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  1. Thanks for reminding me of that. It's been a while since I studied QM. For me it is mere mathemathical model of the reality behind. I understand that in QM particles are described as superpositions of multiple states but when measured the state is fixed. Is it possible to show experimentally that particle has really two states at the same time?
  2. Why can't we describe the cup with superposition of two states: pea / no pea?
  3. Suppose a magician has a pea and two cups on a table. Then he covers the pea with the other cup and shuflles the cups rapidly so that no one knows under which cup the pea is. Then the macigian pushes the cups to slide opposite directions on the table. When a has arrived to the end of the table an assistant lifts it to check if there is a pea in it. If he finds a pea he knows immediately that the other cup is empty and vice versa. So here we have entanglement! I don't understand where's the magic, though. It seems that the jungle of mathematical shuffle makes things just to look magical.
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