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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Interfere with emergency calls, standard phone time you paid for, navigation, etc. The problem with jammers, is that unlike static methods, there is little that limits where they can be set up. Starbucks would notice a surprise paint job, but not a jammer sitting outside in someone's car(or discretely placed inside).
  2. Be easy to use for illegal purposes. The signal blocking paint is more reasonable.
  3. Rfid based wands are the traditional way to track patroling officers. Some have started to use the phone's gps though.
  4. We get all kinds of weirdness here, have to double check. What I've skimmed elsewhen sounds interesting, feel free to introduce.
  5. They have introduced pretty extensive banking regulations. Dodd-Frank if anyone cares to look. I'm more concerned that we're going to see few new entrants to the market as a result and that a number of smaller banks have already been rolled into larger banks to prevent the domino effect. We're Europeanizing the number of banks, though admittedly in some ways they are Americanizing theirs in terms of additional regulation. In some ways it is good. Fewer banks makes regulation easier. Regulating the flow of money allows countries to freeze accounts, track people, restrict monetary exchange. There is just going to be predictable negatives as well as positives.
  6. Esme? https://www.travelblog.org/Photos/5644236
  7. Directly downwind faster than the wind?
  8. While attempting an acetone dorodango(didn't last), noticed this happening in the dirt pile. Thought it was interesting enough to record(and possibly to prove it wasn't just the acetone vapors getting to me). Did find simply baking a normal dorodango in a bowl of dirt to work well in terms of speeding up the process. Then it fell... onto a hard floor... I'm okay with brief art, I just wish it hadn't been quite so brief. Interesting though. Have another one going and am planning to work on it more tomorrow.
  9. Good point. This all happened when I was fairly young. Actually thought OP was talking about Obama's recent nominee, before looking into it.
  10. How did it go?
  11. Felt that Delta1212 expressed the main issue with the OP well enough. Panspermia, is an interesting possibility but by no means certain and as Evolutionary Theory says nothing about origins, only change, it is unrelated to the discussion. Much of the rest is so mistaken I don't know where to begin. Generally evolution is gradual and organisms don't make sudden jumps like sea to land. Incrimental stages instead. You can see a number of animals still around that are neither one thing or another On the plus side, I am a Scientist now.
  12. But the thread title specifies him being nominated as the "betrayal of democracy", not the resultant proceedings. She hardly had to wait before reporting sexual harassment.
  13. The allegations didn't come out until after the nomination.
  14. Plants can react to stimuli even without an energy intensive brain. For many plants immobility is the best strategy and motor control is one of the main uses for said brain. Plants colonized land rapidly, but even still our ancestors had a foot(or fin) in both worlds for the longest time. Many creatures still do for that matter. Land, the final frontier. These are the voyages of few brave fish. Their continuing mission: to explore strange new ponds, to seek out new opportunities and new vegetation, to boldly go where no fish has gone before.
  15. Most of weapons we are concerned with here, are left idle while the primary owner is sleeping(or for longer periods during the day). This would be a perfect time to handle any necessary charging. A wireless charging pad next to the bedside would be simple and keep the gun within easy reach. Additionally we can certainly have a low power indicator. Not like it suddenly not working needs to be your first indicator. What if the assailant incapacitates both hands? Then the vast majority of all guns will no longer be effective for self defense. You can what-if all day, but you could also search right now for "officer/homeowner shot with own gun" and see a number of cases where an assailant gaining control of the rightful owner's firearm led to the owner's demise. If people won't stop picking up the deadly snake, we can at least make sure it only bites when the owner wishes it to. So you feel that mandating loaded chamber indicators would be a useful way to make guns safer? What evidence do you have regarding a lack of safety? I can produce a vast number of links where someone else gaining control of the weapon can be traced directly to a death. Sounds like an easy way to vastly improve a weapon's safety along with allowing it to be stored in a more accessible manner.
  16. This article has a bit more about it, suggesting an external origin. https://astronomynow.com/2016/04/14/speeding-binary-star-discovered-approaching-galactic-escape-velocity/
  17. I keep thinking of the song
  18. Let dog out. Dog barks. Open door. Find kitten...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sirona


      Wish a kitten would show up at my front door! There are usually lots of dogs tied up at the beach and I go a bit crazy petting them all and a few weeks ago this German guy looked very annoyed that I was hugging his dog. Must be a cultural thing as usually the owners will be overjoyed to talk about their dog and interact in Sydney!

    3. Endy0816


      TY all.


      Happily Momma Kitty returned today for her little one. Possibly still scolding him for getting himself covered in dog slobber.

    4. Sirona


      Aw, how cute! ^_^

  19. Require something like this? Make allowances for anyone who for disability reasons cannot use the scanner. Main complaint in Heller was that locks restricted people's ability to use their weapon. They've actually declined to hear a recent case. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/06/08/412917394/supreme-court-rejects-nra-challenge-to-s-f-gun-rules What SCOTUS giveth, SCOTUS taketh away.
  20. What do you do instead in the case of a large number of applicants for a job without reliable evidence for past performance? They are really educated... at Nursing. That may not translate over to verbal reasoning and math problems. Note: Should mention that Wonderlic does not put their current test(s) out there, as their clients are the employers. Any versions online may not be recent or accurate.
  21. Endy0816

    Yay, GUNS!

    Insurgents here would be wiped out. Technological superiority is where it is at now. Explosives, chemical, biological weapons, napalm, airstrikes, drones. Phones would stop working, US GPS would be restricted to military use. If you are really enamored of guns, then keep in mind the military has fully automatic weapons as well. You'd be running a gauntlet of mines, grenades, aimed shots and automatic fire and if the base has been fortified still need to figure out how you are getting through a concrete/metal wall or gate at the end. Only to end up fighting soldiers wearing that uncomfortable body armor. Even the worst attacks in these recent wars only saw relatively light causalities on the defender's side when fighting from a secured position.
  22. Depends on how it is done.
  23. It is mostly just an older pre-employment test designed to weed out applicants. I'm still not sure why OP is interested in this particular test, as there are a number of similar tests out there. Some context would be helpful. With studying and practice I think anyone can improve. Fourteen seconds is not enough time to have you work on anything real complex, but it is more than enough time to see if you can find the answer to a question like: NFL :|
  24. Other language versions exist, but it has been criticized along those lines before. Not a pass/fail test or even a test you are expected to complete, though a higher score is ideal.
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