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one other quick question...


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I believe that you can do your calculations as if the reactances were resistances, which results in simple voltage division to find the potential difference across each component.


When working with the current and voltage values, you should use RMS values to be consistent (they are convenient when you want to do power dissipation calculations) and thus the results of the calculations will also be in RMS. This is the electrical average used in AC circuits, because when you have sinusodial waveforms, the current and voltage changes all the time. Sometimes it will go from left to right, then it will go from right to left and at certain times it will be zero.


You will also find that at any instant, the instantaneous voltage across the capacitor or inductor may be 100 to 1000 times higher than the driving source. There are many many other things to note about resonant circuits, but I don't know where to start ~_~

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You've got the capacitive reactance Xc and inductive reactance XL

the two resistors add to equal 80 ohms = Rt


the impedance Z = sqrt (Rt squared + (XL - Xc)sqrd)


Fr = 1÷ 2*pi* (sqrt(L*C))

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