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Detecting Alien Artifacts in the Solar System

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Let's agree, for the sake of this discussion, that UFOs are very definitely not alien spacecraft.


Let's further consider that the answer to the Fermi paradox is that we have been visited, in the past.


In that context, what sort of evidence might there be of such past visits? How would we go about searching for that evidence?

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In that context, what sort of evidence might there be of such past visits?


Fossil/remain, with DNA/RNA (or alternative), using completely different compounds as building blocks than life on Earth..


During Miller–Urey experiment


there has been created amino acids which don't exist naturally on Earth.


"This experiment inspired many others. In 1961, Joan Oró found that the nucleotide base adenine could be made from hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and ammonia in a water solution. His experiment produced a large amount of adenine, the molecules of which were formed from 5 molecules of HCN.[15] Also, many amino acids are formed from HCN and ammonia under these conditions.[16] Experiments conducted later showed that the other RNA and DNA nucleobases could be obtained through simulated prebiotic chemistry with a reducing atmosphere.[17]"

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They could have left waste objects. e.g if we find metal or plastic objects that cannot be formed naturally and predate human technology to make them.


An ancient spacecraft would be quite compelling evidence.


It is not impossible that they left an encoded message in the junk DNA of some species.


We might find Slartibartfast's autograph embedded in the fjords of Norway.

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It doesn't - but I would assume they would be extra careful... maybe they aren't as clumsy as us... may be they have military like punishments for loosing a sonic screwdriver. 20 laps around the rings of Saturn, 500 push ups and half rations for 3 days. :)

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It doesn't - but I would assume they would be extra careful... maybe they aren't as clumsy as us... may be they have military like punishments for loosing a sonic screwdriver. 20 laps around the rings of Saturn, 500 push ups and half rations for 3 days. :)


Even if they are extra careful it doesn't answer the question. I would assume a trash dump orbiting in the asteroid belt would be evidence. I would look out in space to find the junk they leave behind. Considering how much energy it takes to move "stuff" from star to star I would imagine lots of things would be left behind. Of course they could drop them into the Sun or Jupiter but just balling them up and leaving them in orbit would be the easiest route. Leaving the stuff in the asteroid belt would be easy and make it difficult to find as well...

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Even if they are extra careful it doesn't answer the question. I would assume a trash dump orbiting in the asteroid belt would be evidence. I would look out in space to find the junk they leave behind. Considering how much energy it takes to move "stuff" from star to star I would imagine lots of things would be left behind. Of course they could drop them into the Sun or Jupiter but just balling them up and leaving them in orbit would be the easiest route. Leaving the stuff in the asteroid belt would be easy and make it difficult to find as well...


The question is, why bother?


Do I care if the ants come to understand my motives?

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So you buy into the super being paradigm?

In many cases the treatment of native peoples by the colonial powers were dismissive of their humanity and that was dealing with members of the same species. I don't think it is a large stretch to imagine that some alien races might be completely indifferent to humanity without in any way being considered "super beings".

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If you mean god, then no. If you mean a being superior to us, then yes; it has to be, if not now, at some point.



Superior technology doesn't mean superior beings. We have technology that humans 5000 years ago couldn't even conceive of and yet they were still humans and only our technology sets us apart...

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Superior technology doesn't mean superior beings. We have technology that humans 5000 years ago couldn't even conceive of and yet they were still humans and only our technology sets us apart...


Indeed, but that was kinda my point.

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How does technology mean superior?


I never said it did.


The fundamental question is, how are we superior to ants?


But if we are, then at some point in the future/universe another being will be/is superior to us.

Edited by dimreepr
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I think there is every chance that if aliens ever came to Earth, it would be by way of un"manned" machines.


After all, what kind of machines will we have in the year 3,000 ? And why would you send humans on such incredibly long journeys for no reward of any kind?


There's every chance that by the year 3,000 we will be able to produce machines that are "superior" to humans.

And you will be able to shut them down for a thousand years, and wake them up on arrival at the target.


That's the sort of stuff I would expect to find, if aliens had bothered with coming our way.

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I think there is every chance that if aliens ever came to Earth, it would be by way of un"manned" machines.


After all, what kind of machines will we have in the year 3,000 ? And why would you send humans on such incredibly long journeys for no reward of any kind?


