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Quark (2/13)
Yes, yes, I can see where you are coming from, there is so much, from so many places, you never know what may be true, and I do throw in a lot of assumptions, with out much backing, but I only really want to prove one thing. Aliens exist and visit Earth. All my other coclusions are based on maliscious research, study and analysis. For instance, my coclusion that our species is an Alien hybrid, the product of extreme genetic engineering is because, our fossils, and even our own DNA show very strong evidence of artificial manipulation. My conclusion about Alien existence comes from the extremely vast amount of people, which include hundreds, if not thousands, of high status individuals, who believe they have seen Aliens or the secret Government documents verifying Alien existence, and the vast amount of public and Governmet footage from all around the world. There is no doubt in my mind, I am sure of it. I'm also almost as certain, that the Government is hiding advanced technologies that could stop the destruction of the Earth, where do you think all the energy in our universe came from in the first place? The zero-point vacuum of nothingness! They are just so freaking greedy, they make billions, if not trillions, from the current methods of producing and selling power, while they run massive underground infastructure on free energy, without paying a cent. They even have crafts that utilize anti-gravity, people have reported seeing such craft, before going to hospital with major radiation burning, I'm not sure if they stopped this excess release of radiation by now, but these occurences weren't to long ago. So, how will the masses handle this information? What pill would they take? So, back to the point, my examination of the NASA footage utilized consistant logic and scientific analysis, but it instantly got closed, for no apparent reason. It was free of assumptions, it was straight to the point, and clearly showed my scientific reasoning, which was quickly ridiculed with one scientifically void response, before being closed, and this is what I'm getting at, I used science, as we are on a science forum, I presented my case as logically as possible, yet, it was closed, conversation and discusion was cut off instantly! Oooh, look, he's talking about Aliens on a science website, BANG, CLOSED SUCKER, implemention of the blue pill is successful, case closed, as you were. What the hell? Can we not have an civilized conversation here?!? I just want to be able to talk about it, it IS infact science, well pseudoscience, so for all that's good and right in the world, let us speak God damn you!!!
I know I said I wouldn't be back, but I couldn't help my self. So, before we start, I just want to say, this does relate to science, it's like the good old particle-wave debate, the wave theory challanges our whole understanding of matter, and the universe, so we have a hard time accepting this at first, but eventually, the truth will prevail, eventually. So, lets just assume for a moment that the reality you live in is lie, you have been lied to your whole life, and not much is really what it seems, your leaders, your economy, your technology, your understanding of the universe and the life that inhabits it, and even the origin of our species. Now, someone comes along, and shows you all these things are false realities, they even provide endless proof of what is going on. Would you chose to believe them, or would you chose to ignore him, and continue living in blissful arrogance and ingnorance? Can you handle the Earth shaking information that challanges your whole paradigm, can you handle the fact that your "superiors" have been lying to you your whole life, do you even start to examine the evidence he has put forth, or do you just escape his "nonsense", disregarding it in any way possible, to avoid reshaping your mind? Are you calm and stable in avoiding any shocking new truth, or, do you seek truth, no matter how shocking it may be? Do you take the red pill or the blue pill? Now, we all know this has to do with my recent thread which was closed for no apparent reason, but here are a few reasons I have had from other forums that do the same thing: "this is a contreversial topic, and people are getting hot under the collar.", "we don't know enough about other life in the Universe to talk about it.", "this is a science forum, not a conspiracy theory forum." etc etc. They are very invalid and unlogical. People are getting hot under the collar? The conversation was going fine, between a small amount of people sensible enough to talk about it intelligently, but apparently lots of people were reporting it...for God knows what. We don't know enough? How the hell are we ever going to know if we can't even talk about it? This is a science forum, not a conspiracy forum? Well, this one makes me the most angry, I really can't see anything much more important to man kind than the existance of other intelligent life in our Universe, especially if they are visiting us and if our origin is linked to them. The implifications are enormous, and this is the very heart of the problem, science totally shrugs off the enormous amount of evidence, and the topic is no more than laughed and giggled at, it is the subject of instant ridicule, mockery, and skepticism, which is fair, but only to a certain extent. The mockery of the subject goes so far, that it is taken seriously only by a minute, few intellects. Their most powerful tool are those who treat the subject in such a way, with total disrespect and mockery. Which pill have they taken? Morpheus: "You've been living in a dream world, Neo." Morpheus: "This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
