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Everything posted by ADreamIveDreamt

  1. A black cat loves glass.No Peter but Pan. What does her house look like? The Female dresses also need to be more detailed...
  2. I'll leave you with this: “Let him who hath knowledge, understand! let him who understands, calculate !”

  3. " We have all the light we need, we just need to put it in practice." - Albert Pike

  4. I was raised by (a) parent(s) that never mentioned the word or belief of (a) God, and I came up with the concept of an all-loving God as a child. Not all children grew up with no worries, no sorrow, no pain, but it must be niiiice...
  5. 3,6,9 The Truth Takes Time.

  6. Hi. Most can only see two Images here, a few can see the secrets embedded...
  7. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" - E.L

  8. ‘the earth, viewed from above, resembles a ball sewn from twelve pieces of skin'.

    1. WWLabRat


      How very Buffalo Bill of you... lol

  9. You're Looking for Answers with sooo much fear, but sooo much fear, you'll never find them Answers. You want to Know the Answer, so get rid of the fear of Knowing the Answer. And "POOF" you have your Answer.
  10. Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.

  11. When I created a number system with the base of 60, I seen all secrets of Math.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ADreamIveDreamt


      Even if one would give you thee answer, you would still not understand the answer.It is because you worship money.Therefor, your brain will not understand it.A Philosopher is not a business man.

    3. Amaton


      Let's not make this discussion into a personal quarrel. :(

    4. Amaton


      DevilSolution, you can look up the million dollar problems from Clay Institute. They are the most famous of difficult problems in mathematics and related subject areas.

  12. I can teach you everything about the Magnet.
  13. I got warned once for answering a persons question with a metaphor that told the answer to his question...
  14. Only our Government is allowed to experiment with Drugs...
  15. I like the O' Din Make the cane more of a question mark style so when he does magic with it, the magic of it will become the answer of whats going on in his surroundings,etc...
  16. A Question only holds more value when one does not know the Answer. Once you know the Answer, the Question now holds less value. In Ancient Egypt, they used to use these two symbols ? ! for this type of Riddle.
  17. Almost all the noblest things that have been achieved in the world, have been achieved by poor men; poor scholars, poor professional men, poor artisans and artists, poor philosophers, poets, and men of genius. -Albert Pike

    1. Tridimity


      And have you noticed that genius, especially impoverished genius, is almost invariably persecuted? Why is that?

    2. Tridimity


      Socrates, Hypatia, Galileo, Einstein, Turing. The witch-hunters apparently aren't interested in Truth.

    3. ADreamIveDreamt


      "I will not die confused..."

  18. Hi. The Greatest Knowledge. The Greatest Wisdom. The GREATEST Understanding. For those of you who want to KNOW, which will be only a selected few, now is the Time. Have you ever studied one of these: The Philosopher's Stone. The Holy Grail. The Mark of the Beast. The Sword in the Stone. Ying-Yang. I-Ching. The Harp of David. The Spear of Destiny. The Great Pyramid. The Temple of Solomon. Pi. Phi. Matter. Energy. Space. Time. The Arc of Covenant. Portals. Worm holes. Science. Mathematics. Geometry. Physics. Art. Transformation. The Human Anatomy. Medicine. Diseases. Cures. The Blood of Christ. Etc... If you have an Understand of all your Numbers/Letters and have nowhere to place them, place them on my Design and I guarantee you that you will find your Goal. Most will fear, mock or not Understand this, but for those who will, Time is now. For those who do not Believe, ask yourself this ~ Why can I not Learn and Understand everything from One simple Design/Image... (The God Way) ~ Change the World.
  19. I will change the World.

    1. Kowalski


      you have to change yourself first.

    2. Sato


      I guess, changing the number of status updates in the SFN database, is in a way, a change in the world.

    3. ADreamIveDreamt


      1. I already changed the World just from creating my Design in my Profile image.



  20. I will cure every disease.I will give sight back to the blind.I will make the cripple walk again.I will change the World.Join me?

  21. "Great minds think alike"

    1. WWLabRat


      Great minds think for themselves... ;)

    2. ADreamIveDreamt


      I have a blueprint to every thoth in your mind,want to change the world with me?

  22. 1.White Chalk 1.Black Board 1.Teacher

  23. "UFO" is a time machine Ancient Egypt believed in when they figured out Anti-Gravity/Gravity,Time,etc...(Hence they worshipped Aliens), in the time when they discovered how time/light bends/curves therefor opened portals that created them to go from one place to another a lot faster depending on how that light/time bends/curves... Another time machine that is possible is how Assassin Creed did it in their game...
  24. The secrets of the Pyramids aren't such secrets at all.

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