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Everything posted by Conjecture

  1. Obvious Straw Man statement. Notice I was only stating my personal beliefs. And not doing half the things you listed would kill anyone.
  2. Then you do not see the point I was trying to make. How many religious people have you gotten to know on a personal level? The way you have worded the last sentence seems to add bias to your argument. From what I have gathered from a brief overview of your posts in this thread, you appear to have an intense dislike for theistic people. Now I won't pretend that I know you nor your upbringing, these are just merely observations I have made from a limited look into your posts. And I am not being disingenuous because I'm not pretending that you know less than I do about this particular subject. Personally, I dislike abortion as a source of stem cells for research, as I believe that is snuffing out a life. But not a sentient life which is only marginally better.
  3. That one is less religious belief, and more personal morality. Morals like that more or less coincide with religious beliefs, but I have met many atheists that are against stem cell research. To respect their privacy, I won't be citing them.
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