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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Personally I would probably just place limits on measurement, but entirely possible to simulate analog via feeding in random numbers. Some things we can look for to see if we're in a program. Glitches. Memory limitations. Access to variables from outside the simulation, that normally change at a reliable rate but would appear jump during a reload. Deliberate or sudden changes to the simulation.
  2. I found where they hack it via the access port. Probably would be an idea to look at the more obscure hacks. IoT vulnurabilities could also be worth looking into. http://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/inspiration/digital-lock-picking-simple-arduino-hack-opens-millions-hotel-keycard-doors-0138312/
  3. Yeah, stage magic. Even saw videos showing various ways to create the effect.
  4. What is weird is that he himself does it. Oddly he also appears unaware that there is porn involving only the gender(s) of one's choosing. If that was an issue fear not, the Internet has you covered(and then some).
  5. That still counts as masturbation... ...and pornographic materials have been around for ages. Probably as soon as people figured out representation, they were off drawing images in the dirt. (The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife) ie. Tentacle Sex - 1800's Work of Katsushika Hokusai that may be more familiar. Masturbation is something of a hijack of the feedback system, but we're not the only species that does it either.
  6. Never try to outstare a potato.
  7. Yeah, rumor mill at work. We know that there were a) more than 6 and b) Hillary did not win all of them. Not impossible though, Gambler's fallacy and all that.
  8. I sometimes get the longish adventure dreams. Exploring a series of spaces, where opening specific doors would lead to a space larger than the last(like a reverse nesting doll). Eventually reaching a peaceful hidden community tucked away yet still with access to the rest of the world. Last space contained within the building, we refer to as the Universe... It was all very zen.
  9. My own version spun with ease via air currents even with an unsealed container over it. Need to rule all the alternatives. Ventilation is fairly ubiquitous.
  10. Does this help? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenwich_Mean_Time
  11. Memes persist via spreading to new minds. They don't depend upon carriers themselves reproducing(though somewhat obviously do depend on someone reproducing). ie. The monks might be celibate, but parents of their newest Brother were not.
  12. I'm sure people are thinking in terms of a reasonably clean energy source(not the first time that it has been suggested). Just misses the fact that something precious could be destroyed in the process.
  13. Talking about the surrounding Valley and the assorted geyser and pool ecosystems based off the higher temperatures. Anyways already protected and we have alternatives.
  14. Yes, as there are alternates that wouldn't destroy a unique ecosystem.
  15. You can change your skin color (at least once). We're just big on attaching meaning to anything that provides differentiation.
  16. I believe Yellowstone is protected by law.
  17. It make sense if you think in terms of the gasses released during standard decomposition. If something is going to end up consuming oxygen or creating methane anyways, better to put it to work for you in the process. Granted I'm not so sure of the logic of using bits we can eat for this purpose. What we really need to focus on are utilizing the waste byproducts.
  18. Thank you. First coherent explanation I've seen online. I see the same thing with one eye closed. What I see with both eyes open, are the two normally separate(one eye closed views) at the same time. An engineering way to think of it would be in terms of camera feeds. Imagine two filming the same area, but then imagine one feed placed partially on top the other. If things were nicely lined up, everything would be fine. If they were not then you would see doubling and similar oddities like the flipped nose. You should see a similar transparency-like effect by watching a video on your phone when placed right up to one eye. Like that for my nose. Really would have issues if things were otherwise, nose is almost always in view.
  19. My thinking is that fracking has altered the equation. Operations will go in spurts but have plenty of locations worldwide to choose from.
  20. I think biodiesel will stick around. Unless they find a way to reduce their costs or there is a sudden supply shortage of conventional options, will be difficult for more exotic options. Ironic considering. Nice on the wallet but sucks for the planet.
  21. Not suggesting that, only offering solutions. I know in the US facsimiles are sometimes enough for record retention, I don't know what UK law says on the subject though. Organization is still a necessity, just done a bit differently. Granted does depend on what needs organizing. Never had reason to store invoices, but other documents, sure.
  22. Template might have been changed. They might not think there is any longer a need or attempting to save on printing costs. Would it be possible to scan the documents in?
  23. Pretty impressive work. Considering working effectively solo especially so. May be an idea to ask your daughter what she sees rather than how. Most would answer in terms of clarity(which probably is really good for her). Aside: Could anyone with normal vision please tell me what they see of their face(both eyes open, staring straight ahead)? I've read that it is not seen normally(various explanations given), but would like some confirmation from a reliable source.
  24. Sorry, thought that it was clear that I used his image to produce that one. I included his drawing in the spoiler below it. That's funny, I hope most would recognize the use of image editing software though. Looks normal to me... Edit: Seriously I do know what you mean. The sort of "cyclops look" resulting from the overlap. How the world looks to me without my glasses though. For the longest time I thought all artists were employing artistic license in their paintings and drawings by not adding in their own noses. Live and learn. Anyways good to understand IMO, at the very least because it is entirely possible for strabismus to develop later in life. Hopefully helps people understand what is going on and that they can see an optometrist for assistance in dealing with the underlying problem.
  25. Love, sweet love.
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