OK people, here we go, NASA footage. I have watched "Evidence: The Case for NASA UFO's" and the arguments, analysis, and scientific methods used to eliminate the possibilities of comets, space dust or camera faults are impeccible and fully conclusive. I have found on youtube, two of the most controversial pieces of NASA footage ever captured. The youtube scenes are exactly the same in every way, as the ones on the the film "Evidence: The Case for NASA UFO's" and all other footage I have seen of the exact same scenes, and I have watched these scenes a lot of times, from a lot of different sources (which I encourage), and have shown a lot of people. The question here should not be "is this footage real", I assure you, it is, and NASA will assure you, if you ask someone working there, and the people who watched it live on national television will also tell you it is genuine. The question here should be, "what are these unidentifyable objects", and this has been the question throughout the scientific community since the footage was shown on national television. One thing to remember, is that these crafts are usually only visible within the lower light spectrum (moving towards the higher frequencies), and these NASA cameras are capable of viewing things in these lower spectrums. Also, I highly recommend the skeptics watch "Evidence: The Case for NASA UFO's", you will have an extremely hard time disproving the evidence presented. The NASA footage: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=As-wYmFYb3I http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=FJyuQVIFdKo NASA claims that the objects in the first video are ice crystals glowing in the sun. Ice crystals? How does that work exactly? How about when the camera zooms in, and we can clearly see several of these crafts pass behind the tether? Well, some obviously pass behind the tether, therefor, we can use the tether as a measuring device, and eliminate NASA's most favourate excuse, space debri floating past the camera, and assuming they are right behind the tether, estimates place them between 2-3 miles wide, the largest UFO's captured on NASA footage....I'm not sure what ice crystals look like, but if they do get that big, why do they all look like they are made of energy, why do they pulsate, why do they all look the same, a circle with a black center and a small notch cut out of the side, and why do they appear like this on every piece of NASA footage containing these unidentified objects? That's quiet peculiar...and I'm not sure what crap NASA has come up with for the second video, but why do they not get pulled into the Earths gravitational field, and why do they seem to be doing something intelligent? Notice the one shoot past, close to camera as it moves towards Earth, looks quiet similar to the ones from the first piece of footage doesn't it? They all move into a formation above the Earth and increase their luminosity dramatically...also quite peculiar. I assume there are a fair amount of them, because they were swarming the tether, investigating it, NASA also reported that some electronic settings had changed, settings only adjustable by remote control, but lets not get into this. Comets and space crystals shouldn't even be visible in space until they start burning up in our atmosphere, and start letting off light, I assume this is why they are claiming they were ice crystals glowing in sun, one could also say, that's an awful lot of ice crystals floating around, and there are not hundreds, a lot of what you see are stars, you know, the ones that don't move relative to each other...The last point I want to make, is that water, let alone, ice crystals, shouldn't even even exist in space, the extreme radiation from the sun should instantly cause the ice to melt, and vaporize in a furry of nuclear reactions and transmutations. This footage is from a while ago when they started doing live feeds using the cameras that could see into the lower light spectrum, which these crafts are only visible in, well most of the time, they are highly quantized energy crafts, making them capable of faster than light space travel (if you want a better description of the physics, I suggest you watch the second part of the following videos, might take a while to get to it, these are the the two parts of "Evidence: The Case for NASA UFO's", they are from different sources, so they may overlap slightly). Shortly after these UFO's were shown on national television, NASA stopped doing live feeds...also peculiar. http://www.guba.com/watch/3000113495 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8524267568796529301 He's also says his "Galaxy Clock" theory gives insight into the formation of the galaxies, why they have black holes in the center, and why they have the spiraling shape. I do not really understand his theory properly, but I have just found a 60 page PDF file on his theory (to big to attach, so I uploaded it here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=35O2HKWE), which I have yet to read. It took an abnormal amount of effort to find, as it didn't seem to exist where it supposedly use to be, if you find the page where it is said to be on Google, and chose to view it in HTML, it seems to work, but the last 10 or so pages were missing and the pictures weren't showing, but I eventually found the full PDF version. It isn't actually a PDF format, it is a "P file", not sure what that is, but it works fine in Acrobat Reader. When the two pieces of contreversial footage I have presented here, are examined by me or other highly trained experts, one conclusion is eminent, these things definitely do have methods of producing propulsion, these things can make intelligent monouvers, and some of these monouvers would produce G forces that would be powerful enough to create nuclear explosion, were these objects made of normal matter. They are infact, highly quantized, existing on a higher wave state, and capable of breaking light speed, and maybe even time. If there were this many objects made of normal matter, floating around space, we would have lost numerous space craft and satellites, and it just wouldn't be safe to travel through space in the way we currently do, not to mention, the mere size of some of these objects would pose extreme danger to Earth. The tether incident was filmed very close to Earth, close enough so that the tether could travel through the Earth's Ionosphere, so why were objects, that are at least 2-3 miles wide, in such vast numbers not being pulled into the Earths atmosphere and impacting the Earth? NASA scientist's have admitted to unidentifiable objects entering the Earths atmosphere, they estimate millions enter the Earths atmosphere every year, yet no satellites ever get struck, nor do such huge objects ever get seen burning up as they enter the Earth's atmosphere, nor do they impact the Earth, the odds against all these things are extreme. It also seems, in the hours of NASA footage where these objects are captured, they always look very similar, heightening the probability that these are Alien space craft, and NASA always makes up some excuse as to what these objects are, and most of these excuses are plain, out right lies, as they are scientifically impossible.
