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Hey everyone, this is my personal project that I've been working on during the last few months. This is an obligatory project that you must complete to get an IB diploma. The point of this project is to able to make something that you like. I could've chosen to do anything but I chose to make a video on science, more specifically the field of quantum and particle physics. If you have 10 minutes laying around, please give this video a watch and tell me what you think. Thank you so much and enjoy.


Feedback would be amazing because I will need to cite some feedback in my final report. A grade on 10 would be amazing. Thanks again!





Moderator Note

Just a quick note regarding this thread (and to bump it up so it is actually seen). Staff took some time to discuss this and whether or not it should be permitted on the forum (generally we don't allow threads focused around an individual's YouTube video / channel). As you are asking for discussion about the contents of the video as opposed to simply advertising your video, or posting it in lieu of text, we have decided it's okay.

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