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Everything posted by Endy0816

  1. Not saying that as a concept they don't make life easier, just that in real terms holes don't exist. Keeping in mind on a hike I would still want you to shout, "Hole!" instead of providing a lengthy explanation as to where all the ground is at.
  2. The issue is that we are always stuck defining a hole in terms of something else. You consider a hole to be in the ground by where the earth is not, an electron hole is where an electron is not, etc. There's no independent existence. You can tell me where the ground or electrons are and convey the same information.
  3. On the plus side it only seems to cause everyone else to become further entrenched in opposition. Almost comically over the top. Yes, someone who stands in front of a group and attempts to teach them something is really a skairdy cat... Right... Anyhow, there's the patriot missile system that Turkey could be hoping to bring back into play. As far as the strategic situation goes they are forcing Putin to react, rather than act for a change. We'll see how the game of chicken goes.
  4. Are you able to consider that you imagined the clues leading you to perform arbitrary rotations resulting in a pattern you are imagining meaning is attached to? There's a difference between encoding and hiding something. Your remote uses encoded communications but nobody would claim it is being hidden.
  5. He's harming regional relations by seizing territory, promoting the targeting LGBT individuals and helping to send his country's economy into the crapper. I really don't know any other way his actions can be painted. He does have a great propaganda machine set up, I'll give him that. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31962644 Should note google translate works reasonably well and there are English versions of Russian publications. Not quite back to before the Tower of Babel fell, but we're getting there. My other comment was regarding NATO member countries. At least a few of the countries probably even discussed things before hand. If you know someone is likely to do something again, not hard to make plans in advance.
  6. I think it might possibly serve as an excuse but not a reason should anything of substance come of it. Multiple members have had conflicting interests for awhile. I'd wager it is more likely a song and dance routine will take place instead though. Everyone knows Putin has been an asshat lately. Whatever their individual differences everyone loves the idea of taking Russia down a notch(without getting their own hands dirty). Russia is posturing on the water, but we'll have to wait and see if anything actually comes of it. Everyone wants to conduct a multi-proxy war rather than be dragged into a brawl for nothing in the way of territorial gains.
  7. It may have some meaning but it probably isn't part of a secret code. You can see it represented again here: (dotted X shape lower right and again at the base of the world tree)
  8. Okay, has been a week and I think the project has turned out decently enough. Leaves smell like dried leaves but are as pliable as when they were fresh(main goal). So far nothing has gone after them. Potential threats include mold, insects and pets. Want to try a larger specimen next. I'd like to move towards functional pieces, but since I've started on this I've been noticing most leaves lack the surface area for human type applications. Fantasy furnishings are poorly grounded in reality. Half wondering if something could be rigged up(glycerinated plant cells on a scaffolding). It is possible to take thread and needle to leaves, but the results I've seen look pretty weird.
  9. https://youtu.be/B-PER45xZNI?t=57 There's some similarities, I don't think it is enough to count as copyright infringement though.
  10. http://www.scienceofcooking.com/why_food_sticks.htm Cementing generally revolves around Calcium(in some shape or fashion).
  11. You may be able to take some of those as electives. Can take a look at it if you are comfortable providing more information regarding the student loan program you are looking at/on.
  12. Multifunctional, though I do have a number of redheads in my family...
  13. Can generate heat from deformation. Something like a heavily loaded wire coat hanger is probably easier to consider. It can't provide any more power though than if you simply dropped it. Same amount of potential energy converted over a longer span of time. On a more practical note you might want to consider reinstalling. Sounds like it wasn't in a stud. Fun to explore your own walls, especially if you make your own stud finder out of a couple permanent magnets and a couple of plastic bottle caps.
  14. You would always have a mechanical backup gravity is often used for nuclear plants. Computers all have a risk of unexpectedly going offline.
  15. I was thinking different colors might occur depending on the setup. Don't know much about it but seems possible. Is there any safe way to run a test? I know blindness is a concern with different classes of lasers.
  16. Meant to post this a bit ago... http://www.pnas.org/content/111/50/E5445.abstract Still can't go out and hunt small mammals but no gene changing is required for you to see IR of a sort.
  17. Been working on this for a bit. Several leaves preserved in a commercial Glycerin solution(blue). Main idea is to incorporate life-like plants in decorative and functional items. There are a number of pieces out there which incorporate living plants in a similar fashion. Main issue with many of these is the need for regular tending and dealing with any thing wanting to make its home in the plant's "pot". Honestly not sure I've quite figured out what I'm doing. Still have plenty preservative though, so going to keep working on it. If anyone could ID the species, I would be appreciative. Obtained them via clippings from a vine that strayed onto the roadside.
  18. I think this is one of those cases where it could technically work, but that it would be impractical to implemenent. Three were some crazy ideas early on. Nuclear grenades and the Mobile Nuclear Reactor programs.
  19. Is exciting that this project has started back up. I'm not sure what all the Egyptian government would allow them to do though.
  20. Several governments have drawn up or are already implementing plans for taking advantage of the opening up of the Arctic ocean. Trade routes, prospecting, militarization.
  21. Not just lower appendage... otherwise your point is valid. I think the issue is that there are many who do claim the Bible to be the literal truth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_literalism Parts are fine to look to for moral guidance, other parts are detrimental to society yet people remain dead serious about.
  22. Whole separate sense organ. Would likely require more than changing a single gene.
  23. I exist in a state of superposition with my selves Yeah, has been a bit crazy as of late. Basic idea stems from base conversion. If you can convert something to 14, a slightly modified function can convert that to 41. Some numbers convert the same for both functions, 55 for example(depending on the base). Mainly hoping that looking into the general form will yield some insight. Passes the time at any rate.
  24. Excellent summation. I just don't understand the cause of that failure. Not really saying "Go Nuclear!", just to have some kind of plan in place for ensuring a steady supply in light of a known future decrease in that supply. There's ways to clean up fossil fuel plant emissions, higher investment in renewables, etc. Anyone know what the political climate was like at that time(7-10 years ago)? I took a glance and a number of UK power companies appear to be under foreign ownership(mostly looking at Nuke plants so may not be true more generally). The EDF/CGN aspect is a result of a more general agreement between the companies to work together on projects. CGN purchased several UK wind farms from EDF last year, so they aren't totally new to the UK. You might reasonably be concerned with their profit seeking behavior(ironic considering) but I wouldn't expect anything any more that that to be an issue. ...and yeah, some, if not all, of the timing of the official announcement relates to China simply making a show of strength. Quite a few countries received visits with several of those coinciding with big project announcements. China is still China. Just to note there are plans for other Nuclear power plants in the works. This just happens to be a first of sorts.
  25. I just need to get this stuff out of my head and this is probably a better place to do it than in(yet another) notebook. A + A' = B f(x) + r(x) = B f(x) != r(x) or f(x) = r(x) - Dependent on base and x. Mixed base series possible consisting of only palindromic numbers. ie. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33... and no, I have no idea what use any of this would ever be. I keep thinking cryptography, but not sure how that would go. Is non-palindrome forming mixed base possible? Unknown at present.
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