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I have an MSAccess table that looks like this:

Table: [i]MyThings[/i]

[b]ID[/b]	[b]Item[/b]	[b]TotalVotes[/b]	[b]Voters[/b]
1	Shoes	40		16
2	Coffee	4		2
3	Cat	20		5
4	Skirt	10		10


I have intended the last two fields as a rating system that works like this:

* Users select an item, and rate it between 1 and 5


* The users rating is added to the TotalVotes field, and the Voters field is incremented by 1.


* Officially, the rating of an item is equal TotalVotes / Voters. According to my current database, Shoes have a rating of 2.5 (40 accumulated votes / 16 voters), Coffee has a rating of 2, Cats have a of 4, and Skirts are wildly unpopular with a rating of 1.


I am trying to create a database search to show me only items with a rating of 2.5 or higher, however the following SQL does not work:

SELECT * FROM MyThings WHERE TotalVotes / Voters > 2.5


I have limited experience with SQL, so please do not mind my incredibly newbie question that probably has a very obvious answer :embarass:.


All assistance is appreciated in advance :)

According to my current database, Shoes have a rating of 2.5 (40 accumulated votes / 16 voters), Coffee has a rating of 2, Cats have a of 4, and Skirts are wildly unpopular with a rating of 1.

I dont see why your surprised skirts are so unpopular i hardly ever wear mine anymore :embarass:. However i much prefer a hot cup of black coffee in the morning then a hot cup of black moggy ;)

As for your question I took computing studies for two years and failed very single test. *curse you free arcade!!!! :mad: * but i would suggest puting 'TotalVotes / Voters ' in brackets :)



... but i would suggest puting 'TotalVotes / Voters ' in brackets :)




Did that work?


You may need square brackets around each column name...


I just created the table in MySQL, and tested the query (looked fine to me), and it seems to work fine. I guess it's a quirk in Access, because it doesn't really implement SQL very well. Try removing the space between / and the column names? I don't really know :)


Benson, Rajama, VikingF, Dave,


I ran the same query this morning without any changes, and it seemed to work fine. It must have been a problem with my Access.


But thanks anyway :)



All the best,

In My Memory

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