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Planck temperature vs Absolute zero


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first of all, hi, how are you?


I was watching the Flash series when in a certain episode appears two villans, one with a radius that reaches the absolute zero (-273,15 °C) and another that reaches Planck temperature a(141 X 10³⁰ °C) the series said that one cancel the other, but we all here know that is wrong, but really, what will happend if this two radius touch one another, and what will happend if an ray at absolute zero touch an body? and if an ray with Planck temperature?


I´m waiting




(sorry for the bad english, I'm brazillian

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Nothing can achieve absolute zero.


In general, you can't say what happens when two objects at different temperatures touch, other than one will cool down and the other heat up — there's not enough information to know more than that. A drop of water at 50ºC has less energy than a liter at the same temperature, but more than a chip of gold of equal mass at that temperature. You need to know how much of the substance there is that has the temperature, and what the heat capacity is for the material (how much energy corresponds to a given change in temperature) For example, for water you must add 4.186 Joules for each gram to raise the temperature by 1 ºC, but for gold it's just 0.126 Joules per gram. If you tossed a small amount of gold at one temperature into a bucket of water, the gold's temperature would change a lot more that the water's — there's less of it, and it takes less energy to change the temperature of it.


In your example I don't understand your use of ray and radius.

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