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  • Lepton

GrandanB's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. This idea of running the lemons in parallel intrigues me. We will give it a try. LOL Now we have to run to the store and buy some more lemons Thanks again for your help. You folks are great.
  2. Yes, we have tried this, and to no avail, but, you know what, we are now in the process of trying yet again. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Thanxx for this, and any additional help you .. OR ANYONE .. might offer will be cherished. This is supposed to be simple and it's really starting to make me feel stupid.
  3. We have a circuit. The potential voltage of the circuit is 2.2v (with 4 lemons) and our clock should run on approx 1.2v. When we measure the IR drop across the clock, we get a 0.5v drop. We have tried several clocks, both analog and digital, and cannot make this work. What could be wrong (in addition to the short circuit performing the experiment)? We are at a total loss now, having attempted every variation of correction we can conceive with our limited knowledge of the issue... please help. This is a major part of the grade for this 9th grade class.
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