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but i believe the limit on handheld laser in america is around 5mw. I still dont believe it. All the others ive seen are at 5mw, including the one i just bought. And, from the looks of their site, i would never buy from them. I mean come on, wicked lasers.com".

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  H2SO4 said:
but i believe the limit on handheld laser in america is around 5mw. I still dont believe it. All the others ive seen are at 5mw, including the one i just bought. And, from the looks of their site, i would never buy from them. I mean come on, wicked lasers.com".


5 mW might be a legal restriction, but it's certainly not a power restriction from physics or engineering. It would be relatively simple to create a circuit and pop a 100 mW diode into an enclosure. The only things keeping the 100 mW laser in my lab from being handheld is that the power supply also hooks into the thermoelectric cooler used for temperature stabilization, the current source is low-noise, and it lacks the proper "cigar-tube" enclosure.

  H2SO4 said:
Why wouldnt all laser pointers be 95mw if it posssible? It doenst make sense.


There's the legal aspect you discussed, and the quick battery rundown that I did.


I did some research and i found that these lasers are possible found on some FDA website or something. But i think i saw something that said the handheld lasers are restricted to 5mw in the US.


All i can say is i cant wait to get my 532nm. By internet research ive found that there pretty powerful for a laser pointer. Here's a cool link about the dissection of a green laser pointer. Theres also a gallery of pics. http://repairfaq.ece.drexel.edu/sam/laserpic/glpdpics.htm


Does anyone know if those disposable lithium battery's you buy at the store would work for a green laser such as mine? I want to get the Lithium battery's becasue i hate replacing the battery's in my red o laser because it eats them up so fast. I dpnt want to get this laser and put Li cells in it and cause the diode to overheat and sacrifice the life or something.

  H2SO4 said:
Does anyone know if those disposable lithium battery's you buy at the store would work for a green laser such as mine? I want to get the Lithium battery's becasue i hate replacing the battery's in my red o laser because it eats them up so fast. I dpnt want to get this laser and put Li cells in it and cause the diode to overheat and sacrifice the life or something.


If the voltage is the same and the size is the same, there shouldn't be a problem.


Tell me what the 5mW beam is like in normal air conditions, like can you see it? How clearly? etc... (I'm considering getting one).


One sold on ebay for £26 which is quite good, they're getting cheaper quite quickly now.


I haven't recieved mine yet but i bought mine on ebay. If you are going to buy one on ebay i highly recommend this seller, abeland1



He also ships internationaly. As far as the beam goes for being visible in the dark, ive seen photoes where there a solid beam, like a light saber. This is done by increasing the exposure time of the film. From what i believe its a faint beam. I believe this becasue people do use them for mounting them on there telescopes for alighning them to certain areas in space. SO the beam cant be to faint if you can use it for these purposes. I should get mine probaly wednesday (for some reason i cant spell wednesday, ior did i just spell it right?) so ill post it here. To bad i don't have a digital camera.


Yeah sure, all I want is to know what you think, I know someone who I was talking to earlier, he said he had a 15mW (in a lab) and you couldn't see the beam in the air (although he'd had been working in light conditions) he also said that the beam is quite bight and you get tired from working near it for too long and so they had to buy special filtering glasses.


And I just saw my red laser was <3mW.... that sucks!!! I really want a green one!


ya, i got my red one along time ago so i wasnt wise enough to save the packaging so i dont know if its a 630 or 650. I think its a 630 though becasue it was realy bright. I tried cleaning the lense last night and somehow broke it and i took it apart and screwed up the laser diode whie trying to fix it so now i dont have a good red one.


lasers are considered weopons at our school and the punishment for having one is the same as having a knife.


We just get them tooken away like cell phones. Our parents have to come pic them up afterschool. In elementry they were treated like weapons though..


Yeah.. these things are pretty dangerous. Not quite in the same class as those annoying red lasers that were ubiquitous in the late 90's. Eye damage could easily be done especially by the more powerful green and blue lasers. Heh! Nevermind eye damage, you can burn a person's skin with these suckers. Imagine a baseball game where someone in the crowd sets his car battery powered 1W green laser on the pitcher's flesh. It would be nearly impossible to identify the offender; he wouldn't even necessarily have to be in the park.


I got my green laser wednesday and it is probaly the single coolest thing I've ever seen. We had a rain storm with dense, low clouds and it auctualy hit the clouds with ease. I went onto the tallest hill in my town to test the true power of this laser and it auctualy created a green beam that spanned the whole town (about 2 miles). It was amazing. If you like laser pointers i sugest you buy one.


What's the mid-air beam like?


And in different conditions, like, during the day can you see it? How about a dark room? Just normal air conditions.


I've seen my red laser make a beam when it was snowing heavily, that's quite cool!


tell ya what IS fun with a laser, you`ll need a mirror and a long room or hallway.

put the mirror on the other end of the hall, fire the laser at it and look at the reflected pattern that bounces back to the opposite wall, not sure what causes it, but it`s certainly odd looking :)

What's the mid-air beam like?


And in different conditions' date=' like, during the day can you see it? How about a dark room? Just normal air conditions.


I've seen my red laser make a beam when it was snowing heavily, that's quite cool![/quote']



The beam is not visible in lighted conditions unless you look straight down the pen. YOu can see every single bit of dust in lighted conditoins though. In the dark you can see a very reasonable beam. I took up to a high hill and it shined a nice beam over town. To say the less, at night the beam is awesome. It shined on clouds when it was raining with a nice beam to them also. Every minutes air contaminat shows up in beam. To say the less, it is amazing.


YT, ive never done what you sugested, but i do have a long hallway with a mirror mounted on a door at the end of the hallway. I turn the lights of and shine it on the mirror and it makes two awesome beams down the hallway.





But ya, the beam shows reasonable if it is dark (doesnt need to be like pitch dark where you couldnt see anything in front of you) and no "solid" air contaminats.

The beam is not visible in lighted conditions unless you look straight down the pen.




Not a good idea, Buddy!


I suppose you know what you're doing.. but then if you did you wouldn't be looking into laser light. GREEN laser light. heh.


tell ya what IS fun with a laser, you`ll need a mirror and a long room or hallway.

put the mirror on the other end of the hall, fire the laser at it and look at the reflected pattern that bounces back to the opposite wall, not sure what causes it, but it`s certainly odd looking :)


Probably just a magnified reflection of the imperfections of the mirror.


Wow, you guys REALLY like lasers. (What do you all think about trasers?)


A traser is kind of like a weak fluorescent light. This is how it works:


It's usually composed of a sealed container of tritium gas, which is a radioactive hydrogen isotope with 2 neutrons per atom. I think it gives off beta particles which stimulate a phosphor coating on the inside which produces photons continuously with no external power source for between 10-15 years.




Pretty danged cool.

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