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My Unified Field Theory


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I have a theory that I think is the big breakthrough theory, and made a web page, have a look if you like and make some comments.



The Unified Field Theory,

This theory introduces a new idea on how the brain works. Our current understanding would tell us that there is only one parameter in the likelihood that a neuron will fire. This parameter is met when the potential between the fluid inside the neuron and the fluid outside is high enough, then the neuron fires. In this new theory there are three parameters in play. The fluid parameter that I just mentioned, and the memory and sleep/imagination parameters as well. We start by defining the moment a neuron fires as the moment the pulse starts down the axon. Only one neuron fires at a time.

When we look at a photo, neurons fire in response to the light coming in our eyes, creating a pattern of synaptic activity unique to the photo across some region of the brain. Later when we look at the same photo the pattern will repeat and we will know we have seen the photo before. The pattern will generate thoughts of course, but because the same stimulus produces a different response the second time, this theory contends that it is the pattern itself that triggers the recollection sequence in the brain. The brain can tell when a pattern repeats.

The brain needs a way to measure and store information concerning patterns of synaptic activity. A pattern of synaptic activity is essentially the same thing as the information concerning the relative locations of molecules across a region of the brain. So the brain needs some way to measure and store information about the locations of molecules.

Enter the parlif. We want to be able to stop time, run around collecting the information we need and then be able to store it. We just want a particle that can be responsible for all this, but the particle came from somewhere too so it has to have some serious history as well. We will define a custom particle, the parlif, give it some rules and search for the algorithms that we need.

The parlif is a sphere, it shrinks and grows in size, and it can not stop. The parlif is attracted to itself. If it goes far enough in either direction it will arrive at the place where it started. It can speed up, slow down, change directions. When it changes directions it leaves a sphere where it turned. It hits and passes through these other spheres but only when everything is of a medium size. There is nothing to hit when the parlifs’ really big or small. it can pass through these other spheres one at a time or it can take them all with it as it moves.

Here is a short video that illustrates the kind of activity I’m describing, but just before I do that I’d like to describe one breakthrough of this theory.


Here is the sleep/imagination parameter, the silhouette,

There is a function that maps every neuron onto a point in space. The function behaves for practical purposes much like a collection of pointers. Each pointer going from a neuron that fired to the neuron that fired immediately after it. If neuron x fires and then neuron y, a pointer is created from x to y. If the next time neuron x fires it is neuron z that follows, then the pointer from x to y is destroyed and a pointer from x to z is made. The pointers form loops of neurons and every time a neuron fires the loops change. The loop that contains the last neuron to fire is called the power loop. if the next neuron to fire is on the power loop, that loop will split into two. If the next neuron to fire is not on the power loop those two loops will join. Neurons are encouraged or discouraged from firing to the degree that their firing will increase the size of the power loop. The loops give you imagination. Because of the demands of other parameters, while you are awake the loops generally shrink in size and while you sleep they grow.


Now here's a link to a short video of how the parlif sets out to measure and store information about the locations of the molecules, all simplified. It packs up the molecules into a collection of almost concentric spheres, and leaves a copy of those molecules, with the electrons moved ninety degrees. The video shows an interesting phenomena. See how the process pushes all the uncaptured circles away. After the parlif captures a circle and stows the line behind x, it comes through x agian and starts to grow. It grows till it gets to the size it was when it first contacted the circle. Then it pushes everything in front of it away until it reaches the size it would have been to loose contact with the circle, had it just passed over that circle. This way the parlif is only in contact with one circle at a time, it pushes the others out of the way till it is free. The upshot of that is that it will behave as though it has captured half the molecules in the universe, when in fact it has only gotten a minuscule fraction of that.




Why define the moment the pulse starts as the moment a neuron fires?

Because you have to figure out which neuron is going to fire next. A neuron fires at one moment, fine, but at the same moment a parlif (as in the video above) is sent out from half the neurons. There’s two sets of neurons, a right set and a left set and only one set sends out the parlifs. The parlifs grow and this moves them into the future, where they all look for active synapses. The parlif that is best able to find one, jumps the synaptic cleft, and the neuron that originally sent out that parlif fires. This connects the two moments in time, the moment when it fired and the moment when one of its’ buttons was active. The moments are connected while the parlif rides along length of the axon, storing the info it gathered about molecular locations. That means that at each moment in time a neuron fires and as well a cleft is jumped by a neuron that had fired before.

Originally I wanted to use my eyes as a kind of biofeedback device where-by I could change which memories I was accessing by changing which direction I was looking, and then I combined that with wanting to use information about molecular locations as memories.

So in order to gather the information about where the molecules are at the moment, at the centre of the nucleus of a neuron make a point, the origin, and draw a line from the origin in the direction you’re looking. Measure the locations of molecules in that direction. You can compare that with measurements made in the past. Now look in a different direction and you’ll get different molecules and different memories. So great, you have some control over what you’re thinking. Now make a plane orthogonal to the line at that origin, and this plane doesn’t intersect with any molecules. Make a parallel plane right behind the first one and with nothing in between. That is where we are going to store the information, between the planes, if we magnify it enough there is lots of room.

So all the other planes landing in the video to the left of the origin, are being stored between the two planes we made. There was more stuff going there then we thought and by the end the two planes aren’t so close together, they have become about as far apart as the width of the synaptic cleft.

At an active button, at one moment in time a synaptic vesicle breaks the surface of the presynaptic membrane, and at the same moment a molecule passes to the interior of the post synaptic membrane. Theses two events occur at the same moment and that is what enables the parlif to find the synapse and make the jump. The structures, because of their shapes and movements over time, are of great assistance to the parlif in what it’s doing, as are the rings of molecules that enter/leave the axon as the pulse moves along it.

The information concerning the locations of the molecules has been reduced to directions of planes as per the video. Imagine there is a sphere about the size of a small orange in the centre of your brain. Represent all the consecutive moments in time much as you would a loose row of oranges. Now, in order to map the information about the locations of molecules onto the pulse as it travels down/up the axon, associate with each moment between when the neuron fired and when it jumped the cleft, with an appropriate plane from the stack representing those molecular locations. The first molecules hit are in erratic directions and so probably that end of the stack goes with the synapse end of the pulse. Now rotate each moment/orange to the appropriate direction as dictated by its’ associated plane. Those are property of the firing neuron. Each neuron has its’ own such string of moments stretching into the future from when it fired.


Gregory Ivan Ustina


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