OK, I do not believe in all conspiracy theories, infact I do not 100% believe in any. The only thing I really, 100% believe is that aliens ARE visiting us. You say one person's point of view is not reliable, even if they are a doctor. Let me ask, how many people does it take before they are believed, before people instantly dismiss them as crazy or liars? I personally have MUCH MORE evidence than I will ever need, the evidence bucket is overflowing, yet it is made to look empty! It seems to me that when over 400 highly respected and reliable people come forward, there is something more than "crockery" at hand. You are all acting exactly how they hope you will, 100% skeptical no matter what is shoved in front of your face. So let me ask directly, are you saying all people who believe are liars or crazy? A recent study showed that 71% of Americans believe in UFO's. I think most would acknowledge that the Government does keep secrets, yet at the same time they claim to know the truth. Sgt. Clifford Stone: US Army
I forgot to mention that you can buy a 2 hour DVD showing the interviews with these people...anyway, their crafts can me made visible and invisible. If you read the testimonies you will see how these people managed to come into contact with these aliens. I suggest you start with "Testimony that explains the secrecy" Maj. George A. Filer, III: US Air Force (Ret.) said: Jeo from http://www.philosophyforum.com said:
If aliens were to visit earth, what would they do?
CHAOS replied to Mr Skeptic's topic in The Lounge
Well I have a theory but it is about what they have been doing (hyperthetically), not what they would do Long ago, when Aliens first discovered Earth, they found that the most intelligent form of life was the primates. They were already so advances and intelligent by this stage that they were able to take their own DNA and through some extreme genetic engineering they were able to combine a tiny amount of it with the ape. In doing so, they produced a more intelligent and self-aware ape. This is backed up with scientific evidence, scientist are lacking in fossils that fill in the link of evolution at this stage. We were now infact, a genetic experiment created by these Aliens. They have been, and still are abducting people to implant "computer chips" that monitor our bodily functions, they also perform genetic experiments on people, some are returned, some are not. They watched us create a society, they watched us advance and learn until in recent years, we were advanced enough for them to show themselves to the Government we had established. Since then, the Government, or secret compartments of the Government have been working with Aliens. They have built and established massive underground infastructure, and all this is kept secret from the masses. These facilities contain extremely advanced technology such as free-energy and anti-gravity technology. This Alien race has absolute control and power over Earth. We are still seen as an experiment and property of this race. Now, this last bit of my theory, that I am about to explain, is the part I am least sure about. I believe that other Alien races have become aware of what the Aliens controlling us are doing. These are the UFO's that have been revealling themselves more and more, and taking people on trips through the galaxy, showing them extraordinary things. I believe this Alien race is preparing to war with the aliens controlling us, they are here to set us free and show us the truth about reality. -
I would encourage you to ask any of the people that testified. I think it might be a bit suss if the Government tried to stop it, don't you? There hope is people will think exactly what most people do think, it's a load of nut jobs, and throw it into the said Mr Skeptic.
Well, it is actually a donation they require, does that make any difference? I also doubt I will find any better evidence on a race that are experts at keeping the human race unaware of their existance then the testimonies found at the disclosure project. This is the point of the project, to disclose the truth. How about if I give people my username and password? Jokes, but I need to do something so that people can freely view this information without donating $5, and don't get me wrong, it will happen one way or another, whether this website lets me or not.
I just so happened to purchase the product. Does that not make it ok for me to share it with whom ever I like? I own it and there was no copyright present, it is the testimonies of people who want as many people as possibe to hear what they have to say, this website is just trying to make some profit of it. It is my documentation to do what I like with, is it not? Please let me know because this is something I really want to share with the people. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedSo my other thread was closed because it needs proof and logic, it needs to be scientific. Well, I wonder what has more scientific importance than the existance of UFO's and it REALLY baffles me as to how time-travel is any more scientific and provable!!!
I wonder what the section "Pseudoscience and Speculations" is actually for then? Things that have been proven? Infact, aliens visiting Earth is more likely, and has more evidence than: time-tavel, parallel universes/multi-verses etc. So why are these any more legitimate and worth study??? Please do not say you are not scoffing at the topic, you couldn't make it any more obvious.
That's probably the most obvious question isn't it? It is quiet simple, there is a vast amount of evidence but these organizations, which are not necessarily part of the legitimate Government discredit it in any way possible. The evidence isn't peer-reviewed properly for two reasons: These organizations don't allow it and most refuse to review it in the first place because it sounds like crockery. BTW I attached the .zip file containing the Disclosure Project testimonies because my other thread was removed, it was my third Sorry [[[ATTACHMENT REMOVED BY MOD, DUE TO COPYRIGHT VIOLATION]]]
Sorry, I always forget to do that. Yes, you are correct in where I found it, and as I said before, I am going to move on from this topic, I do not have any peer-reviewed, verified sources, and I suspect I wont find any. To answer your question, I am moving onto the disclosure project, I have attached it to my other thread. Sorry, again.
Although I could not find information describing the isotopes found, if you know your stuff, it is quiet clear that they didn't come from Earth. So thee are basically two possibilities, they had a small piece of a meteorite hit them, and lodge under their skin or they were abducted. Considering, 90% of the people had memories of being abducted, no scaring and no inflammatory response, I think I know which one I will go with.
As I said, I would like to move on. The evidence is just not reliable, I am in acceptance of this.