike static methods, there is little that limits where they can be set up. Starbucks would notice a surprise paint job, but not a jammer sitting outside in someone's car(or discretely placed inside).
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