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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. http://wonderlictestsample.com/wonderlic-test-scoring-explained/ Taking a quick glance, looks like it mainly tests rapid problem solving skill with a focus on math and language comprehension. Mostly depends on what the employer wants, though it may be more suitable for some occupations than others. You may want to look at buying a study guide.
  2. You can be against both, not that England exactly has the same problem with gun deaths we do.
  3. Obviously OP is referring to Odin.
  4. I got pneumonia in Navy Basic(18), set me back a couple of weeks. Not limited to a specific age group, link below has more on that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidemiology_of_pneumonia Temperature, stress and lodging situation; are what I noted as playing a role. Multiple possible causes, so I think it is more a matter of whether your immune system is currently holding it at bay or not.
  5. Infalling mass could work too. Just having a smallish stable one would give us some decent options though. Waste disposal. Swiping energy from rotation.
  6. There are greenhouses in Antartica: http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=13724 Self sufficiency would be hard though. I think if Biosphere 2 had stuck with the basics it would have turned out differently. I wouldn't be surprised if different model ecosystems are not eventually set up in space(for the novelty value if nothing else). But that would be a project way down the line when you have the energy and resources to support it. Probably end up being a mix. Pool based(algae, wolffia, cyanobacteria); hydroponics and quasi-conventional farming. Native soil can be introduced to a composter and your supply of usable soil expanded in that fashion. We mostly manage soil nutrition ourselves now, be more of the same.
  7. Sun is not going to cool down overnight, no pun intended. Plenty of heat we could make use of. The gas giants and some of their moons have resources we can use for combustion and everthing else. More resources than we have access to on our whole planet. I think that should keep us for a bit. Currently they are testing inflatable habitat modules. Probably the way things will go in the short term. I fee solving the issue of establishing humanity's presence in Space is enough of a goal for a start. What we consider The End, may not even be an issue for our descendants.
  8. heh, good catch. Mainly meant the different types/options mentioned though.
  9. Need the manufacturer info. This gives a bit of detail on the different possibilities: https://www.neptunetg.com/Water-Meters/Residential/T-10-Meter/
  10. Instructors like to have students find the result by hand when their students first start working with loops. I'm guessing op is just trying to find shortcuts. 32 + (15 * 0.25) is easy enough to figure out, but am not sure if the summation needed to find for x can be simplified.
  11. This is what I got if anyone feels like taking a look: I do think you are probable right about the original question testing knowledge. I think OP is asking if there is any way to skip ahead for the final x value though. Not sure on that one and whether the solution would be generally applicable. Late and my engine is rapidly running out of steam here. Enjoy.
  12. Depends on the number of iterations and what the loop is doing.
  13. Read "This Census Taker" recently by China Miéville. Still unsure if it was his most normal or least normal book. Good read; though, if you've never read his works before, don't read it first. Did capture the feel of taking census perfectly. Did it this latest time. Questions of dubious logic, illegible writing, incredible shows of trust and more frankly rational suspicion. Loved it, as much a roller-coaster ride as the job itself.
  14. They've tried. http://freeenergyscams.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/12736193-Rejection-2016-USPTO.pdf
  15. Long-term habitation would be the proper wording. Mostly medical and resource issues. I do have to say recent advances in gene editing have given me hope on the medical front. We may no longer be 100% human standard, but we won't need to be entirely non-human to survive the journey and colonize.
  16. While it is true that imagery and text can bias decision making, it is equally true that a number of factors go into why a post receives up/down votes(including 'just because'). I think a more general topic on the subject would be interesting. On the one hand we see chivalry and on the other hand sexism for those choosing to assume a female online persona. Probably not even limited to males(thinking of the results of the Myth Busters test on breast size relation to tips).
  17. They've already linked up brains to an extent. http://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-link-up-monkey-and-rat-brains-in-world-first-experiment I've read about more direct connections, though still pretty limited. One rat using information from another rat's brain. Probably end up being more similar to torrenting than restricted to either uploading or downloading. Note: I have not disliked your posts, but you do need to focus on the discussion. Insults only hurt any case you are trying to make. You feel there was a rule violation report it instead.
  18. Endy0816

    Yay, GUNS!

    Went decently enough in Tampa last time: http://dailycaller.com/2012/09/10/law-enforcement-turned-the-other-cheek-to-tampa-rnc-protesters/ I do think the hurricane provided an assist though. Schedule changes, weather keeping people away, etc.
  19. Removed the remaining Sansevieria today. Same results as the first. The submerged section appears very dead but dyed with the top portion keeping most of its original coloring. Both are still in remarkably good shape considering it has been over 2 months. Previously removed plant observed to be more rigid than the recent removal.
  20. They are talking about feeding beetles the fungi to obtain chitin. Collagen would be from animals.
  21. Wood would be an obvious choice. Mushroom bricks second. Bacterial cellulose is probably too weak for what you want. All will need some form of treatment.
    1. fiveworlds


      It is weird. All buttons are limited to being pressed once. For example you can only use 1 once.

    2. Endy0816


      Uses the "Checkbox Hack" to simulate buttons.


      Would need to swap them out once every couple digits for longer numbers.


  22. But if someone else used the program they might consider it a bug, so which one of us is correct? Strictly speaking neither value is mathematically correct, though obviously one will be more accurate than the other.
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