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Everything posted by ADreamIveDreamt

  1. What have you created? https://www.facebook.com/adream.ivedreamt/media_set?set=a.229263927223582.1073741829.100004199289347&type=1
  2. You wouldn't mind me uploading thousands and thousands of images to your website? I'll answer this for you:No! You could have answered this for yourself but hey,you didn't even take the time to Understand. It also says the "crackpots" could be the Mods for removing/deleting/etc before even trying to give it a thought first. How can you call someone else a crackpot but my point just proved that my stuff gets removed by ignorant people who has no Understanding of things they remove/judge. For the record- Nothing I said is an insult,if you take the time to Understand. You can not claim Science on your website and only make the website for your friends.Science is for EVERYONE. Math is for everyone,etc,etc,etc. 90% of stuff on this website is gibberish,why is the 90% still there and not removed?
  3. "Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist.they are wrong: it is character."

  4. "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

    1. Tridimity
    2. Greg H.

      Greg H.

      Character is what we are in the dark.

    3. ADreamIveDreamt


      If you look at my Design,I'm not in the dark. xD

  5. No disorder in my New World Order.

    1. ADreamIveDreamt


      I care, that is why I am here. Why are you here?

  6. I said true words. You do not Understand it because,well,um...you know ~ Cheers You have to have some kind of common sense to Understand what is "objectively true." And no, I do not BELIEVE, I KNOW. ~ Cheers You could not have just viewed 1,000 images in two minutes! but the thought is funny. At least try.
  7. I made my point.The army of Mod followers also made my point. I am not here to make friends, nor to make enemies. I also seen enough to Understand how it is here.
  8. I did not insult anyone.I spoke true words. If we both studied the same things in life,we both would have some kind of similar Understanding of what we both studied... If you didnt Understand it,is because you NEVER studied it. ~ Cheers.
  9. That is not the topic.Try ToE
  10. @ swansont Ignorance. 1. lack of knowledge or information. If my Topic/Post are being deleted,thrown in the trash,etc without looking at the evidence,proof,facts,while claiming a title of intelligence,would that not be Ignorance? I advice you or anyone else to go back and re-look at the facts/evidence/proof and then come back and tell me that it still belongs in the trash?
  11. Why would I get banned? What rule have I broken? I'm asking questions to "Mods" and others are trying to "fight." Just proving my point is all... ~ Cheers.
  12. Mods, Explain to me why it is that my topic goes in the trash without viewing the Proof? If you're educated in any field,branch,etc that you claim, how is it that you can not see the Proof/Evidence when in fact,the Proof is in the pudding? Is it that you only care about your Power status and Ego? Not wanting to change the World? Claim title of intelligence but yet, can not even see facts... And this is allowed? Hypocrites!
  13. Without looking @ the Proof/Evidence , my Truth was placed in the trash? I guess, "One mans trash is another mans treasure." I highly doubt the "Mods" would let me upload over thousands and thousands of Images... Hope this helps. ~ Cheers
  14. If you looked @ my Facebook where the Proof/Evidence is as I posted it in my Profile and My Topic, you would KNOW this by now,but yet," Ignorance " rules... ~ Cheers Also, you're not a "Mod."
  15. It does not say "Mod" under yours... No. I only have the Truth. I see 99 percent of theories accepted,not any Truths... I post Truths,not a theory and it gets placed in the trash by people claiming a title of intelligence... Hope this helps. ~ Cheers
  16. Are you a Mod? "Questions for the Mods" Already proving my "point."
  17. Why is it that only the Ignorant people are allowed to judge,move topics,give warnings and abuse their power on this site? Everything,well,almost everything of mine has been judged,removed or abused because of lack of an Understanding in the Field. If a person is not Ignorant in a certain Field, how does he/she not have an Understanding of it? And if a person is Ignorant in the Field, why is he/she allowed to remove,judge or abuse without any consequences? I Understand this is "your site" and I have to follow "your rules." "Abusing power will only hurt yourself." Shouldn't a man/woman with the most Knowledge,Wisdom and Understanding be the one judging others?
  18. There is a huge difference from "Believing" and from "Knowing." If you "Know" something, why would you need to "Believe" in something? Is there Proof? Yes.
  19. What I realized from being on this site, people only care for Power and NOT for changing the World.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Endercreeper01


      Sometimes they're good, and sometimes the're bad.

    3. Amaton


      If it weren't for mods, this site would be knee-deep in shit. It's their job to keep it clean, civil, and free of pseudoscience, and I think they're doing their job. Now, not every action of theirs is agreeable to everyone, and in that case, take it up with them.

    4. Amaton


      As for their behavior, yeah, members here can seem a bit harsh and intellectually pious, but that's academia in a nutshell, especially in science. What you may see as arrogant power-tripping the other may see as a sincere campaign against misinformation and lack of care to learn.

  20. I love Mathematics !!!!!!!!!!!!! The Greats who came before me, I THANK them all! Too many names to list, but Georg Cantor was very helpful.
  21. If you're allowed to go into ego/power trip, am I allowed also?

  22. Death is like kissing someone you love for the first time.
  23. Go away warning points.

  24. I wonder what happens if you put Numbers on my Line "They used Numbers to make a Point." Also, if you Understand 4D, you also Understand 22D.
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