There's every chance that by the year 3,000 we will be able to produce machines that are "superior" to humans.

And you will be able to shut them down for a thousand years, and wake them up on arrival at the target.


That's the sort of stuff I would expect to find, if aliens had bothered with coming our way.

Quite possibly, but we may well be able "shut down" humans for thousands of years also.


As to the reward, a dreamless sleep, followed immediately by the opportunity to gaze on an alien planetary system would seem the ultimate reward to many. Perhaps we can find the aliens discarded hibernation pods!

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Superior technology doesn't mean superior beings. We have technology that humans 5000 years ago couldn't even conceive of and yet they were still humans and only our technology sets us apart...


Yup, and there are remnants of physical structures on the earth’s surface that were constructed thousands of years earlier than 5,000 years ago, .....via use of technology that the humans of 5000 years ago couldn't even conceive of …… and that present day humans still do not have the technology to reproduce those same structures in their completed original form.


To wit, three (3) of said ancient structures:


The Great Pyramid of Giza,

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the most substantial ancient structure in the world - and the most mysterious. According to prevailing archaeological theory - and there is absolutely no evidence to confirm this idea - the three pyramids on the Giza plateau are funerary structures of three kings of the fourth dynasty (2575 to 2465 BC).



The World’s First Temple, Gobekli Tepe

What makes Gobeklitepe unique in its class is the date it was built, Carbon-dating shows that the complex is at least 12,000 years old, maybe even 13,000 years old.



The stone ruins of Puma Punku, Bolivia.

Puma Punku in Bolivia is one of the world’s most mysterious ancient sites. This remains true for both academic archaeologists and historians as well as rogue historians who investigate the hypothesis of advanced prehistoric civilizations or ancient assistance from extraterrestrials.



And then there are these that need explanations, to wit:


Mysterious Prehistoric Artifacts (Photos)

Pictures of nine (9) items of unknown origin.


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The Great Pyramid of Giza,

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the most substantial ancient structure in the world - and the most mysterious. According to prevailing archaeological theory - and there is absolutely no evidence to confirm this idea - the three pyramids on the Giza plateau are funerary structures of three kings of the fourth dynasty (2575 to 2465 BC).

There is a sarcophagus inside.

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There is a sarcophagus inside.


There is a large rectangular box, fashioned out of a single piece of stone, that is situate in the Great Pyramid.


But that stone box is not a sarcophagus because it did not have a stone lid (covering) .... nor is it adorned with any graphics or inscriptions.


sarcophagus - a stone coffin, typically adorned with a sculpture or inscription and associated with the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Rome, and Greece.



As a matter of fact, there is absolutely no sculpture, graphics or inscriptions to be found anywhere within the confines of the Great Pyramid.


And given the fact that the Great Pyramid was originally encased, all four (4) sides, top to bottom, with pure white limestone, including the entrance way, resulting in an extremely smooth highly reflective surface ....... means there was no sculptures, graphics or inscriptions on the exterior surface.


And a 2nd historical fact is, ...... there never was an Egyptian Ruler or Pharaoh that order the construction of anything that he/she didn't also order his//her, per se, "signature" carved everywhere in it or on it.


The Egyptians just "laid claim" to the Sphynx and the Great Pyramid after they were forced to migrate out of the Sahara and across north Africa to the Nile River delta/valley.

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There is a large rectangular box, fashioned out of a single piece of stone, that is situate in the Great Pyramid.


But that stone box is not a sarcophagus because it did not have a stone lid (covering) .... nor is it adorned with any graphics or inscriptions.



As a matter of fact, there is absolutely no sculpture, graphics or inscriptions to be found anywhere within the confines of the Great Pyramid.


And given the fact that the Great Pyramid was originally encased, all four (4) sides, top to bottom, with pure white limestone, including the entrance way, resulting in an extremely smooth highly reflective surface ....... means there was no sculptures, graphics or inscriptions on the exterior surface.


And a 2nd historical fact is, ...... there never was an Egyptian Ruler or Pharaoh that order the construction of anything that he/she didn't also order his//her, per se, "signature" carved everywhere in it or on it.


The Egyptians just "laid claim" to the Sphynx and the Great Pyramid after they were forced to migrate out of the Sahara and across north Africa to the Nile River delta/valley.




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