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Everything posted by microscopeguy

  1. You do realize you just bumped up a 1.5 year old dead thread? I was going to make my own but I guess not. Also, a suggestion, if not posting evidence of the issues you're experiencing, I suggest taking the names out of this thread. If you haven't been given specific permission to use their names, you could be in trouble for libel (if they get their hands on this thread, which it isn't hard to do...) What happened to you, if you don't mind me asking? Considering them and I'd like to hear your horror story before I decide. Thanks. Also, if you think Amscope is bad, you're going to go to Microscope.com? You're funny, way to mislead the group here, it's no different. You get what you pay for in this industry. You don't buy a Honda expecting a Ferrari. If you want quality, pay for it. Go with a solid Zeiss, Leica, Nikon, or Olympus. I just need something quick and cheap, so the Honda works for me, as long as it does the basic job.
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