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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Sorry, thought that it was clear that I used his image to produce that one. I included his drawing in the spoiler below it. That's funny, I hope most would recognize the use of image editing software though. Looks normal to me... Edit: Seriously I do know what you mean. The sort of "cyclops look" resulting from the overlap. How the world looks to me without my glasses though. For the longest time I thought all artists were employing artistic license in their paintings and drawings by not adding in their own noses. Live and learn. Anyways good to understand IMO, at the very least because it is entirely possible for strabismus to develop later in life. Hopefully helps people understand what is going on and that they can see an optometrist for assistance in dealing with the underlying problem.
  2. Love, sweet love.
  3. Grafting?
  4. Closest thing would be a simulator.
  5. Started the Mother-in-Law's tongues(Sansevieria trifasciata) yesterday. 2 leaves: Both are starting at ~5 cm at their widest, one is ~53.34 cm the other is ~28 cm. Can see the dye appearing to make its way up the yellow edges of the plant. Testing to see if having the leaves not totally immersed in the solution helps any. So far it appears to be working, keeping my fingers crossed. I'd like to determine all the in-and-outs of what determines the rate of absorbancy. Impact of temperature, photosynthesis, and viscosity. I've found the equivalent of old wives' tales, but nothing solid. Note: I've never been a fan of soliloquies. Feel free to keep me from talking only to myself here.
  6. Good one. Family laughed too.
  7. Rough on the surface too. Rolls like a tin can.
  8. I've seen similar setup's where a non-level table allowed air to pass under. Really need to seal it, let it settle and then try it.
  9. Evolution is big on reuse.
  10. It Came Back Wrong Had considerable wilting and loss of color with this one. Was possibly caused by the lack of exposure to sunlight. Could be due to the fact that it is a different plant as well. I'm hoping the solution itself is okay. I haven't seen any reason to think it isn't but could be a factor. May still be able to use them if they prove to have preserved okay otherwise. Might look nice enough placed in an old light bulb or under clear vase filler. Planning to try mother-in-law's tongue next. I'm thinking something fibrous might hold up better. As hoped for, the first trio of leaves looks the same. Weird having to dust them off, but at least they look the same.
  11. Didn't used to be such an issue. http://www.annalspornographie.com/sex-behind-closed-doors-marriage-and-the-invention-of-privacy/
  12. I think he means if the antenna itself could be hidden. We can hide small objects for specific wavelengths. I haven't heard of anything visible spectrum though. I'm guessing we're talking fictional spaceship battles in which case metamaterials capable of this would not be an unreasonable advancement.
  13. I was just thinking in terms of readily available filters made by plants. Mechanical aid would simply improve the speed and avoid expending energy lifting water(depending on the source). There are backpacking filters that function along these lines.
  14. You'll want to look at telomeres. Basically each replication your DNA shortens. To counteract this, you need only make it longer again(telomerase). Telomeres aside, it is the same DNA though. Part of what creates such a strong incentive for cells to work together(for awhile anyways). Immortality is the easy part. Problem is that fully repairing DNA is not so easy. Cancer, is a good example of this problem. It is immortal, but is not playing by the rules and worse has access to our entire playbook.
  15. Researchers have been looking into wood: http://www.technologyreview.com/view/520706/how-to-build-a-plant-xylem-water-filter/ In the video he found he could speed it up by providing suction. Might be an idea to do so via mechanical means.
  16. Does any remaining need to spread pollen have an impact?
  17. Red Kangaroos are a good example of an alternative that is comparable with us in terms of adult size. Has a gestation period of only 33 days, but less mature offspring are placed at greater risk as a result.
  18. Ah, I see. Yeah, I have never heard of such a requirement here.
  19. What do you mean by religious connections?
  20. Realistically this would simply be an option for couples having trouble conceiving. If there's enough demand multiple avenues to the same end result will be found. Swapping out DNA in donor sperm, utilizing another cell type, injecting parental DNA directly into an egg and starting things going, etc. Need to see their results before speculating too much. I've heard of promising results in attempts to create female sperm and male eggs. This being a simpler case(male sperm from male cells) it wouldn't surprise me if they had success but would still like to see some data first.
  21. Typically what you see in fiction are wormholes. An alternative I read in the Old Man's war series, utilized jumping from one Universe to another(never exceeding c in either). Or you could always simply time travel. There was a young lady named Bright, Whose speed was far faster than light. She stared out one day in a relative way, and returned the previous night. However long someone else sees it takes wouldn't matter if you are running around with the equivalent of a flux capacitor.
  22. This is probably what you are referring to: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2815756/ Does suggest there could be some benefit from short term fasting(prior to a proper chemotherapy regimen). Caloric restriction, is more specifically what you'll want to look into. Different ways to achieve this, though for reasonable purposes fasting would be the simplest. Make sure and consult with the doctor before starting anything though. Fine line between fasting and starvation. here's an article on grapes: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2728696/ Main issue is the "pass through the stomach" problem, with anything you consume. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curcumin#Pharmacodynamics If it is anything normal in normal quantities, then it probably won't kill you, but could make you feel sick and not impact the cancer any. Again please discuss things with your loved one's doctor first. May also want to check into clinical studies. There are new treatments coming out that show a fair amount of promise.
  23. Yes, a picture could be helpful. Really hard to diagnose remotely though. If you have anyone who locally works with electronics(parent, teacher, friend's parent) you may want to reach out to them. Have you tested what you hear on the radio if you turn the phone off, but leave the circuit on?
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