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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. I've always thought it tends to come out looking pretty good: Sugar, chocolate, dough and sauces; are what you tend to see as ingredients.
  2. Yep, NASA is even looking into it for space based meal preparation(one time you definitely can't run out to the store).
  3. My thinking is that you might simply miss something with too small a sample size. I'd be curious what the researchers among think is reasonable in their own labs. There have been a number of articles recently, http://www.wsj.com/articles/fda-inspectors-call-theranos-blood-vial-uncleared-medical-device-1445967607 http://www.wired.com/2015/10/theranos-scandal-exposes-the-problem-with-techs-hype-cycle/ http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-probes-theranos-complaints-1450663103 Overvaluations aren't really unusual. You need a few people to get it going, but then things can snowball. I think a lot of it is just the appeal of not having blood drawn. Henry Kissinger being only one of a score of prominent names. Incidentally several have distanced themselves. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theranos
  4. Tropospheric scattering? You just need to something to bounce a signal off of. Before satellites became common, Gov even created an artificial ring.
  5. [latex]\sum_{i=0}^{n}(a_{n-i} * b^{i})[/latex] Works for an initial value in the form: anan-1an-2 ... a0 tested for base 10. 456 -> 6*102 + 5*101 + 4*100 = 654 ...and yes, I'm butchering things a bit here...
  6. Some of Rey's skill could be due to force learning or memory imbued objects(Luke's lightsaber). Conversely you could ascribe Fin's lack of skill as being due to a lack of familiarity with the weapon's system on the ship. On the cowardliness front, he just lost the closest thing he had to a friend(dying storm trooper who bloodied his helmet) and thinks he lost Poe(for most of the action). I felt like they did a good job overall recapturing the magic of the first three. Reminiscent of the first without being a retread. Only thing that bugged me was the divergence from "cannon". Bad guy felt like a mix of Jacen Solo and Ben Skywalker. I'm sure it kept the costs down, but felt it could have been handled better.
  7. Your terms cancel out, any two numbers will work here. ie. 777 * (((999^2 / 777) + 777^2 ) / 999 - (777^2/999)) = 999
  8. Saw green grass in Minnesota this Christmas. :blink:

    1. imatfaal


      Never been to Minnesota - but I did late December in Chicago and it was seriously bbbrr! New York still feels Autumnal. It is the same here (but to a lesser extent as our climate is always more moderate)- I have worn roughly the same cycling kit every morning since end of August thru to end December - I have washed it in between :)

  9. There's false memory syndrome, though that is more general. Ganser syndrome is somewhat along the lines in terms of "belief in the impossibly absurd", but I don't know anything in RL that meets all of the specifications in the OP. I always took the torture sequence to be an attempt at thought modification via psychological and drug-based means. No real reason to think O'Brien was even present for most of it(even evil empires have time constraints).
  10. Not really, no. You haven't once quoted Einstein here, and all the math and real world evidence is on his side. GPS is still working just fine.
  11. Probably something involving geothermal vents. It is possible to obtain metal via bacteria concentrating it. Maybe a more advanced form could work.
  12. They do look good in steampunk items. Fetch a decent price too.
  13. You are thinking of the later reCAPTCHA system.
  14. Endy0816

    Yay, GUNS!

    Colt is just now exiting from(yet another) bankruptcy. If things are so good what is going on? Yeah.. last time Smith and Wesson's stock was up like this it dropped from the 20's to the 5's within a few months. Their director just sold 20,000 shares, so feel free.
  15. Endy0816

    Yay, GUNS!

    Has been mentioned a few times now, that the statistics in other western nations back up a reduction in gun prevalence as vastly reducing gun homicides. Even the "people will be killed by other means" argument doesn't stand up to scrutiny as the overall homicide rate drops as well. You can child proof electrical sockets, pools, so why not do something about the guns? You can't just wave your hands and say nothing can be done, when something clearly can. Biometric safes, gun locks. Easy as pie. Lets add some incentive and make them a tax right-off. What is the problem? Aside: Has been a slow cultural shift going on, though not real obvious with all the big news hype. Gun manufacturers in financial trouble, normal gun purchases down and parents asking each other about whether the other owns a gun(and if so is it secured). That quiet sea of change, is what I think will eventually see us "catch up" with the rest of the first world(and to be fair, some of the second and third). Got our bastardized quasi-gov healthcare program, now just need to lick the gun issue.
  16. I would look at it as having pushed back or decreased your risk of having a heart attack than as being a waste. Keeping in mind there also a number of additional benefits of exercise and eating well.
  17. Might be an idea to look at family history to help assess your personal risk.
  18. The plan is to ship him to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London right before he is banned from entering the UK. With the sole exception of Ecuador, the Americas would have one less problem(at least).
  19. Might be so we refrain from using them on something too tough to bite through.
  20. You could take exceedingly careful measurements(or not so much if the liquid was something like oil) and show that they haven't really gone anywhere. What measurement can we take to find what has become of my antidrops? I have to wonder how confused first contact will become if we ever run into a species that lacks the concept of holes.
  21. An analogy would be tube in vacuum with a series of liquid drops traveling through it. I can logically name the voids between the drops, antidrops. I can go into great detail on an antidrop's properties. Take away either the tube or the liquid though and the antidrops are no more. I think the Wiki does a decent job trying to get this point across: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quasiparticle#General_introduction
  22. Rotation is the main means commonly discussed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_gravity#Rotation I'm thinking in the real long term medical advances will provide a simpler solution. Should be possible to up/down regulate cell activity in bone production/reduction for instance.
  23. Can provide artificial gravity fairly easily. Normally cost and docking complexity is why we don't closer to home.
  24. In one sense your idea isn't far off that there is an invisible world unseen on a regular basis. A landscape of hills, beacons and modems talking through the air. In a real sense though there isn't any separation between that world and the real world. They are one and the same. If you have some specific questions on EM Waves/Radiation that would be a better way to proceed.
  25. Do you mean leaky reaction DNA strand displacement? This abstract mentions a bit about it: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26491602
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