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Guest armored

This is my question:

1 volt per second equals 1 tesla per square meter equals 1000000000 nanotesla and yielding frequency of 42580000hz or 42.58mhz denotable through the proton precision frequency calculation which is: Capacitance to frequency "W.value =42.58*(this.value*1E-9)*1E6" "F.value = (1E9*(this.value*1E-6)) / 42.58" .



these calculations I need to know a few different variables for the how the 42.58mhz was 1 volt because they were using a medium of hydrogen, and all equations are thereby based off of efforts to describe a system through hydrogens atomic scattering factors, when there are billions of different frequencies, yielding billions of different elements, and anyone will yield a different resistance in power in decibels to the 42.58mhz, also a temperature coeffecients as not all elements are stable at the temperature that we are inside of now, and frequency db, or power is directly effected by temperature, and the power in db will drop off accordingly with the atomic scattering factors of each element and the temperature fluctuations, thereby yielding a non noted power level in decibels into the element is not really what I am in search of, I am looking for the power in db of the 42.58mhz into the hydrogen, the loss in db, and the output in db of the 42.58mhz. Today the element is denoted by it's characteristics on the atomic scattering factors to retain the frequency induced into it, thereby when a ping back is hit the note is taken for future analization of each element with the same characteristics. What I am essentially looking for is a process that is denotable with a predictable outcome for resistance and db loss from frequency attenuation through the elements, and I am not really sure how the proton precision frequency calculation applies to changing the amount of nanoteslas into a frequency, when inside it has 42.58mhz which is denotable through only one element with no power readings before and after. Thereby we have many elements around us so the notable differences would be seen in a computer model. The meters which are based on the galvanometer to test for the one volt on the medium of copper and adjust it accordingly to make 1 volt equal 1 volt by the equation which is frequency=1over capacitance of 1 times resistance of 1. This is a very unusual means of accurately seeing exactly what you have if you are basing the measurement off of one element. I am looking for a way to know exactly what 1 volt registers in every medium so that a accurate computer model can be made. What frequency is 1 volt, and the attenuation factor for each known element.

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