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Everything posted by Leif
That was hardly a negative judgement! It was a positive judgement from a chiraliacaly biased point of view..I LOVE JOHN...HE IS BRILLIANT!
Irrational Time: The Absolute Co-Ordinate in The UNIVERSE!
Leif replied to Leif's topic in Speculations
It is interesting that in quantum mechanical experiments that light behaves much differently when observed then when it is not observed. It seems to me that the determination of a photon being released from a star 300 light years in the past with a defined destination being an atom on a rock on the earth; that this is an observation made by the recipient atom on the rock. The photon will therefor behave as a particle. If their seems to be uncertainty as to interception, the photon is a wave and there is a pronounced ambiguity associated with it's nature. -
Fine John, Then please account for the huge negative charge that the earth has accumulated; please enlighten us with your insight. Also explain the fact that the rotation of the galaxies is adequately described in an electric charge model while it is not-described adequately with the gravitational model(prediction and observations do not match);and that the only way that the gravitational model can every possibly work is to fabricate a quality called Dark Matter to account for the discrepancies...dark Matter is un-falsifiable and therefore unscientific. You seem so full of prejudice and blind sighted criticism that I am also sure that you clearly must have a solution in mind and your solution is much, much simpler and better than the one I put forward? I'd be glad to hear your ideas and am awaiting your insights to help clear up these trifling nuisances and paradoxes! Somehow the truth keeps tugging at and eroding away at my algorithms...DANG! The simple idea John is that the predominating result of stellar-fusion is the formation of elements that create an electrical asymmetry resulting in large scale electrical charge gradients. It's not phd material, and maybe you are just way to smart to understand this and it's implications? The problem is certainly not resting with you, rather the universe is not complex enough to satisfy your needs and so the universe must be wrong! I know that Linus Pauling won 2 nobel prizes in his career and that he saw the need for the concept of electro-negativity; and yet you see fit to call this concept rubbish. Please, for the sake of the humble edification of the rest of us, please, please proceed to enlightening us with your incredible insights and fill in the gaps! I for one, and the rest of the world(which I do not speak for) are awaiting the pronouncements of your radiant brilliance. Perhaps you also have a fictitious construct to introduce yourself so that you might account for the difference between your belief and the reality?
It doesn't make obvious sense to me that some of the other negativity scale values, aside from Pauling's give helium the highest value and not fluorine; except that the nobel gases are reactive elements when in a solution of water. I do not see where that gets you with Helium in a non-earth environment where there is no liquid water. But it definitely should have some net positive functional charge attributed to helium here.
Electronegativity values are calculated values, and according to the Pauling Scale the value of Fluorine is the highest followed by Oxygen. According to other scales the nobel gases also exhibit electro-negative values and as I recall Helium is the highest in ONE of them. You put no effort in, then I give you little effort in return...do your own research! Questionable website is just a reflection of this...J.D.G.A.F! I think it obvious that gravity and electricity follow the same inverse square law unless you are speaking about electric scaler waves. And so gravity is well known to be an incredibly weak force...so how can you indicate otherwise in good faith? What you should do is research some of these new concepts and find your own conclusions. I am sure that you have never given consideration to any of this thought before...am I right? Also I think it is a fact that your body has a negative charge and this knowledge is 70 plus years old now. The fact that the earth's crust is highly negatively charged goes back over a 100 years now and is found to have originated with Tesla! I am suggesting that based upon typical composition and densities of matter by and large, that the centre of any galaxy will be negatively charged and the outer regions will have a consequent positive charge....hardly difficult to comprehend? It does indeed seem strange that the universe may yet prove to be a fractal expression in both fantastic and yet unforeseen and yet essential ways? Good Luck and keep me posted! PS...labeling something as drivel is not expressing a fact. The clergy thought Copernicus's helio centric solar system was drivel, and that was probably all they could say in their own defence of epicycles?...don't you think so?
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Strange, Cancer is a self-perpetuating metabolic dysfunction. The products of anaerobic metabolism are acidic and effectively and stubbornly block the resoration of aerobic metabolism. There is a simple cure, resulting from Warburgh's work that involves a simple curative diet. Apparently a cure is not what the scientific and medical community is all about; curing cancer is not in their interest!
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The scope of a forum post is not like that of a paper suggested in a pier reviewed journal. It is not difficult to simply google the evidence you ask for. The evidence is ubiquitous. And more than this the galaxy itself is an accumulation of positive charge elements created by the bias of stellar fusion products. The charge gradient across the galaxy is the result of mass concentration at the centre. This effectively creates a charge gradient across the galaxy where the centre concentrates negative potential and the periphery is positively charged. Your body is 66% oxygen which gives it a negative charge bias; the most abundant element in the earth's crust is oxygen, which allows the earth to accumulate negative charge. Perhaps the sun itself is accumulating negative charge because it's bias to positive charge fusion products. http://altcosmology.com/The-Sun-is-Electrically-Positively-Charged.php
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Irrational Time: The Absolute Co-Ordinate in The UNIVERSE!
Leif replied to Leif's topic in Speculations
Endy, I find it interesting that light seems to be the mediating particle of time, the electro-magnetic force, and that light has also throughout human history has been equated with truth. The absence of light is falsehood, and the presence of light is revelation. Interesting that maybe instinctively we have always embraced a relationship with the quality of an idea similarly to the presence or absence of light? This might convey significance to the very nature and essence of thought itself? -
And they still haven't figured it out when the solution is 50 years formulated! Spend billions more in research and the solution will still evade them! That is the tragedy of miss-alignment, insulting from a certain perspective to another...or not!
Does the idea of a "big bang" make any sense?
