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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. It is a pain to reverse engineer something. USA Today did a good article on the FBI's alternative options. They mentioned hacking how it tracks attempts along with directly peering at the chips with an electron microscope. Interesting stuff.
  2. If you graph things it does trend that way. Probably just something that will be better explained in a future Theory.
  3. Nobody is psychic. If you don't call the cops when your home is burglarized they won't magically show up at your door. Same principle. You don't report and mod's assume you are okay with it. Only if it is the forum's equivalent of shots being fired will they intervene. Very hands off here, honestly more so than other forums I've been a member of. All you have to do is make your case supported by evidence or a model in a calm and collected manner. You don't need tactics. Just debate honestly. Science came about at least in part from the study of rhetorical debate. Main reason why illogical arguments are dismantled so readily today is the fact that the subject has been studied to death for over a thousand years already.
  4. I see remedial homework in my future. Thanks.
  5. Is there a way to provide coordinates such that the arc length between two lines, red and purple for instance, can be said to remain at a fixed value for where they intersect both circles?
  6. Not a gem for anaerobic lifeforms. These other worlds are hellish for us, but even on our own planet there are lifeforms with very different standards. Some can shrug off lethal radiation. Some eat it for lunch. Still others exist simultaneously at two temperature extremes all while lacking mouths. Now imagine how alien a species we are not related to might be.
  7. I think it shows focus level. If you are unable to focus on your writing, your argument may also suffer. Phones are probably when you really need to be careful these days.
  8. Only if it doesn't involve any rending. It did that.
  9. One can only hope you meant assess...
  10. Occasionally have babies born in their amniotic sacs. I think our own ancestors were soft shell which was probably an easier jump than a switch from hardshell would have been.
  11. Too many European terms. You need to use arbitrary units of measure based on body parts so the Americans can get the joke. We won't even talk about CO2 ratings. You need to be limited to hybrid or electric feel good options like normal people.
  12. Not seeing anything in images of Native American tools that looks similar. Size, shape and lack of an edge seem to be the main features that are off. Unrelated, but I did come across something else I'd been looking for a reference to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_dodecahedron
  13. Very cool. I like hearing about people's projects.
  14. I mean to see if you can prevent it from saving the fact that you failed in the first place.
  15. Yeah, would be like hauling away a safe and then trying to open it at home at your leisure. Possibly could be solved via reverse engineering. Keeping track of failed attempts is probably the weakest link in the chain. That should just come down to a lowly counter. Obvious RL moral issues surrounding this, but makes for an interesting mental puzzle. I would think there would be laws in place already that support Apple's position. I don't know for sure though.
  16. I'm just wondering how hard it would actually be to accomplish. Duplicate the data and then rig up a system to try ten times. On permanent lock reset. Might work if a bit slow.
  17. Google site search will work(edit: for the blogs), but you have to search for the latex code itself rather than the symbols.
  18. For anyone who has published a paper, have you ever had to use one of the traditional journals or are the assorted alternatives an option(if not the greatest one)?
  19. Yeah, I was also wondering if it would work in the title. Now we know.
  20. Maybe look at publishing an ebook? Main thing is to edit and consider how to promote sales if independent.
  21. Submerged base could work. No reason to believe there are any though.
  22. I meant normal only in how we normally measure. Start at zero and count up. This would reverse things. Start you at the value of c and decrease as you went faster. Think that is what I am looking for Timo. I'll take a look at it. Many thanks.
  23. Just curious what the time dilation and length contraction equations would look like in a system based on: v = c - vNormal for finding velocity. I was thinking along the lines of how we convert to Kelvins. Wondering how things would look if we did something similar with velocity.
  24. Endy0816

    "Good" kill

    I've spoken with a former AF UAV pilot and he did describe the shock of switching from one environment to another. We know Hollywood would have fictionalized a number of aspects though. Wait 50 years and submit an FOIA request.
  25. Sure, I'm on the house pc.
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