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I want to pulse a set of 6 LEDs. It should be one led at a time, not all 6 together. There is a site that shows how to pulse a single LED, but how do I get to pulse 6 of them, actually even 4 will do.


The LEDs will run off a 3.7V @ 1070 mA.


I tried to think of a simple solution without messing things up as space is also a constraint, but I ain't getting nowhere.


Or a 4017 ICC paired up with an input 555 would count up to 10.


7 segment displays use a 4026 ICC and I've also seen it done with a 4510 and 4511 ICCs.


is there any magical device that would convert DC current to AC current?

i.e. Give a sine wave output for a straightline input.

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