Leif replied to Windevoid's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
If you want top be obtuse then go right ahead, because you can go down that path to no end...it is a bottomless pit and you can always justify it easily!- 57 replies
The clear bias of stellar fusion results in the creation of highly electro-negative elements. This is results in an electrical asymmetry where a net effective positive charge is the result of this process. This results in stellar and galactic charge gradients which account for the fact that 99% of the visible universe is in a PLASMA STATE!!! This means that the electric force is the dominant force in the cosmos and that gravity is much less important. The relative density of stars though out accounts for the gradient.
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A photon cannot be emitted randomly. This means that the source cannot emit the photon until the destination has been determined. When you look out at night upon a star 300 light years away, this means that the source determined to release the photon to your eyeball 300 years before you were even born! This is Irrational Time, and in Irrational Time everything that ever was, is, or ever will be exists simultaneously. This is how a photon from a star 300 light years away can determine to find your eyeball in an instant 300 years before you were even born. The unifying co-ordinate in the universe is irrational time. It is the commonality of all existence and provides the unity for all existence. This makes compelling arguments for both Retro-Causation(the future affecting the past) as well as a profound argument for Free-Will! The basis of this result is Einstein's Relativity Theory, and it is over a hundred years old by now...so catch up to it and equal the expansion of thought FINALLY!
- 15 replies
Absolute coordinates in the univers
Leif replied to Edgard Neuman's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
How can you suggest in good faith that irrational time is not the ultimate absolute co-ordinate in the universe? I think you need to re-examine your education if you are so threatened by the truth! -
As an example, the basic definition and solution to the issue of cancer was defined by Otto Warburg 50 years ago. The solution is in his definition if a truly ingenuous mind was examining it. The current culture of science and medicine is indifferent and unaware of the solution because the solution is not their true motivation. If the intention of scientific and medical investigation is not correct , then it is nothing but a fraud. Social and economic factors are really the overriding ones determining the so called results. It is sad but this is TRUE!
Does the idea of a "big bang" make any sense?
Leif replied to Windevoid's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
Anti-particles are the enantiomorphic forms of baryonic matter. -
In irrational/non-linear time everything that ever was, is, or ever will be exists simultaneously...this is the consequence of relativity theory which has been around for about 100 years now(actually he formally introduced it in 1905 for all you pedanticists who are going to complain about not having the statement down to an algorithm). A photon cannot be emitted randomly; before it can be emitted it requires a destination. This means that if you look out tonight into the night sky at a star 300 light years away from you that the photon and destination of the photon(your eye ball) was determined well before you were even born. The only way this can be true is if the determination is made in irrational time! In irrational time everything that ever was, is and ever will be is in comunication. Our entire existence as we experience it is an instant by instant point in linear time, and irrational time is the unifying theme! This also makes an interesting argument for retro-causation, where the future effects the past; which also leads to a compelling argument for free will! We all instinctively know this! What is the Univers?
Dark Matter and the Initial Mass Function
Leif replied to Widdekind's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
Circular arguments using algorithms has nothing of value in them intrinsically. -
Strange, I think that the over riding incentives(social and economic factors) have silenced pure science and that as a consequence not much is currently being accomplished. This is indicated by the true lack of scientific revolutions today when powerful concentrations of capital flow into investigations unyieldingly, and yet previous to this and lacking institutional monies the revolutions abounded. Money is not the ally of the scientific mind exploring nature, it is an impediment to discovery for the circular reasoning that it engenders.
Does the idea of a "big bang" make any sense?
Leif replied to Windevoid's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
Strange, Chirality bias exists on all levels of the Universe; in sub-atomic physics, in chemistry, in biology, and even at the large scale and extremely large scales of the universe. If you do not understand chirality, then I think you need to look into it because it is a fundamental property. Chirality does seem to lead to asymmetries, and let me suggest to you that your existence itself is an asymmetry. -
Perhaps minds exist in a similar fashion to light, and in the ideas that create minds, the reference point from which everything else is measured(the single mind) must be measured in the same way to all others proving the unity underlying everything. It's like irrational time except this is applied to thought instead of time? And so any point is an absolute co-ordinate...because any point includes everything else including time. So there is no preferred co-ordinate, they are all equal.
I think it strange that there should be an ecliptic at all unless it is based in the notion of chirality and a large scale external field of force organizing it?
Strange, I think that the current paradigms in science are not leading to solutions and are becoming unsustainable(much like the epicycles were in the middle-ages). Thoughtful and free thinking people who are not DRONES who are exercising ingenuous thought is the only way to find relief from this. Perhaps you do not agree? It does strike me that Einstein was not a DRONE? In fact he was such a poor student that his focus was not entertained by the curriculum presented and it was actually only a distraction to him. I think he was a free thinker who's only truly great quality was to ask deep enough questions. I believe that if you can formulate the question then the answer exists. Imatfaal, I hardly think a phd means much, many that I know well, are truthfully... very unimpressive minds and personages. It's as if obtaining a piece of paper was giving value to the person, and aside from the paper the remainder is sadly, vacuous.
Does the idea of a "big bang" make any sense?
Leif replied to Windevoid's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
Stange, Gamma rays passing through a magnetic field creates both chiral forms of matter. If fusion in the sun creates gamma rays, the sun has lots of magnetism, then I think creating matter should also be one of the energy pathways that occur...I think this is obvious? Studiot suggests to me repeatedly that an atom cannot exist for long when stripped of it's electrons. I am quite well aware of hydrogen and helium, and I am skeptical of Studiots assertion. But I thought, and think it might be amusing to entertain his idea...that's all. -
Right, I should have said not ingenuous!
Strange, Sheldrake has interesting ideas, and I hardly think it ingenuous to dismiss them without suspending skepticism for a bit and entertaining them for while even if it is only briefly? Christ, everyone thought thought that even Einstein(at least the people who knew him best) was an idiot for a long time? "If you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree..."-Einstein